POE::Filter::Audio::Mad - Simple filter support POE::Component::Audio::Mad::Handle


## could be any wheel,  really..
my $wheel = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
	Filter => POE::Filter::Audio::Mad->new(),
	## other options..


POE::Filter::Audio::Mad is a simple filter designed to translate streams
of characters into structured command packets.  This is a fairly simple
filter,  as such,  it places certain restrictions on the format of
the data passed through it.  However,  the input and output of this
filter are very similar and have the same restrictions.

Input is achived by translating textual input into command packets;  
command packets are hashrefs with two fields:  'id' and 'data'.  The 
'id' field is interpreted as a string,  and contains the name of the 
command to execute.  The 'data' field is interpreted as a list of 
named options,  similar to a hash,  but you are not allowed to use 
any whitespace characters in your keys.

To start a command,  you send the command name followed by a newline.
If you wish to include any named paramaters,  include them each on
their own line.  place the name of the parmater first on the line,
followed by whitespace and then the value of that paramater followed
by a newline.  To finish the command,  send a blank line follwed by
a newline.

For example,  to create a command packet with an id of 'open' and
two named parmaters:  'filename' that contains a path to a file,
and 'play' which is a boolean you would send:

open filename /path/to/some/stream.mp3 play 1

Output is achived almost through exactly the same rules,  except 
of course,  reversed.  Status packets are sent to the filter as
hashrefs with two fields 'id' and 'data',  id is the name of
the status message and data is a hashref possibly containing 
key/value pairs for named values.

The filter will then translate the status packet into a text
string for output to wherever.  The string starts with the
'id' field of the status packet followed by a newline.  Then
each key/value pair in the 'data' field is sent.  The key is
sent first and is guaranteed not to contain any whitespace,
then a single space and the value is sent followed by a
newline.  The entire packet is followed by a blank line and
a newline.

For example,  a status packet packet with an id field containing 
'DECODER_STATUS_DATA' and the data field containing the 
named paramaters:  'played' containing the value 50,  and
'progress' containing the value 10 would be translated to:

DECODER_STATUS_DATA played 50 progress 10

This filter is a bit simplistic,  but intentionally so.  It's
meant to provide an incredibly simple interface to the 
POE::Wheel::Audio::Mad decoder core.  You could just as well
use the POE::Filter::Reference filter to communicate more
easily with another perl process.  This is meant to be used
with thin clients.




Audio::Mad(3) Audio::OSS(3)


Mark McConnell, <>


Copyright 2003 by Mark McConnell

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself with the exception that you must also feel bad if you don't email me with your opinions of this module.