MooseX::Storage::IO::CHI - Store and retrieve Moose objects to a cache, via CHI.
First, configure your Moose class via a call to Storage:
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage(io => [ 'CHI' => {
key_attr => 'doc_id',
key_prefix => 'mydoc-',
cache_args => {
driver => 'Memcached::libmemcached',
servers => [ "", "" ],
has 'doc_id' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has 'title' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'body' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'tags' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef');
has 'authors' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef');
Now you can store/load your class to the cache you defined in cache_args:
use MyDoc;
# Create a new instance of MyDoc
my $doc = MyDoc->new(
doc_id => 'foo12',
title => 'Foo',
body => 'blah blah',
tags => [qw(horse yellow angry)],
authors => {
jdoe => {
name => 'John Doe',
email => '',
roles => [qw(author reader)],
bsmith => {
name => 'Bob Smith',
email => '',
roles => [qw(editor reader)],
# Save it to cache (will be stored using key "mydoc-foo12")
# Load the saved data into a new instance
my $doc2 = MyDoc->load('foo12');
# This should say 'Bob Smith'
print $doc2->authors->{bsmith}{name};
MooseX::Storage::IO::CHI is a Moose role that provides an io layer for MooseX::Storage to store/load your Moose objects to a cache, using CHI.
You should understand the basics of Moose, MooseX::Storage, and CHI before using this module.
At a bare minimum the consuming class needs to give this role a CHI configuration, and a field to use as a cachekey - see cache_args and key_attr.
Following are the parameters you can set when consuming this role that configure it in different ways.
"key_attr" is a required parameter when consuming this role. It specifies an attribute in your class that will provide the value to use as a cachekey when storing your object via CHI's set method.
A string that will be used to prefix the key_attr value when building the cachekey.
Expiration duration to use when saving items to cache.
A hashref of args that will be passed to CHI's constructor when building cache objects.
Parameters you can use if you want to rename the various attributes and methods that are added to your class by this role.
Following are attributes that will be added to your consuming class.
A CHI object that will be used to communicate to your cache. See CACHE CONFIGURATION for how to configure.
You can change this attribute's name via the cache_attr parameter.
Following are methods that will be added to your consuming class.
$obj->store([ cache => $cache ])
Object method. Stores the packed Moose object to your cache, via CHI's set method. You can optionally pass in a cache object directly instead of using the object's cache attribute.
We will look at the <"expires_in"|expires_in> parameter when calling set().
$obj = $class->load($key_value, [, cache => $cache, inject => { key => val, ... } ])
Class method. Queries your cache using CHI's get method, and returns a new Moose object built from the resulting data. Returns undefined if there was a cache miss.
The first argument is the key value (the value for key_attr) to use, and is required. It will be prefixed with key_prefix when querying the cache.
You can optionally pass in a cache object directly instead of having the class build one for you.
You can also pass in an inject hashref to supply additional arguments to the class' new function, or override ones from the cached data.
$cache = $class->build_cache()
You can change this method's name via the cache_builder_method parameter.
$args = $class->cache_args()
You can change this method's name via the cache_args_method parameter.
There are a handful ways to configure how this module sets up a CHI object to talk to your cache:
A) Setup contructor args via the cache_args parameter. See the SYNOPSIS for an example of how to do this.
B) Pass your own cache object at every call, e.g.
my $cache = CHI->new(...);
my $obj = MyDoc->new(...);
$obj->store(cache => $cache);
my $obj2 = MyDoc->load(cache => $cache);
C) Override the cache_args method in your class to provide constructor args for CHI, e.g.
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage(io => [ 'CHI' => {
key_attr => 'doc_id',
sub cache_args {
my $class = shift;
my $servers = My::Config->memcached_servers;
return {
driver => 'Memcached::libmemcached',
servers => $servers,
D) Override the build_cache method in your class to directly build a CHI object, e.g.
package MyDoc;
sub build_cache {
my $class = shift;
my $cache = My::Config->get_cache_obj;
return $cache;
If your class provides a format serialization level - i.e. freeze and thaw methods - it will be called around calling CHI's get/set methods. Otherwise, we will rely on CHI's serialization.
Steve Caldwell <>
Copyright 2015- Steve Caldwell <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Thanks to Campus Explorer, who allowed me to release this code as open source.