Paws::LexModelsV2::CreateBotLocale - Arguments for method CreateBotLocale on Paws::LexModelsV2


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateBotLocale on the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateBotLocale.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateBotLocale.


my $models-v2-lex = Paws->service('LexModelsV2');
my $CreateBotLocaleResponse = $models - v2 -lex->CreateBotLocale(
  BotId                        => 'MyId',
  BotVersion                   => 'MyDraftBotVersion',
  LocaleId                     => 'MyLocaleId',
  NluIntentConfidenceThreshold => 1,
  Description                  => 'MyDescription',       # OPTIONAL
  VoiceSettings                => {
    VoiceId => 'MyVoiceId',

  },                                                     # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $BotId            = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->BotId;
my $BotLocaleStatus  = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->BotLocaleStatus;
my $BotVersion       = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->BotVersion;
my $CreationDateTime = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->CreationDateTime;
my $Description      = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->Description;
my $LocaleId         = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->LocaleId;
my $LocaleName       = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->LocaleName;
my $NluIntentConfidenceThreshold =
my $VoiceSettings = $CreateBotLocaleResponse->VoiceSettings;

# Returns a L<Paws::LexModelsV2::CreateBotLocaleResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see



The identifier of the bot to create the locale for.

REQUIRED BotVersion => Str

The version of the bot to create the locale for. This can only be the draft version of the bot.

Description => Str

A description of the bot locale. Use this to help identify the bot locale in lists.

REQUIRED LocaleId => Str

The identifier of the language and locale that the bot will be used in. The string must match one of the supported locales. All of the intents, slot types, and slots used in the bot must have the same locale. For more information, see Supported languages (

REQUIRED NluIntentConfidenceThreshold => Num

Determines the threshold where Amazon Lex will insert the AMAZON.FallbackIntent, AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent, or both when returning alternative intents. AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent are only inserted if they are configured for the bot.

For example, suppose a bot is configured with the confidence threshold of 0.80 and the AMAZON.FallbackIntent. Amazon Lex returns three alternative intents with the following confidence scores: IntentA (0.70), IntentB (0.60), IntentC (0.50). The response from the PostText operation would be:

  • AMAZON.FallbackIntent

  • IntentA

  • IntentB

  • IntentC

VoiceSettings => Paws::LexModelsV2::VoiceSettings

The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateBotLocale in Paws::LexModelsV2


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