my $frame1 = Net::BEEP::Lite::Frame->new
(Header => $header,
Payload => $payload);
my $frame2 = Net::BEEP::Lite::Frame->new
(Buffer => $header_plus_payload);
my $frame3 = Net::BEEP::Lite::Frame->new
(Type => "MSG",
Msgno => $message_number,
Size => $size,
More => '.',
Seqno => $sequence_number,
Channel => $channel_number);
"Net::BEEP::Lite::Frame" is a class used for describing BEEP frames, the underlying unit of transport in BEEP. This is generally not used in user code. Instead, it is used internally by the Net::BEEP::Lite::Session
class for sending and receiving messages.
- new( ARGS )
This is the main constructor for the class. It takes a named argument list. The following arguments are supported:
- Header
An unparsed frame header (e.g, "MSG 1 23 . 15563 49")
- Payload
The frame payload (the frame minus the header and trailer).
- Type
The frame type: one of (MSG, RPY, ERR, ANS, NUL, SEQ).
- Msgno
The frame's message number.
- Size
The size of the payload (not including trailer)
- More
Either "." (no more), or "*" (more). This is a flag that indicates whether the message being described by this frame is complete.
- Seqno
The sequence number of this frame. This is generally the number of octets already seen on the given channel.
- Channel
The channel number.
- type()
Returns the type of the frame. (e.g., "MSG", "RPY, "SEQ", etc.).
- msgno()
Returns the message number of the frame.
- size()
Returns the size of the frame. If there is a payload, it will return the size of that. In the absence of a payload, it will whatever it has been set to (presumably by parsing a frame header).
- more()
Returns either "." (no more) or "*" (more), a flag indicating whether or not this frame completes the message.
- completes()
Return true if this is a completing frame. I.e., return true if the more field is ".".
- seqno()
Returns the sequence number of the frame.
- ansno()
Returns the answer number. This only has meaning for ANS frames.
- channel_number()
Returns the channel number of the frame.
- payload()
Return the payload of the frame.
- ackno()
Returns the acknowledgment number of the frame. (SEQ frames only).
- window()
Returns the window size advertised by the frame. (SEQ frames only).
- set_payload($payload)
Sets this frame's payload to $payload.
- header_to_string()
Returns the string form of the header. This is valid for the wire.
- to_string()
Returns the string form of the entire frame (header, payload, and trailer). This valid for the wire.