Paws::CloudFormation::TestType - Arguments for method TestType on Paws::CloudFormation


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method TestType on the AWS CloudFormation service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method TestType.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to TestType.


my $cloudformation = Paws->service('CloudFormation');
my $TestTypeOutput = $cloudformation->TestType(
  Arn               => 'MyTypeArn',          # OPTIONAL
  LogDeliveryBucket => 'MyS3Bucket',         # OPTIONAL
  Type              => 'RESOURCE',           # OPTIONAL
  TypeName          => 'MyTypeName',         # OPTIONAL
  VersionId         => 'MyTypeVersionId',    # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $TypeVersionArn = $TestTypeOutput->TypeVersionArn;

# Returns a L<Paws::CloudFormation::TestTypeOutput> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


Arn => Str

The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the extension.

Conditional: You must specify Arn, or TypeName and Type.

LogDeliveryBucket => Str

The S3 bucket to which CloudFormation delivers the contract test execution logs.

CloudFormation delivers the logs by the time contract testing has completed and the extension has been assigned a test type status of PASSED or FAILED.

The user calling TestType must be able to access items in the specified S3 bucket. Specifically, the user needs the following permissions:

  • GetObject

  • PutObject

For more information, see Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon S3 ( in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

Type => Str

The type of the extension to test.

Conditional: You must specify Arn, or TypeName and Type.

Valid values are: "RESOURCE", "MODULE"

TypeName => Str

The name of the extension to test.

Conditional: You must specify Arn, or TypeName and Type.

VersionId => Str

The version of the extension to test.

You can specify the version id with either Arn, or with TypeName and Type.

If you do not specify a version, CloudFormation uses the default version of the extension in this account and region for testing.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method TestType in Paws::CloudFormation


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