Enabled => Bool
Indicates that the status is enabled.
MFAOptions => ArrayRef[Paws::CognitoIdp::MFAOptionType]
This response parameter is no longer supported. It provides information only about SMS MFA configurations. It doesn't provide information about TOTP software token MFA configurations. To look up information about either type of MFA configuration, use UserMFASettingList instead.
PreferredMfaSetting => Str
The user's preferred MFA setting.
UserAttributes => ArrayRef[Paws::CognitoIdp::AttributeType]
An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.
UserCreateDate => Str
The date the user was created.
UserLastModifiedDate => Str
The date the user was last modified.
UserMFASettingList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The MFA options that are enabled for the user. The possible values in this list are SMS_MFA
REQUIRED Username => Str
The user name of the user about whom you are receiving information.
UserStatus => Str
The user status. Can be one of the following:
UNCONFIRMED - User has been created but not confirmed.
CONFIRMED - User has been confirmed.
ARCHIVED - User is no longer active.
COMPROMISED - User is disabled due to a potential security threat.
UNKNOWN - User status is not known.
RESET_REQUIRED - User is confirmed, but the user must request a code and reset his or her password before he or she can sign in.
FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD - The user is confirmed and the user can sign in using a temporary password, but on first sign-in, the user must change his or her password to a new value before doing anything else.
Valid values are: "UNCONFIRMED"
=head2 _request_id => Str