Paws::Lightsail::CreateContainerService - Arguments for method CreateContainerService on Paws::Lightsail
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateContainerService on the Amazon Lightsail service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateContainerService.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateContainerService.
my $lightsail = Paws->service('Lightsail');
my $CreateContainerServiceResult = $lightsail->CreateContainerService(
Power => 'nano',
Scale => 1,
ServiceName => 'MyContainerServiceName',
Deployment => {
Containers => {
'MyContainerName' => {
Command => [ 'Mystring', ... ], # OPTIONAL
Environment => { 'Mystring' => 'Mystring', }, # OPTIONAL
Image => 'Mystring',
Ports => {
'Mystring' => 'HTTP', # , value: values: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP
}, # key: min: 1, max: 53
PublicEndpoint => {
ContainerName => 'Mystring',
ContainerPort => 1,
HealthCheck => {
HealthyThreshold => 1,
IntervalSeconds => 1,
Path => 'Mystring',
SuccessCodes => 'Mystring',
TimeoutSeconds => 1,
UnhealthyThreshold => 1,
PublicDomainNames => { 'Mystring' => [ 'Mystring', ... ], }, # OPTIONAL
Tags => [
Key => 'MyTagKey', # OPTIONAL
Value => 'MyTagValue', # OPTIONAL
# Results:
my $ContainerService = $CreateContainerServiceResult->ContainerService;
# Returns a L<Paws::Lightsail::CreateContainerServiceResult> object.
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see
Deployment => Paws::Lightsail::ContainerServiceDeploymentRequest
An object that describes a deployment for the container service.
A deployment specifies the containers that will be launched on the container service and their settings, such as the ports to open, the environment variables to apply, and the launch command to run. It also specifies the container that will serve as the public endpoint of the deployment and its settings, such as the HTTP or HTTPS port to use, and the health check configuration.
REQUIRED Power => Str
The power specification for the container service.
The power specifies the amount of memory, vCPUs, and base monthly cost of each node of the container service. The power
and scale
of a container service makes up its configured capacity. To determine the monthly price of your container service, multiply the base price of the power
with the scale
(the number of nodes) of the service.
Use the GetContainerServicePowers
action to get a list of power options that you can specify using this parameter, and their base monthly cost.
Valid values are: "nano"
, "micro"
, "small"
, "medium"
, "large"
, "xlarge"
PublicDomainNames => Paws::Lightsail::ContainerServicePublicDomains
The public domain names to use with the container service, such as
You can specify up to four public domain names for a container service. The domain names that you specify are used when you create a deployment with a container configured as the public endpoint of your container service.
If you don't specify public domain names, then you can use the default domain of the container service.
You must create and validate an SSL/TLS certificate before you can use public domain names with your container service. Use the CreateCertificate
action to create a certificate for the public domain names you want to use with your container service.
You can specify public domain names using a string to array map as shown in the example later on this page.
REQUIRED Scale => Int
The scale specification for the container service.
The scale specifies the allocated compute nodes of the container service. The power
and scale
of a container service makes up its configured capacity. To determine the monthly price of your container service, multiply the base price of the power
with the scale
(the number of nodes) of the service.
REQUIRED ServiceName => Str
The name for the container service.
The name that you specify for your container service will make up part of its default domain. The default domain of a container service is typically https://<ServiceName>.<RandomGUID>.<AWSRegion>
. If the name of your container service is container-service-1
, and it's located in the US East (Ohio) AWS region (us-east-2
), then the domain for your container service will be like the following example:
The following are the requirements for container service names:
Must be unique within each AWS Region in your Lightsail account.
Must contain 1 to 63 characters.
Must contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
A hyphen (-) can separate words but cannot be at the start or end of the name.
Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::Lightsail::Tag]
The tag keys and optional values for the container service.
For more information about tags in Lightsail, see the Lightsail Dev Guide (
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateContainerService in Paws::Lightsail
The source code is located here:
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