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Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors - a section listing contributors


version 0.009


on dist.ini:

Contributors.head = 2
Contributors.contributors[0] = keedi - Keedi Kim - 김도형 (cpan: KEEDI) <>
Contributors.contributors[1] = carandraug - Carnë Draug (cpan: CDRAUG) <>

and/or weaver.ini:

head = 2
contributors = keedi - Keedi Kim - 김도형 (cpan: KEEDI) <>
contributors = carandraug - Carnë Draug (cpan: CDRAUG) <>

and/or in the source of individual files:

# CONTRIBUTOR: keedi - Keedi Kim - 김도형 (cpan: KEEDI) <>
# CONTRIBUTORS: carandraug - Carnë Draug (cpan: CDRAUG) <>


This section adds a listing of the documents contributors. It expects a contributors input parameter to be an arrayref of strings. If no contributors parameter is given, it will do nothing. Otherwise, it produces a hunk like this:

Contributor One <>
Contributor Two <>

To support distributions with multiple modules, it is also able to derive a list of contributors in a file basis by looking at comments on each module. Names of contributors on the source, will only appear on the POD of those modules.


The heading level of this section. If 0, it inserts an ordinary piece of text with no heading. Defaults to 1.

In case the value is passed both to Pod::Weaver and to the Pod::Weaver stash, it uses the value found in the stash.


The list of contributors.

In case the value is passed to weave_section(), to Pod::Weaver and to the Pod::Weaver stash, it merges all contributors.


Enable this if you want to add the CONTRIBUTOR/CONTRIBUTORS section to all the modules in a dist, not only the main one. Defaults to false.

In case the value is passed both to Pod::Weaver and to the Pod::Weaver stash, it uses the value found in the stash.



Keedi Kim - 김도형 <>


  • carandraug - Carnë Draug (cpan: CDRAUG) <>

  • ether - Karen Etheridge (cpan: ETHER) <>

  • thaljef - Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer (cpan: THALJEF) <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Keedi Kim.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.