This class represents one of two things:
Arguments in a call to a service
Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.
As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::Pinpoint::WriteCampaignRequest object:
$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { AdditionalTreatments => $value, ..., TreatmentName => $value });
Results returned from an API call
Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::Pinpoint::WriteCampaignRequest object:
$result = $service_obj->Method(...);
Specifies the configuration and other settings for a campaign.
AdditionalTreatments => ArrayRef[Paws::Pinpoint::WriteTreatmentResource]
An array of requests that defines additional treatments for the campaign, in addition to the default treatment for the campaign.
CustomDeliveryConfiguration => Paws::Pinpoint::CustomDeliveryConfiguration
The delivery configuration settings for sending the campaign through a custom channel. This object is required if the MessageConfiguration object for the campaign specifies a CustomMessage object.
Description => Str
A custom description of the campaign.
HoldoutPercent => Int
The allocated percentage of users (segment members) who shouldn't receive messages from the campaign.
Hook => Paws::Pinpoint::CampaignHook
The settings for the AWS Lambda function to invoke as a code hook for the campaign. You can use this hook to customize the segment that's used by the campaign.
IsPaused => Bool
Specifies whether to pause the campaign. A paused campaign doesn't run unless you resume it by changing this value to false.
Limits => Paws::Pinpoint::CampaignLimits
The messaging limits for the campaign.
MessageConfiguration => Paws::Pinpoint::MessageConfiguration
The message configuration settings for the campaign.
Name => Str
A custom name for the campaign.
Schedule => Paws::Pinpoint::Schedule
The schedule settings for the campaign.
SegmentId => Str
The unique identifier for the segment to associate with the campaign.
SegmentVersion => Int
The version of the segment to associate with the campaign.
Tags => Paws::Pinpoint::MapOf__string
A string-to-string map of key-value pairs that defines the tags to associate with the campaign. Each tag consists of a required tag key and an associated tag value.
TemplateConfiguration => Paws::Pinpoint::TemplateConfiguration
The message template to use for the campaign.
TreatmentDescription => Str
A custom description of the default treatment for the campaign.
TreatmentName => Str
A custom name of the default treatment for the campaign, if the campaign has multiple treatments. A treatment is a variation of a campaign that's used for A/B testing.
This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::Pinpoint
The source code is located here:
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