Plack::App::dbi2http - Export DBI database as HTTP API (Riap::HTTP)
This document describes version 0.07 of Plack::App::dbi2http (from Perl distribution Plack-App-dbi2http), released on 2017-07-11.
Prepare and edit a config file:
% cp share/sample-config/dbi2http.conf.yaml ~
% emacs ~/dbi2http.conf.yaml;
# edit log path and supply DBI dsn/user/password
Run service:
From another console, access HTTP API via, e.g. curl:
: 1,
: 2,
: 3
: 4,
China cn Cina panda
Indonesia id Indonesia bali,tropical
Singapore sg Singapura tropical
United States of America us Amerika Serikat
| eng_name id ind_name tags |
| |
| China cn Cina panda |
| Indonesia id Indonesia bali,tropical |
| Singapore sg Singapura tropical |
| United States of America us Amerika Serikat |
Or use App::riap, a client shell for Riap (with filesystem-like API browsing and shell tab completion):
% riap http://localhost:5000/
riap /> ls
riap /> list_tables
riap /> list_columns --table countries --detail
riap /> list_rows --table countries
This module provides a sample Plack application, which you can customize, to export a DBI database as a HTTP API service.
I was reading Yanick's blog entry today,, titled Instant REST API for Any Databases and I thought I'd quickly cobble up something similar using a different toolbox. Granted, the resulting HTTP API is not REST (read: it's better :-) and at 0.01 the API functions are somewhat limited (DBIx::FunctionalAPI) but this demonstrates how easy it is to create something usable.
The tools and frameworks are: DBIx::FunctionalAPI which provides a set of functions: list_tables
, list_columns
, list_rows
, create_table
, create_row
, rename_table
, etc. These are normal Perl functions that accept dbh
, table
arguments and so on.
Next we have Perinci::Access::HTTP::Server, a set of Plack middlewares that let you access Perl functions over HTTP using the Riap::HTTP protocol. We compose the middlewares in a PSGI application called dbi2http.psgi
All you need to do now is just run the PSGI application with Plack, using one of the many available PSGI servers. There is a configuration file required, to be put in the home directory, and can be copied from the provided sample config. All you need to set is basically just path to log file and the DBI connection information (db_dsn, db_user, db_password) and you're good to go.
After the PSGI application is running, you can connect using a plain HTTP client like curl. Riap::HTTP exposes Perl modules and functions directly as URL paths. For example, you can just request the root URL first, and a help message is returned:
% curl http://localhost:5000/
function list_columns
function list_rows
function list_tables
* To call a function,
* Function arguments can be
via GET/POST params or JSON hash in req body
* To find out which arguments a function supports,
* To find out all available actions on an entity,
* This server uses Riap protocol
great autodiscoverability,
more info:
We can see there are 3 top-level functions available. Let's call the list_tables
function to, well, list available tables.
Functions usually return data structure and the PSGI application formats it as a presentable text to the client. To get the raw data, use the -riap-fmt
special argument:
Actually, Riap provides more than just RPC (function call). It can also expose function metadata so the protocol is super-self-discoverable. For example, instead of the default call
action, let's call the meta
action to request the function metadata:
"OK (meta action)"
: {},
"List available tables"
: [
: {}
Let's check the metadata of another function:
"OK (meta action)"
"List columns of a table"
: {
: {
"Whether to return detailed records instead of just items/strings"
: [
: {
: [
: 1
: 1,
"Table name"
: 1.1,
: 0,
: [
: {},
We can see from the above that the list_columns
function accepts arguments table
(a string, required) and detail
For the full specification of the metadata format, see Rinci.
Aside from using a low-level HTTP client, we can also use App::riap, a Riap client (just to note that Riap can also be accessed via transport protocol other than HTTP, but it's another subject matter). The client is a command-line shell with some conveniences like filesystem-like browsing of API tree, tab completion, debugging, command history, and others. Let's install the client and try it out:
We are first presented with a prompt. Let's try listing what's available in the top-level directory:
riap /> ls -l
| type uri |
| |
| function list_columns |
| function list_rows |
| function list_tables |
We see that there are three functions available. To call a function, you can run it like a running a program:
riap /> list_tables
Note that you can do completion on the command-line. You can even call with --help
option like a normal program:
riap /> list_columns --help
/list_columns --help (or -h, -?) [--verbose]
/list_columns [options]
Whether to
detailed records instead of just items/strings.
--help, -h, -?
Display this help message.
--table=s [str] (required)
Table name.
This help message is generated from the metadata (so in the background, the client performs a meta
request and converts it to a formatted help message).
To add HTTP authentication (or do any other customization), you can just add a Plack middleware to the PSGI application.
Last word, exporting a database as a public API service is usually not a good idea. In case you don't realize that ;-)
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
Rinci, Riap, Riap::HTTP, DBIx::FunctionalAPI, App::riap
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2015, 2014 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.