Paws::CodeStarNotifications - Perl Interface to AWS AWS CodeStar Notifications
use Paws;
my $obj = Paws->service('CodeStarNotifications');
my $res = $obj->Method(
Arg1 => $val1,
Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
# if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
# of the arguments type
Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
# if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
# the constructor of the arguments type
Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1' }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],
This AWS CodeStar Notifications API Reference provides descriptions and usage examples of the operations and data types for the AWS CodeStar Notifications API. You can use the AWS CodeStar Notifications API to work with the following objects:
Notification rules, by calling the following:
CreateNotificationRule, which creates a notification rule for a resource in your account.
DeleteNotificationRule, which deletes a notification rule.
DescribeNotificationRule, which provides information about a notification rule.
ListNotificationRules, which lists the notification rules associated with your account.
UpdateNotificationRule, which changes the name, events, or targets associated with a notification rule.
Subscribe, which subscribes a target to a notification rule.
Unsubscribe, which removes a target from a notification rule.
Targets, by calling the following:
DeleteTarget, which removes a notification rule target (SNS topic) from a notification rule.
ListTargets, which lists the targets associated with a notification rule.
Events, by calling the following:
ListEventTypes, which lists the event types you can include in a notification rule.
Tags, by calling the following:
ListTagsForResource, which lists the tags already associated with a notification rule in your account.
TagResource, which associates a tag you provide with a notification rule in your account.
UntagResource, which removes a tag from a notification rule in your account.
For information about how to use AWS CodeStar Notifications, see link in the CodeStarNotifications User Guide.
For the AWS API documentation, see
- DetailType => Str
- EventTypeIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
- Name => Str
- Resource => Str
- Targets => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Target]
- [ClientRequestToken => Str]
- [Status => Str]
- [Tags => Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Tags]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::CreateNotificationRule
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::CreateNotificationRuleResult instance
Creates a notification rule for a resource. The rule specifies the events you want notifications about and the targets (such as SNS topics) where you want to receive them.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DeleteNotificationRule
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DeleteNotificationRuleResult instance
Deletes a notification rule for a resource.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DeleteTarget
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DeleteTargetResult instance
Deletes a specified target for notifications.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DescribeNotificationRule
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::DescribeNotificationRuleResult instance
Returns information about a specified notification rule.
- [Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypesFilter]]
- [MaxResults => Int]
- [NextToken => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypes
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypesResult instance
Returns information about the event types available for configuring notifications.
- [Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRulesFilter]]
- [MaxResults => Int]
- [NextToken => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRules
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRulesResult instance
Returns a list of the notification rules for an AWS account.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTagsForResource
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTagsForResourceResult instance
Returns a list of the tags associated with a notification rule.
- [Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargetsFilter]]
- [MaxResults => Int]
- [NextToken => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargets
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargetsResult instance
Returns a list of the notification rule targets for an AWS account.
- Arn => Str
- Target => Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Target
- [ClientRequestToken => Str]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Subscribe
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::SubscribeResult instance
Creates an association between a notification rule and an SNS topic so that the associated target can receive notifications when the events described in the rule are triggered.
- Arn => Str
- Tags => Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Tags
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::TagResource
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::TagResourceResult instance
Associates a set of provided tags with a notification rule.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Unsubscribe
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::UnsubscribeResult instance
Removes an association between a notification rule and an Amazon SNS topic so that subscribers to that topic stop receiving notifications when the events described in the rule are triggered.
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::UntagResource
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::UntagResourceResult instance
Removes the association between one or more provided tags and a notification rule.
- Arn => Str
- [DetailType => Str]
- [EventTypeIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
- [Name => Str]
- [Status => Str]
- [Targets => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::Target]]
Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::CodeStarNotifications::UpdateNotificationRule
Returns: a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::UpdateNotificationRuleResult instance
Updates a notification rule for a resource. You can change the events that trigger the notification rule, the status of the rule, and the targets that receive the notifications.
To add or remove tags for a notification rule, you must use TagResource and UntagResource.
Paginator methods are helpers that repetively call methods that return partial results
ListAllEventTypes(sub { },[Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypesFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
ListAllEventTypes([Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypesFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- EventTypes, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'EventTypes' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListEventTypesResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
ListAllNotificationRules(sub { },[Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRulesFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
ListAllNotificationRules([Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRulesFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- NotificationRules, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'NotificationRules' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListNotificationRulesResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
ListAllTargets(sub { },[Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargetsFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
ListAllTargets([Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargetsFilter], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])
If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :
- Targets, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Targets' as the second parameter
If not, it will return a a Paws::CodeStarNotifications::ListTargetsResult instance with all the param
s; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.
This service class forms part of Paws
The source code is located here:
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