

REQUIRED PortalArn => Str

The ARN ( of the portal, which has the following format.


REQUIRED PortalId => Str

The ID of the created portal.

REQUIRED PortalStartUrl => Str

The URL for the AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor portal. You can use this URL to access portals that use AWS SSO for authentication. For portals that use IAM for authentication, you must use the AWS IoT SiteWise console to get a URL that you can use to access the portal.

REQUIRED PortalStatus => Paws::IoTSiteWise::PortalStatus

The status of the portal, which contains a state (CREATING after successfully calling this operation) and any error message.

REQUIRED SsoApplicationId => Str

The associated AWS SSO application ID, if the portal uses AWS SSO.

_request_id => Str