Net::EtcDv2 - A object oriented Perl module to interact with the EtcD version 2 API


Version 0.0.1


use feature say;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::EtcDv2;

# create an un-authenticated object for an etcd running on localhost on
# port 2379
my $foo = Net::EtcDv2->new(
    'host' => "http://localhost",
    'port' => 2379

my $stat_struct = $foo->stat('/myDir');
say Dumper $stat_struct;

# outputs the following if '/myDir' exists and is a directory
# $VAR1 = {
#   'type' => 'dir',
#   'uri' => 'http://localhost:2379/myDir',
#   'ace' => '*:POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE',
#   'entryId' => 'cdf818194f3b8d32:23'
# };
# The ACE is the access allowed methods and and origin for that path, and
# the 'entryId' is made up from the cluster ID and the etcd item index ID


The Net::EtcDv2 module allows code to create, read, update, and delete key/value data in an etcd cluster. Additionally, using the v2 API, this module can create, list, and delete directories in the key store to organize the data.

Additionally, this module can manage users and roles, which govern the access rights to the key/value heirarchy.



The constructor for the class. For now, we only support HTTP basic authentication.

If the DEBUG environment variable is set, the class will emit debugging output on STDERR.


- class, SCALAR: The class name
- args,  HASH:   A hash of named parameters:
  - host:        the hostname of the etcd endpoint
  - port:        the port number of the etcd endpoint
  - user:        the username authorized for the etcd environment
  - password:    the password for the user authorized for the etcd


This method takes a path and gathers information about the etcd object. If the item doesn't exist, it throws an exception (error code 6).


- self, SCALAR REF: the object reference
- path, SCALAR:     the path segment of the URI to get info for

Return type:

- stat_struct: HASH: the stat information for the path


If the object is not found (HTTP 404), the method will emit error ENXIO


This method, like stat, takes a path and gathers information about the etcd object. If the item doesn't exist, it throws an exception (error code 6).

Unlike stat, it only returns in the JSON response the node name, type, and whether it has any children. In addition, while stat only returns specific information about the named node, ls can do recursive listing, and if the item requested was a directory, it's immediate children; any child items are nested in the response.


- self, SCALAR REF: the object reference
- path, SCALAR:     the path segment of the URI to get info for
- recursive, SCALAR boolean [OPTIONAL]: Whether to recursively descend into
                                        sub directories

Return type:

- status, SCALAR boolean: Whether the listing was successful or not
- stat_struct: HASH: the stat information for the path


If the object is not found (HTTP 404), the method will emit error ENXIO


This method creates a directory if the named object does not already exist at that level of the heirarchy. If it already exists, no matter if it is a key or directory, it emits an exception.


- self, SCALAR REF: the object reference
- path, SCALAR:     the full path to create

Return type:

- path, SCALAR:     the full path that was created


If the named entry, irregardless of the type, exists, the method will emit error EEXIST


This method will delete a directory if the named object exists, and is empty. If any of the following are true, the method emits and appropriate exception:

- If the directory does not exist
- If the directory is not empty unless the recursive flag is passed
- If the object is not a directory


- self, SCALAR REF:   the object reference
- path, SCALAR:       the full path to delete
- recursive, boolean: whether to recursively delete the directory if it
                      contains any content

Return type:

- path: SCALAR:       the path that was created


The following exceptions are emitted during error events:

- If the directory does not exist, a 404 exception is thrown
- If the directory is not empty, a 400 exception is thrown
- If the object is not a directory, a 400 exception is thrown


Gary L. Greene, Jr., <greeneg at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests via this module's GitHub Issues tracker, here:


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::EtcDv2

You can also look for information at:


This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Gary L. Greene, Jr.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004