Mojolicious::Plugin::Log::Elasticsearch - Mojolicious Plugin to log requests to an Elasticsearch instance


version 1.162530


# Config for your elasticsearch instance
my $config = { elasticsearch_url => 'http://localhost:9200',
               index             => 'webapps', 
               type              => 'MyApp',
               timestamp_field   => 'timestamp',           # optional
               geo_ip_citydb     => 'some/path/here.dat',  # optional
               log_stash_keys    => [qw/foo bar baz/],     # optional
               extra_keys_hook   => sub { .. },            # optional

# Mojolicious
$self->plugin('Log::Elasticsearch', $config);

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'Log::Elasticsearch', $config;


Mojolicious::Plugin::Log::Elasticsearch logs all requests to your app to an elasticsearch instance, allowing you to retroactively slice and dice your application performance in fascinating ways.

After each request (via after_dispatch), a non-blocking request is made to the elasticsearch system via Mojo::UserAgent. This should mean minimal application performance hit, but does mean you need to run under hypnotoad or morbo for the non-blocking request to work.

The new Elasticsearch index is created if necessary when your application starts. The following data points will be logged each request:

  • ip - IP address of requestor

  • path - request path

  • code - HTTP code of response

  • method - HTTP method of request

  • time - the number of seconds the request took to process (internally, not accounting for network overheads)

Additionally, if you supply a path to a copy of the GeoLiteCity.dat database file in the config key 'geo_ip_citydb', and have the Geo::IP module installed, the following keys will also be submitted to Elasticsearch:

  • location - latitude and longitude of the city the IP address belongs to

  • country_code - two letter country code of the country the IP address belongs to

The city database can be obtained here:

The optional timestamp_field should be used if you'd like to have timestamps submitted with each entry using a defined name. If no timestamp_field is specified, the elasticsearch index will be created with an automatic timestamp configuration. Note that that feature was deprecated in recent versions of elasticsearch, if using a recent version you must specify this parameter.

If you specify an arrayref of keys in the log_stash_keys configuration value, those corresponding values will be pulled from the request's stash (if present) and also sent to Elasticsearch.

If you supply a coderef for the key extra_keys_hook, that sub will be executed at end of each request. It will be passed a single argument, the request itself. It should return a hash, which contains extra key/value pairs which will go into the Elasticsearch index. These keys may override existing entries for that request - for example if you'd like to override the path for some reason, you can do it here.

When the index is created, appropriate types are set for the 'ip', 'path' and 'location' fields - in particular the 'path' field is set to not_analyzed so that it will not be treated as tokens separated by '/'.


Mojolicious::Plugin::Log::Elasticsearch inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.



Register plugin in Mojolicious application.


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides,,


Justin Hawkins <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Justin Hawkins.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.