Meerkat - Manage MongoDB documents as Moose objects


version 0.016


use Meerkat;

my $meerkat = Meerkat->new(
    model_namespace => "My::Model",
    database_name   => "test",
    client_options  => {
        host => "mongodb://",
        username => "willywonka",
        password => "ilovechocolate",

my $person = $meerkat->collection("Person"); # My::Model::Person

# create an object and insert it into the MongoDB collection
my $obj = $person->create( name => 'John' );

# modify an object atomically
$obj->update_inc ( likes => 1               ); # increment a counter
$obj->update_push( tags => [qw/hot trendy/] ); # push to an array

# find a single object
my $copy = $person->find_one( { name => 'John' } );

# get a Meerkat::Cursor for multiple objects
my $cursor = $person->find( { tags => 'hot' } );


Meerkat lets you manage MongoDB documents as Moose objects. Your objects represent projections of the document state maintained in the database.

When you create an object, a corresponding document is inserted into the database. This lets you use familiar Moose attribute builders and validation to construct your documents.

Because state rests in the database, you don't modify your object with accessors. Instead, you issue MongoDB update directives that change the state of the document atomically in the database and synchronize the object state with the result.

Meerkat is not an object-relational mapper. It does not offer or manage relations or support embedded objects.

Meerkat is fork-safe. It maintains a cache of MongoDB::Collection objects that gets cleared when a fork occurs. Meerkat will transparently reconnect from child processes.


Meerkat divides functional responsibilities across six classes:

  • Meerkat — associates a Perl namespace to a MongoDB connection and database

  • Meerkat::Collection — associates a Perl class within a namespace to a MongoDB collection

  • Meerkat::Role::Document — enhances a Moose object with Meerkat methods and metadata

  • Meerkat::Cursor — proxies a result cursor and inflates documents into objects

  • Meerkat::DateTime — proxies an epoch value with lazy DateTime inflation

  • Meerkat::Types — provides type definition and coercion for Meerkat::DateTime

You define your documents as Moose classes that consume Meerkat::Role::Document. This gives them several support methods to update, synchronize or remove documents from the database.

In order to create objects from your model or retrieve them from the database, you must first create a Meerkat object that manages your connection to the MongoDB database. This is where you specify your database host, authentication options and so on.

You then get a Meerkat::Collection object from the Meerkat object, which holds an association between the model class and a collection in the database. This class does all the real work of creating, searching, updating, or deleting from the underlying MongoDB collection.

If you use the Meerkat::Collection object to run a query that could have multiple results, it returns a Meerkat::Cursor object that wraps the MongoDB::Cursor and inflates results into objects from your model.

Meerkat::DateTime lazily inflates floating point epoch seconds into DateTime objects. It's conceptually similar to DateTime::Tiny, but based on the epoch seconds returned by the MongoDB client for its internal date value representation.

See Meerkat::Tutorial and Meerkat::Cookbook for more.


model_namespace (required)

A perl module namespace that will be prepended to class names requested via the "collection" method. If model_namespace is "My::Model", then $meerkat->collection("Baz") will load and associate the My::Model::Baz class in the returned collection object.

database_name (required)

A MongoDB database name used to store all collections generated via the Meerkat object and its collection factories. Unless a db_name is provided in the client_options attribute, this database will be the default for authentication.


A hash reference of MongoDB::MongoClient options that will be passed to its connect method.

Note: The dt_type will be forced to undef so that the MongoDB client will provide time values as epoch seconds. See the Meerkat::Cookbook for more on dealing with dates and times.


A perl module namespace that will be be used to search for custom collection classes. The collection_namespace will be prepended to class names requested via the "collection" method. If collection_namespace is "My::Collection", then $meerkat->collection("Baz") will load and use My::Collection::Baz for constructing a collection object. If collection_namespace is not provided or if no class is found under the namespace (or if it fails to load), then collection objects will be constructed using Meerkat::Collection.



my $meerkat = Meerkat->new(
    model_namespace => "My::Model",
    database_name   => "test",
    client_options  => {
        host => "mongodb://",
        username => "willywonka",
        password => "ilovechocolate",

Generates and returns a new Meerkat object. The model_namespace and database_name attributes are required.


my $person = $meerkat->collection("Person"); # My::Model::Person

Returns a Meerkat::Collection factory object or possibly a subclass if a collection_namespace attribute has been provided. A single parameter is required and is used as the suffix of a class name provided to the Meerkat::Collection class attribute.


my $coll = $meerkat->mongo_collection("My_Model_Person");

Returns a raw MongoDB::Collection object from the associated database. This is used internally by Meerkat::Collection and is not intended for general use.


Unless otherwise specified, all methods throw exceptions on error either directly or by not catching errors thrown by MongoDB classes.


Your objects are subject to the same limitations as any MongoDB document.

Most significantly, because MongoDB uses the dot character as a field separator in queries (e.g., you may not have the dot character as the key of any hash in your document.

# this will fail
$person->create( emails => { "" => "primary" } );

Be particularly careful with email addresses and URLs.


Working with raw MongoDB documents as pure data structures is a bit painful and annoying. There are some existing libraries that attempt to make life easier, but I found them deficient in one way or another.

I tried Mongoose first. I had problems when trying to work with multiple databases and doing any sort of authentication and it doesn't seem very actively maintained. MongoDBX::Class (discussed next) has some additional Mongoose critiques. Mongoose is about 1000 lines of code split across fourteen modules.

Next I looked at MongoDBx::Class. In many ways, it works much more like the basic MongoDB classes. What stopped me cold was that it requires inserts to be done with a raw data structure. That means no defaults, validation, lazy building and other stuff that I like about Moose. It does offer some support making updates easier, and I've adapted that approach for Meerkat. MongoDBx::Class is about 800 lines of code split across fifteen modules.

Both offer a relational model. While a noble goal, I'm suspicious of applying relational data models to a document-oriented database like MongoDB that doesn't have transactions. MongoDB offers atomic document updates, so I decided to focus Meerkat on that alone.

Mongoose and MongoDBx also support defining embedded documents. I haven't decided if that's necessary — and it adds quite a bit of complexity — so I haven't implemented it in Meerkat.

There are other MongoDB-based modules that I found and dismissed:

Conceptually, Meerkat is a bit similar to Mongoose, but less ambitious. (A meerkat is a smaller member of the mongoose family, after all.) It adopts some of the features I liked from MongoDBx::Class.

Meerkat focuses on:

  • Multiple database support

  • Easy configuration of database connections

  • Fork safety

  • Simplicity and (to the extent possible) Moosey-ness

  • A document-centric data model

Because it is less ambitious, Meerkat is smaller and less complex, currently about 480 lines of code split across six modules.


Meerkat documentation

Other MongoDB resources


David Golden <>


  • Mohammad S Anwar <>

  • Todd Bruner <>

  • Todd Bruner <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004