Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache - Role for Mojo::UserAgent that provides caching



# Apply the role
my $ua_class_with_cache = Mojo::UserAgent->with_roles('+Cache');
my $ua = $ua_class_with_cache->new;

# Change the global cache driver
use CHI;
$ua_class_with_cache->cache_driver_singleton(CHI->new(driver => "Memory", datastore => {}));

# Or change the driver for the instance
$ua->cache_driver(CHI->new(driver => "Memory", datastore => {}));

# The rest is like a normal Mojo::UserAgent
my $tx = $ua->get($url)->error;


package MyCoolModule;
use Mojo::Base -base;

has ua => sub {
    ? Mojo::UserAgent->with_roles('+Cache') : Mojo::UserAgent->new;

sub get_mojolicious_org {
  return shift->ua->get("");

Using the MOJO_USERAGENT_CACHE_STRATEGY inside the module is a very effective way to either use the global cache set up by a unit test, or run with the default Mojo::UserAgent without caching.


use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache;
use MyCoolModule;
use Test::More;

# Set up the environment and change the global cache_driver before running
# the tests

# Run the tests
my $cool = MyCoolModule->new;
is $cool->get_mojolicious_org->res->code, 200, " works";



Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache is a role for the full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket user agent Mojo::UserAgent, that provides caching.

The "SYNOPSIS" shows how to use this in with tests, but there's nothing wrong with using it for other things as well, where you want caching.

By default, this module caches everything without any expiration. This is because Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache::Driver::File is very basic and actually just meant for unit testing. If you want something more complex, you can use CHI or another "cache_driver" that implements the logic you want.

One exotic hack that is possible, is to make "cache_key" return the whole $tx object and then implement a wrapper around CHI that will investigate the transaction and see if it wants to cache the request at all.



Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache is still under development, so there will be changes and there is probably bugs that needs fixing. Please report in if you find a bug or find this role interesting.

Upgrading from 0.02 to 0.03

Upgrading from version 0.02 to 0.03 will cause all your cached files to be invalid, since the "cache_key" is changed. If you are using Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache::Driver::File, you can set the environment variable MOJO_UA_CACHE_RENAME=1 to on-the-fly rename the old files to the new format.



$obj = $self->cache_driver;
$self = $self->cache_driver(CHI->new);

Holds an object that will get/set the HTTP messages. Default is Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache::Driver::File, but any backend that supports get() and set() should do. This means that you can use CHI if you like.


$code = $self->cache_key;
$self = $self->cache_key(sub { my $tx = shift; return $tx->req->url });

Holds a code ref that returns an array-ref of the key parts that is passed on to get() or set() in the "cache_driver".

This works with CHI as well, since CHI will serialize the key if it is a reference.

The default is EXPERIMENTAL, but returns this value for now:

  $http_method, # get, post, ...
  $host,        # no port
  $path_query,  # /foo?x=42
  md5($body),   # but not for GET


$code = $self->cache_strategy;
$self = $self->cache_strategy(sub { my $tx = shift; return "passthrough" });

Used to set up a callback to return a cache strategy. Default value is read from the MOJO_USERAGENT_CACHE_STRATEGY environment variable or "playback_or_record".

The return value from the $code can be one of:

  • passthrough

    Will disable any caching.

  • playback

    Will never send a request to the remote server, but only look for recorded messages.

  • playback_or_record

    Will return a recorded message if it exists, or fetch one from the remote server and store the response.

  • record

    Will always fetch a new response from the remote server and store the response.



$obj = Mojo::UserAgent::Role::Cache->cache_driver_singleton;

Used to retrieve or set the default "cache_driver". Useful for setting up caching globally in unit tests.


Jan Henning Thorsen


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Mojo::UserAgent, and