This provide a simple read-only list of Megaport "partner ports". Details about the objects returned by the API can be found here.
Partner Ports
In Megaport terminology, a partner port is a Megaport service that is active on the network which is a valid target for VXC orders. Not all Megaport POPs are interconnected, there is the concept of networkRegion
which defines which locations are accessible to each other.
This endpoint provides a locationId
for each service but doesn't indicate the networkRegion
. For now, this will need to be handled in application code.
# Optional array or arrayref
my @list = $ports->list;
my $list = $ports->list;
# Use search terms to find a partial list
my @telx_nyc2 = $ports->list(locationId => 78);
my @google_cloud = $ports->list(companyUid => '29ba879b-45c8-48eb-bd97-618d0f20ea04');
# Or use a regexp to get a bit fancy
my @amsix = $ports->list(companyName => qr/^AMS-IX/);
Returns a list or allows searching based on any field present in the object.
# id is an alias for productUid
my $azure_wash_dc = $ports->get(id => '4695b867-84ad-48b4-bf25-fca26c443f2c');
Best used to search by id
but as with "list" in list, any field can be used. This method uses "first" in List::Util to return the first matching entry. The data is stored in a hash internally so the keys are unordered. Using this method with a search term like companyUid
will yield unexpected results.
Cameron Daniel <>