Net::API::Stripe::Connect::AppsSecret - The Secret object





Secret Store is an API that allows Stripe Apps developers to securely persist secrets for use by UI Extensions and app backends.

The primary resource in Secret Store is a secret. Other apps can't view secrets created by an app. Additionally, secrets are scoped to provide further permission control.

All Dashboard users and the app backend share account scoped secrets. Use the account scope for secrets that don't change per-user, like a third-party API key.

A user scoped secret is accessible by the app backend and one specific Dashboard user. Use the user scope for per-user secrets like per-user OAuth tokens, where different users might have different permissions.

Related guide: Store data between page reloads.


id string

Unique identifier for the object.

object string

String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

created timestamp

Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

deleted boolean

If true, indicates that this secret has been deleted

expires_at timestamp

The Unix timestamp for the expiry time of the secret, after which the secret deletes.

livemode boolean

Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

name string

A name for the secret that's unique within the scope.

payload string

The plaintext secret value to be stored.

scope hash

Specifies the scoping of the secret. Requests originating from UI extensions can only access account-scoped secrets or secrets scoped to their own user.

It has the following properties:

type string

The secret scope type.

user string

The user ID, if type is set to "user"


[ { "created" : "1662261085", "expires_at" : null, "id" : "appsecret_5110QzMIZ0005GiEH1m0419O8KAxCG", "livemode" : 0, "name" : "test-secret", "object" : "apps.secret", "scope" : { "type" : "account" } } ]



Initial version


Jacques Deguest <>


Stripe API documentation


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