Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateProfile - Arguments for method UpdateProfile on Paws::CustomerProfiles


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateProfile on the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateProfile.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateProfile.


my $profile = Paws->service('CustomerProfiles');
my $UpdateProfileResponse = $profile->UpdateProfile(
  DomainName            => 'Myname',
  ProfileId             => 'Myuuid',
  AccountNumber         => 'Mystring0To255',     # OPTIONAL
  AdditionalInformation => 'Mystring0To1000',    # OPTIONAL
  Address               => {
    Address1   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address2   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address3   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address4   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    City       => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Country    => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    County     => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    PostalCode => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Province   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    State      => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
  },    # OPTIONAL
  Attributes => {
    'Mystring1To255' =>
      'Mystring0To255',    # key: min: 1, max: 255, value: max: 255
  },    # OPTIONAL
  BillingAddress => {
    Address1   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address2   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address3   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address4   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    City       => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Country    => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    County     => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    PostalCode => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Province   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    State      => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
  },    # OPTIONAL
  BirthDate            => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  BusinessEmailAddress => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  BusinessName         => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  BusinessPhoneNumber  => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  EmailAddress         => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  FirstName            => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  Gender               => 'MALE',              # OPTIONAL
  HomePhoneNumber      => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  LastName             => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  MailingAddress       => {
    Address1   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address2   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address3   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address4   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    City       => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Country    => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    County     => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    PostalCode => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Province   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    State      => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
  },    # OPTIONAL
  MiddleName           => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  MobilePhoneNumber    => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  PartyType            => 'INDIVIDUAL',        # OPTIONAL
  PersonalEmailAddress => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  PhoneNumber          => 'Mystring0To255',    # OPTIONAL
  ShippingAddress      => {
    Address1   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address2   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address3   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Address4   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    City       => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Country    => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    County     => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    PostalCode => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    Province   => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
    State      => 'Mystring0To255',    # max: 255
  },    # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $ProfileId = $UpdateProfileResponse->ProfileId;

# Returns a L<Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateProfileResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


AccountNumber => Str

A unique account number that you have given to the customer.

AdditionalInformation => Str

Any additional information relevant to the customer’s profile.

Address => Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateAddress

A generic address associated with the customer that is not mailing, shipping, or billing.

Attributes => Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateAttributes

A key value pair of attributes of a customer profile.

BillingAddress => Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateAddress

The customer’s billing address.

BirthDate => Str

The customer’s birth date.

BusinessEmailAddress => Str

The customer’s business email address.

BusinessName => Str

The name of the customer’s business.

BusinessPhoneNumber => Str

The customer’s business phone number.

REQUIRED DomainName => Str

The unique name of the domain.

EmailAddress => Str

The customer’s email address, which has not been specified as a personal or business address.

FirstName => Str

The customer’s first name.

Gender => Str

The gender with which the customer identifies.

Valid values are: "MALE", "FEMALE", "UNSPECIFIED"

HomePhoneNumber => Str

The customer’s home phone number.

LastName => Str

The customer’s last name.

MailingAddress => Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateAddress

The customer’s mailing address.

MiddleName => Str

The customer’s middle name.

MobilePhoneNumber => Str

The customer’s mobile phone number.

PartyType => Str

The type of profile used to describe the customer.

Valid values are: "INDIVIDUAL", "BUSINESS", "OTHER"

PersonalEmailAddress => Str

The customer’s personal email address.

PhoneNumber => Str

The customer’s phone number, which has not been specified as a mobile, home, or business number.

REQUIRED ProfileId => Str

The unique identifier of a customer profile.

ShippingAddress => Paws::CustomerProfiles::UpdateAddress

The customer’s shipping address.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method UpdateProfile in Paws::CustomerProfiles


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