Paws::Pinpoint::SendUsersMessages - Arguments for method SendUsersMessages on Paws::Pinpoint


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method SendUsersMessages on the Amazon Pinpoint service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method SendUsersMessages.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to SendUsersMessages.


my $pinpoint = Paws->service('Pinpoint');
my $SendUsersMessagesResponse = $pinpoint->SendUsersMessages(
  ApplicationId           => 'My__string',
  SendUsersMessageRequest => {
    MessageConfiguration => {
      ADMMessage => {
        Action => 'OPEN_APP',   # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL
        Body   => 'My__string',
        ConsolidationKey  => 'My__string',
        Data              => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },   # OPTIONAL
        ExpiresAfter      => 'My__string',
        IconReference     => 'My__string',
        ImageIconUrl      => 'My__string',
        ImageUrl          => 'My__string',
        MD5               => 'My__string',
        RawContent        => 'My__string',
        SilentPush        => 1,                                   # OPTIONAL
        SmallImageIconUrl => 'My__string',
        Sound             => 'My__string',
        Substitutions     => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                         # OPTIONAL
        Title => 'My__string',
        Url   => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      APNSMessage => {
        APNSPushType => 'My__string',
        Action => 'OPEN_APP',   # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL
        Badge  => 1,            # OPTIONAL
        Body   => 'My__string',
        Category   => 'My__string',
        CollapseId => 'My__string',
        Data       => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
        MediaUrl   => 'My__string',
        PreferredAuthenticationMethod => 'My__string',
        Priority                      => 'My__string',
        RawContent                    => 'My__string',
        SilentPush                    => 1,                 # OPTIONAL
        Sound                         => 'My__string',
        Substitutions => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                   # OPTIONAL
        ThreadId   => 'My__string',
        TimeToLive => 1,                                    # OPTIONAL
        Title      => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      BaiduMessage => {
        Action => 'OPEN_APP',   # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL
        Body   => 'My__string',
        Data              => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },   # OPTIONAL
        IconReference     => 'My__string',
        ImageIconUrl      => 'My__string',
        ImageUrl          => 'My__string',
        RawContent        => 'My__string',
        SilentPush        => 1,                                   # OPTIONAL
        SmallImageIconUrl => 'My__string',
        Sound             => 'My__string',
        Substitutions     => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                         # OPTIONAL
        TimeToLive => 1,                                          # OPTIONAL
        Title      => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      DefaultMessage => {
        Body          => 'My__string',
        Substitutions => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      DefaultPushNotificationMessage => {
        Action => 'OPEN_APP',   # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL
        Body   => 'My__string',
        Data          => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
        SilentPush    => 1,                                    # OPTIONAL
        Substitutions => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                      # OPTIONAL
        Title => 'My__string',
        Url   => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      EmailMessage => {
        Body                      => 'My__string',
        FeedbackForwardingAddress => 'My__string',
        FromAddress               => 'My__string',
        RawEmail                  => {
          Data => 'Blob__blob',    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        ReplyToAddresses => [ 'My__string', ... ],
        SimpleEmail      => {
          HtmlPart => {
            Charset => 'My__string',
            Data    => 'My__string',
          },    # OPTIONAL
          Subject => {
            Charset => 'My__string',
            Data    => 'My__string',
          },    # OPTIONAL
          TextPart => {
            Charset => 'My__string',
            Data    => 'My__string',
          },    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
        Substitutions => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,     # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      GCMMessage => {
        Action => 'OPEN_APP',   # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL
        Body   => 'My__string',
        CollapseKey   => 'My__string',
        Data          => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
        IconReference => 'My__string',
        ImageIconUrl  => 'My__string',
        ImageUrl      => 'My__string',
        Priority      => 'My__string',
        RawContent    => 'My__string',
        RestrictedPackageName => 'My__string',
        SilentPush            => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
        SmallImageIconUrl     => 'My__string',
        Sound                 => 'My__string',
        Substitutions         => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                      # OPTIONAL
        TimeToLive => 1,                                       # OPTIONAL
        Title      => 'My__string',
        Url        => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      SMSMessage => {
        Body        => 'My__string',
        EntityId    => 'My__string',
        Keyword     => 'My__string',
        MediaUrl    => 'My__string',
        MessageType =>
        OriginationNumber => 'My__string',
        SenderId          => 'My__string',
        Substitutions     => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                     # OPTIONAL
        TemplateId => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
      VoiceMessage => {
        Body              => 'My__string',
        LanguageCode      => 'My__string',
        OriginationNumber => 'My__string',
        Substitutions     => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,    # OPTIONAL
        VoiceId => 'My__string',
      },    # OPTIONAL
    Users => {
      'My__string' => {
        BodyOverride  => 'My__string',
        Context       => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },    # OPTIONAL
        RawContent    => 'My__string',
        Substitutions => { 'My__string' => [ 'My__string', ... ], }
        ,                                                      # OPTIONAL
        TitleOverride => 'My__string',
    Context               => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', },   # OPTIONAL
    TemplateConfiguration => {
      EmailTemplate => {
        Name    => 'My__string',
        Version => 'My__string',
      },                                                          # OPTIONAL
      PushTemplate => {
        Name    => 'My__string',
        Version => 'My__string',
      },                                                          # OPTIONAL
      SMSTemplate => {
        Name    => 'My__string',
        Version => 'My__string',
      },                                                          # OPTIONAL
      VoiceTemplate => {
        Name    => 'My__string',
        Version => 'My__string',
      },                                                          # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    TraceId => 'My__string',


# Results:
my $SendUsersMessageResponse =

# Returns a L<Paws::Pinpoint::SendUsersMessagesResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED ApplicationId => Str

The unique identifier for the application. This identifier is displayed as the Project ID on the Amazon Pinpoint console.

REQUIRED SendUsersMessageRequest => Paws::Pinpoint::SendUsersMessageRequest


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method SendUsersMessages in Paws::Pinpoint


The source code is located here:

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