Parse::Pidl::Ethereal::Conformance - Conformance file parser for Ethereal
This module supports parsing Ethereal conformance files (*.cnf).
Pidl needs additional data for ethereal output. This data is read from so-called conformance files. This section describes the format of these files.
Conformance files are simple text files with a single command on each line. Empty lines and lines starting with a '#' character are ignored. Arguments to commands are seperated by spaces.
The following commands are currently supported:
- TYPE name dissector ft_type base_type mask valsstring alignment
Register new data type with specified name, what dissector function to call and what properties to give header fields for elements of this type.
- NOEMIT type
Suppress emitting a dissect_type function for the specified type
- PARAM_VALUE type param
Set parameter to specify to dissector function for given type.
- HF_FIELD hf title filter ft_type base_type valsstring mask description
Generate a custom header field with specified properties.
- HF_RENAME old_hf_name new_hf_name
Force the use of new_hf_name when the parser generator was going to use old_hf_name.
This can be used in conjunction with HF_FIELD in order to make more then one element use the same filter name.
Remove the specified prefix from all function names (if present).
- PROTOCOL longname shortname filtername
Change the short-, long- and filter-name for the current interface in Ethereal.
Change description for the specified header field. `field' is the hf name of the field.
- IMPORT dissector code...
Code to insert when generating the specified dissector. @HF@ and @PARAM@ will be substituted.
- TFS hf_name "true string" "false string"
Override the text shown when a bitmap boolean value is enabled or disabled.