Paws::MediaConnect::CreateFlow - Arguments for method CreateFlow on Paws::MediaConnect


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateFlow on the AWS MediaConnect service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateFlow.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateFlow.


my $mediaconnect = Paws->service('MediaConnect');
my $CreateFlowResponse = $mediaconnect->CreateFlow(
  Name             => 'My__string',
  AvailabilityZone => 'My__string',    # OPTIONAL
  Entitlements     => [
      Subscribers                      => [ 'My__string', ... ],
      DataTransferSubscriberFeePercent => 1,                      # OPTIONAL
      Description                      => 'My__string',
      Encryption                       => {
        RoleArn   => 'My__string',
        Algorithm => 'aes128',    # values: aes128, aes192, aes256; OPTIONAL
        ConstantInitializationVector => 'My__string',
        DeviceId                     => 'My__string',
        KeyType                      =>
          'speke',    # values: speke, static-key, srt-password; OPTIONAL
        Region     => 'My__string',
        ResourceId => 'My__string',
        SecretArn  => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      EntitlementStatus => 'ENABLED',  # values: ENABLED, DISABLED; OPTIONAL
      Name              => 'My__string',
  ],    # OPTIONAL
  MediaStreams => [
      MediaStreamId   => 1,           # OPTIONAL
      MediaStreamName => 'My__string',
      MediaStreamType => 'video',     # values: video, audio, ancillary-data
      Attributes      => {
        Fmtp => {
          ChannelOrder => 'My__string',
          Colorimetry  => 'BT601'
          , # values: BT601, BT709, BT2020, BT2100, ST2065-1, ST2065-3, XYZ; OPTIONAL
          ExactFramerate => 'My__string',
          Par            => 'My__string',
          Range => 'NARROW',   # values: NARROW, FULL, FULLPROTECT; OPTIONAL
          ScanMode => 'progressive'
          , # values: progressive, interlace, progressive-segmented-frame; OPTIONAL
          Tcs => 'SDR'
          , # values: SDR, PQ, HLG, LINEAR, BT2100LINPQ, BT2100LINHLG, ST2065-1, ST428-1, DENSITY; OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        Lang => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ClockRate   => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      Description => 'My__string',
      VideoFormat => 'My__string',
  ],    # OPTIONAL
  Outputs => [
      Protocol => 'zixi-push'
      , # values: zixi-push, rtp-fec, rtp, zixi-pull, rist, st2110-jpegxs, cdi, srt-listener
      CidrAllowList => [ 'My__string', ... ],
      Description   => 'My__string',
      Destination   => 'My__string',
      Encryption    => {
        RoleArn   => 'My__string',
        Algorithm => 'aes128',    # values: aes128, aes192, aes256; OPTIONAL
        ConstantInitializationVector => 'My__string',
        DeviceId                     => 'My__string',
        KeyType                      =>
          'speke',    # values: speke, static-key, srt-password; OPTIONAL
        Region     => 'My__string',
        ResourceId => 'My__string',
        SecretArn  => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      MaxLatency                      => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      MediaStreamOutputConfigurations => [
          EncodingName    => 'jxsv',      # values: jxsv, raw, smpte291, pcm
          MediaStreamName => 'My__string',
          DestinationConfigurations => [
              DestinationIp   => 'My__string',
              DestinationPort => 1,              # OPTIONAL
              Interface       => {
                Name => 'My__string',


          ],    # OPTIONAL
          EncodingParameters => {
            CompressionFactor => 1,
            EncoderProfile    => 'main',    # values: main, high

          },    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      MinLatency             => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      Name                   => 'My__string',
      Port                   => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      RemoteId               => 'My__string',
      SmoothingLatency       => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      StreamId               => 'My__string',
      VpcInterfaceAttachment => { VpcInterfaceName => 'My__string', }
      ,                                         # OPTIONAL
  ],    # OPTIONAL
  Source => {
    Decryption => {
      RoleArn   => 'My__string',
      Algorithm => 'aes128',      # values: aes128, aes192, aes256; OPTIONAL
      ConstantInitializationVector => 'My__string',
      DeviceId                     => 'My__string',
      KeyType                      =>
        'speke',    # values: speke, static-key, srt-password; OPTIONAL
      Region     => 'My__string',
      ResourceId => 'My__string',
      SecretArn  => 'My__string',
      Url        => 'My__string',
    },    # OPTIONAL
    Description                     => 'My__string',
    EntitlementArn                  => 'My__string',
    IngestPort                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
    MaxBitrate                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
    MaxLatency                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
    MaxSyncBuffer                   => 1,              # OPTIONAL
    MediaStreamSourceConfigurations => [
        EncodingName    => 'jxsv',        # values: jxsv, raw, smpte291, pcm
        MediaStreamName => 'My__string',
        InputConfigurations => [
            InputPort => 1,               # OPTIONAL
            Interface => {
              Name => 'My__string',


        ],    # OPTIONAL
    ],    # OPTIONAL
    MinLatency => 1,              # OPTIONAL
    Name       => 'My__string',
    Protocol   => 'zixi-push'
    , # values: zixi-push, rtp-fec, rtp, zixi-pull, rist, st2110-jpegxs, cdi, srt-listener
    StreamId         => 'My__string',
    VpcInterfaceName => 'My__string',
    WhitelistCidr    => 'My__string',
  },    # OPTIONAL
  SourceFailoverConfig => {
    FailoverMode   => 'MERGE',      # values: MERGE, FAILOVER; OPTIONAL
    RecoveryWindow => 1,            # OPTIONAL
    SourcePriority => { PrimarySource => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
    State          => 'ENABLED',    # values: ENABLED, DISABLED; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  Sources => [
      Decryption => {
        RoleArn   => 'My__string',
        Algorithm => 'aes128',    # values: aes128, aes192, aes256; OPTIONAL
        ConstantInitializationVector => 'My__string',
        DeviceId                     => 'My__string',
        KeyType                      =>
          'speke',    # values: speke, static-key, srt-password; OPTIONAL
        Region     => 'My__string',
        ResourceId => 'My__string',
        SecretArn  => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Description                     => 'My__string',
      EntitlementArn                  => 'My__string',
      IngestPort                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      MaxBitrate                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      MaxLatency                      => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      MaxSyncBuffer                   => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      MediaStreamSourceConfigurations => [
          EncodingName    => 'jxsv',      # values: jxsv, raw, smpte291, pcm
          MediaStreamName => 'My__string',
          InputConfigurations => [
              InputPort => 1,             # OPTIONAL
              Interface => {
                Name => 'My__string',


          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
      MinLatency => 1,              # OPTIONAL
      Name       => 'My__string',
      Protocol   => 'zixi-push'
      , # values: zixi-push, rtp-fec, rtp, zixi-pull, rist, st2110-jpegxs, cdi, srt-listener
      StreamId         => 'My__string',
      VpcInterfaceName => 'My__string',
      WhitelistCidr    => 'My__string',
  ],    # OPTIONAL
  VpcInterfaces => [
      Name                 => 'My__string',
      RoleArn              => 'My__string',
      SecurityGroupIds     => [ 'My__string', ... ],
      SubnetId             => 'My__string',
      NetworkInterfaceType => 'ena',    # values: ena, efa; OPTIONAL
  ],    # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $Flow = $CreateFlowResponse->Flow;

# Returns a L<Paws::MediaConnect::CreateFlowResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


AvailabilityZone => Str

The Availability Zone that you want to create the flow in. These options are limited to the Availability Zones within the current AWS Region.

Entitlements => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConnect::GrantEntitlementRequest]

The entitlements that you want to grant on a flow.

MediaStreams => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConnect::AddMediaStreamRequest]

The media streams that you want to add to the flow. You can associate these media streams with sources and outputs on the flow.

REQUIRED Name => Str

The name of the flow.

Outputs => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConnect::AddOutputRequest]

The outputs that you want to add to this flow.

Source => Paws::MediaConnect::SetSourceRequest

SourceFailoverConfig => Paws::MediaConnect::FailoverConfig

Sources => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConnect::SetSourceRequest]

VpcInterfaces => ArrayRef[Paws::MediaConnect::VpcInterfaceRequest]

The VPC interfaces you want on the flow.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateFlow in Paws::MediaConnect


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