This class represents one of two things:
Arguments in a call to a service
Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.
As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::AccessAnalyzer::AccessPreviewFinding object:
=> {
, ...,
Results returned from an API call
Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::AccessAnalyzer::AccessPreviewFinding object:
An access preview finding generated by the access preview.
Action => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The action in the analyzed policy statement that an external principal has permission to perform.
REQUIRED ChangeType => Str
Provides context on how the access preview finding compares to existing access identified in Access Analyzer.
- The finding is for newly-introduced access.Unchanged
- The preview finding is an existing finding that would remain unchanged.Changed
- The preview finding is an existing finding with a change in status.
For example, a Changed
finding with preview status Resolved
and existing status Active
indicates the existing Active
finding would become Resolved
as a result of the proposed permissions change.
Condition => Paws::AccessAnalyzer::ConditionKeyMap
The condition in the analyzed policy statement that resulted in a finding.
REQUIRED CreatedAt => Str
The time at which the access preview finding was created.
Error => Str
An error.
ExistingFindingId => Str
The existing ID of the finding in Access Analyzer, provided only for existing findings.
ExistingFindingStatus => Str
The existing status of the finding, provided only for existing findings.
The ID of the access preview finding. This ID uniquely identifies the element in the list of access preview findings and is not related to the finding ID in Access Analyzer.
IsPublic => Bool
Indicates whether the policy that generated the finding allows public access to the resource.
Principal => Paws::AccessAnalyzer::PrincipalMap
The external principal that has access to a resource within the zone of trust.
Resource => Str
The resource that an external principal has access to. This is the resource associated with the access preview.
REQUIRED ResourceOwnerAccount => Str
The AWS account ID that owns the resource. For most AWS resources, the owning account is the account in which the resource was created.
REQUIRED ResourceType => Str
The type of the resource that can be accessed in the finding.
Sources => ArrayRef[Paws::AccessAnalyzer::FindingSource]
The sources of the finding. This indicates how the access that generated the finding is granted. It is populated for Amazon S3 bucket findings.
REQUIRED Status => Str
The preview status of the finding. This is what the status of the finding would be after permissions deployment. For example, a Changed
finding with preview status Resolved
and existing status Active
indicates the existing Active
finding would become Resolved
as a result of the proposed permissions change.
This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::AccessAnalyzer
The source code is located here:
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