Paws::MediaConnect::UpdateFlowEntitlement - Arguments for method UpdateFlowEntitlement on Paws::MediaConnect


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateFlowEntitlement on the AWS MediaConnect service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateFlowEntitlement.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateFlowEntitlement.


my $mediaconnect = Paws->service('MediaConnect');
my $UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse = $mediaconnect->UpdateFlowEntitlement(
  EntitlementArn => 'My__string',
  FlowArn        => 'My__string',
  Description    => 'My__string',    # OPTIONAL
  Encryption     => {
    Algorithm => 'aes128',    # values: aes128, aes192, aes256; OPTIONAL
    ConstantInitializationVector => 'My__string',
    DeviceId                     => 'My__string',
    KeyType => 'speke',  # values: speke, static-key, srt-password; OPTIONAL
    Region     => 'My__string',
    ResourceId => 'My__string',
    RoleArn    => 'My__string',
    SecretArn  => 'My__string',
    Url        => 'My__string',
  },    # OPTIONAL
  EntitlementStatus => 'ENABLED',                # OPTIONAL
  Subscribers       => [ 'My__string', ... ],    # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $Entitlement = $UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse->Entitlement;
my $FlowArn     = $UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse->FlowArn;

# Returns a L<Paws::MediaConnect::UpdateFlowEntitlementResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


Description => Str

A description of the entitlement. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the subscriber or end user.

Encryption => Paws::MediaConnect::UpdateEncryption

The type of encryption that will be used on the output associated with this entitlement.

REQUIRED EntitlementArn => Str

The ARN of the entitlement that you want to update.

EntitlementStatus => Str

An indication of whether you want to enable the entitlement to allow access, or disable it to stop streaming content to the subscriber’s flow temporarily. If you don’t specify the entitlementStatus field in your request, MediaConnect leaves the value unchanged.

Valid values are: "ENABLED", "DISABLED"

REQUIRED FlowArn => Str

The flow that is associated with the entitlement that you want to update.

Subscribers => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

The AWS account IDs that you want to share your content with. The receiving accounts (subscribers) will be allowed to create their own flow using your content as the source.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method UpdateFlowEntitlement in Paws::MediaConnect


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