Paws::Lightsail::GetInstanceMetricData - Arguments for method GetInstanceMetricData on Paws::Lightsail
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method GetInstanceMetricData on the Amazon Lightsail service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method GetInstanceMetricData.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to GetInstanceMetricData.
my $lightsail = Paws->service('Lightsail');
my $GetInstanceMetricDataResult = $lightsail->GetInstanceMetricData(
EndTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00',
InstanceName => 'MyResourceName',
MetricName => 'CPUUtilization',
Period => 1,
StartTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00',
Statistics => [
'Minimum', ... # values: Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Average, SampleCount
Unit => 'Seconds',
# Results:
my $MetricData = $GetInstanceMetricDataResult->MetricData;
my $MetricName = $GetInstanceMetricDataResult->MetricName;
# Returns a L<Paws::Lightsail::GetInstanceMetricDataResult> object.
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see
REQUIRED EndTime => Str
The end time of the time period.
REQUIRED InstanceName => Str
The name of the instance for which you want to get metrics data.
REQUIRED MetricName => Str
The metric for which you want to return information.
Valid instance metric names are listed below, along with the most useful statistics
to include in your request, and the published unit
- The percentage of CPU performance available for your instance to burst above its baseline. Your instance continuously accrues and consumes burst capacity. Burst capacity stops accruing when your instance'sBurstCapacityPercentage
reaches 100%. For more information, see Viewing instance burst capacity in Amazon Lightsail (
: The most useful statistics areMaximum
: The published unit isPercent
- The available amount of time for your instance to burst at 100% CPU utilization. Your instance continuously accrues and consumes burst capacity. Burst capacity time stops accruing when your instance'sBurstCapacityPercentage
metric reaches 100%.Burst capacity time is consumed at the full rate only when your instance operates at 100% CPU utilization. For example, if your instance operates at 50% CPU utilization in the burstable zone for a 5-minute period, then it consumes CPU burst capacity minutes at a 50% rate in that period. Your instance consumed 2 minutes and 30 seconds of CPU burst capacity minutes in the 5-minute period. For more information, see Viewing instance burst capacity in Amazon Lightsail (
: The most useful statistics areMaximum
: The published unit isSeconds
- The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use on the instance. This metric identifies the processing power to run the applications on the instance. Tools in your operating system can show a lower percentage than Lightsail when the instance is not allocated a full processor core.Statistics
: The most useful statistics areMaximum
: The published unit isPercent
- The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to the instance. The number reported is the number of bytes received during the period. Because this metric is reported in 5-minute intervals, divide the reported number by 300 to find Bytes/second.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isBytes
- The number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic from the instance. The number reported is the number of bytes sent during the period. Because this metric is reported in 5-minute intervals, divide the reported number by 300 to find Bytes/second.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isBytes
- Reports whether the instance passed or failed both the instance status check and the system status check. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed). This metric data is available in 1-minute (60 seconds) granularity.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isCount
- Reports whether the instance passed or failed the instance status check. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed). This metric data is available in 1-minute (60 seconds) granularity.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isCount
- Reports whether the instance passed or failed the system status check. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed). This metric data is available in 1-minute (60 seconds) granularity.Statistics
: The most useful statistic isSum
: The published unit isCount
Valid values are: "CPUUtilization"
, "NetworkIn"
, "NetworkOut"
, "StatusCheckFailed"
, "StatusCheckFailed_Instance"
, "StatusCheckFailed_System"
, "BurstCapacityTime"
, "BurstCapacityPercentage"
REQUIRED Period => Int
The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.
The StatusCheckFailed
, StatusCheckFailed_Instance
, and StatusCheckFailed_System
instance metric data is available in 1-minute (60 seconds) granularity. All other instance metric data is available in 5-minute (300 seconds) granularity.
REQUIRED StartTime => Str
The start time of the time period.
REQUIRED Statistics => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The statistic for the metric.
The following statistics are available:
- The lowest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine low volumes of activity for your application.Maximum
- The highest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine high volumes of activity for your application.Sum
- All values submitted for the matching metric added together. You can use this statistic to determine the total volume of a metric.Average
- The value of Sum / SampleCount during the specified period. By comparing this statistic with the Minimum and Maximum values, you can determine the full scope of a metric and how close the average use is to the Minimum and Maximum values. This comparison helps you to know when to increase or decrease your resources.SampleCount
- The count, or number, of data points used for the statistical calculation.
REQUIRED Unit => Str
The unit for the metric data request. Valid units depend on the metric data being requested. For the valid units to specify with each available metric, see the metricName
Valid values are: "Seconds"
, "Microseconds"
, "Milliseconds"
, "Bytes"
, "Kilobytes"
, "Megabytes"
, "Gigabytes"
, "Terabytes"
, "Bits"
, "Kilobits"
, "Megabits"
, "Gigabits"
, "Terabits"
, "Percent"
, "Count"
, "Bytes/Second"
, "Kilobytes/Second"
, "Megabytes/Second"
, "Gigabytes/Second"
, "Terabytes/Second"
, "Bits/Second"
, "Kilobits/Second"
, "Megabits/Second"
, "Gigabits/Second"
, "Terabits/Second"
, "Count/Second"
, "None"
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method GetInstanceMetricData in Paws::Lightsail
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