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QBit::Application::Model::DBManager - Class for smart working with DB.



  • cpanm QBit::Application::Model::DBManager

  • apt-get install libqbit-application-model-dbmanager-perl (

For more information. please, see code.

Package methods


Removes the model fields. Use this method if you want to set an entirely different set of fields for the model.

No arguments

Return value: $model_fields (type: ref of a hash)


  my $model_fields = $app->users->remove_model_fields();

  # set new fields.


Set model fields. Save into package stash with key __MODEL_FIELDS__


  • %fields - Fields (type: hash)


  package Sellers;

  use base qw(QBit::Application::Model::DBManager);

      db    => 'Application::Model::DB',    # your DB model, see QBit::Application::Model::DB
      items => 'Application::Model::Items', # your model (base from QBit::Application::Model::DBManager)

      id => {
          pk      => TRUE,      # primary key for this model
          db      => 'sellers', # this field is from the table
          default => TRUE,      # this field returns if fields were not requested
      caption => {
          db           => 'sellers', # this field is from the table
          default      => TRUE,      # this field returns if fields were not requested
          i18n         => TRUE,      # this field depends on current locale, (in DB this field i18n too)
          check_rights => 'sellers_view_field__caption',
          # your right for "caption", see check_rights from QBit::Application
          # Try not to use this key.
      id_with_caption => {
          depends_on => [qw(id caption)], # this field depends on "id" and "caption"
          get => sub {
              my $fields = shift; # object QBit::Application::Model::DBManager::_Utils::Fields
              # access to model: $fields->model

              my $row = shift; # hash from db: {id => 1, caption => 'Happy Milkman'}

              return $row->{'id'} . ': ' . $row->{'caption'};
      id_with_caption_db => {
          db => 'sellers',
          db_expr => {CONCAT => ['id', \': ', 'caption']}, # see QBit::Application::Model::DB::Query
      name => {
          # relation "one to one". Use it if you want use join
          db => 'users', # this field is from the table, but the tables are different
      items => {
          # relation "one to one", "one to many" or "many to many"
          depends_on => [qw(id)],
          get => sub {
              my $fields = shift; # object QBit::Application::Model::DBManager::_Utils::Fields
              my $row = shift; # hash from db: {id => 1}

              # $fields->{'__ITEMS__'} created in pre_process_fields
              return $fields->{'__ITEMS__'}{$row->{'id'}} // [];

  # returns query (class: QBit::Application::Model::DB::Query)
  sub query {
      my ($self, %opts) = @_;

      my $filter = $self->db->filter($opts{'filter'});

      unless ($self->check_rights('sellers_view_all')) {
          my $cur_user = $self->cur_user();

          $filter->and({user_id => $cur_user->{'id'}};

      my $query = $self->db->query->select(
          table  => $self->db->sellers,
          fields => $opts{'fields'}->get_db_fields('sellers'), # returns db expression for fields with "db" = 'sellers'
          filter => $filter

      my $users_fields = $opts{'fields'}->get_db_fields('users');

      # join users only if needed (field "name" was requested)
          table  => $self->db->users,
          fields => $users_fields,
      ) if %$users_fields;

      return $query;

  # used for dictionaries
  sub pre_process_fields {
      my $self   = shift; # model
      my $fields = shift; # object QBit::Application::Model::DBManager::_Utils::Fields
      my $result = shift; # data from db

      if ($fields->need('items')) {
          # gets items only if needed (field "items" was requested)

          my $items = $self->items->get_all(
              fields => [qw(id seller_id caption)],
              filter => {seller_id => [map {$_->{'id'}} @$result]}, # key "id" exists because fields "items" depends on "id"

          # create dictionaries {<SELLER_ID> => <ITEM>}
          $fields->{'__ITEMS__'} = {map {$_->{'seller_id'} => $_} @$items};


  # in your code

  my $sellers = $app->sellers->get_all(fields => [qw(id id_with_caption_db name items)]);

  #$sellers = [
  #    {
  #        id => 1,
  #        id_with_caption_db => '1: Happy Milkman',
  #        name  => 'Petr Ivanovich',
  #        items => [
  #            {
  #                id        => 1,
  #                seller_id => 1,
  #                caption   => 'milk'
  #            },
  #            {
  #                id        => 2,
  #                seller_id => 1,
  #                caption   => 'cheese'
  #            },
  #        ],
  #    }


Set model filters. Save into package stash with key __DB_FILTER__

Types: namespace (QBit::Application::Model::DBManager::Filter)

  • boolean

  • dictionary

  • multistate

  • number

  • subfilter

  • text


  • %opts - Options (type: hash)

    • db_accessor - name db accessor

    • fields - filter fields


      db_accessor => 'db', # your db accessor
      fields      => {
          id      => {type => 'number'},
          caption => {type => 'text'},
          active  => {type => 'boolean'},
          product => {
              type   => 'dictionary',
              values => sub {
                      {id => 1, label => gettext('Milk')},
                      {id => 2, label => gettext('Cheese')},
          multistate => {type => 'multistate'},
          # you can filtered by field from other model
          user       => {
              type           => 'subfilter',
              model_accessor => 'users',   # accessor related model
              field          => 'user_id', # field from this model
              fk_field       => 'id',      # field from model "users"

  # in your code

  my $items = $app->model->get_all(
      filter => [
              ['id',      '=',    1],
              ['caption', 'LIKE', 'Nike'],
              ['active',  '=',    1],
              ['product', '=', [1, 2]],
              ['multistate', '=', 'approved and working'],
              ['user', 'MATCH', ['login', '=', 'ChuckNorris']] # login is a filter in model "users"


Returns a model fields.

No arguments.

Return value: $model_fields (type: ref of a hash)


  my $model_fields = $app->model->get_model_fields(); # getter for method "model_fields"


Returns model items.


  • %opts - Options (type: hash)

    • fields

        returns "id" and "caption"
        my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => [qw(id caption)]);
        # returns fields with key "default"
        my $data = $app->model->get_all();
        # return all fields
        my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => ['*']);
    • filter - see QBit::Application::Model::DB::Query. Unlike filters from the database, model filters can not use field names and scalars are used without reference.

        # mysql: name = caption
        # db:    ['name', '=', 'caption']
        # model: no way
        # mysql: id = 12
        # db:    ['id', '=', \12]
        # model: ['id', '=', 12]
        my $data = $app->model->get_all(filter => {id => 1});
    • distinct - unique rows from table

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => [qw(caption)], distinct => TRUE);
    • for_update - get lock

        # get
        my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => [qw(id)], filter => ["caption", "LIKE", "milk"]}, for_update => TRUE);
        # update
        $app->db->table->edit($app->db->filter({id => [map {$_->{'id'}} @$data]}), {caption => 'Milk'});
    • order_by - set order

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(
            fields => [qw(caption)],
            order_by => [
                'caption', # asc
                  'price', # field
                  1        # order: 0 - asc, 1 - desc
    • limit

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(limit => 100);
    • offset

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(limit => 100, offset => 1000);
    • calc_rows

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(limit => 100, calc_rows => TRUE);
        my $all_data = $app->model->found_rows(); # 1_000_000
    • all_locales

        my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => [qw(id caption)], all_locales => TRUE);
        #$data = [
        #    {
        #        id      => 1,
        #        caption => {
        #            ru => 'Веселый молочник',
        #            en => 'Happy Milkman',
        #        },
        #    },
        #    ...

Return value: Data (type: ref of a array)


  my $data = $app->model->get_all(
      fields => [qw(id caption)],
      filter => ['OR', [
        ['id', '=', 10],
        ['caption', '=', 'milk']
      limit    => 100,
      offset   => 10_000,
      order_by => ['caption']


Returns count of a rows.

No arguments.

Return value: $found_rows (type: scalar or undef)


  my $data = $app->model->get_all(limit => 3, calc_rows => TRUE);

  my $found_rows = $app->model->found_rows();


Returns a last fields was requested.

No arguments.

Return value: $last_fields (type: scalar or undef)


  my $data = $app->model->get_all(fields => [qw(id caption)]);

  my $last_fields = $app->model->last_fields();

  # $last_fields = {
  #     id      => '',
  #     caption => '',
  # };


Returns row by primary key.


  • $pk - primary key (type: scalar or hash)

  • %opts - options (type: hash; see get_all)

Return value: Row (type: ref of a hash or undef)


  my $item = $app->model->get(1, fields => [qw(id caption)]);

  # or
  my $item = $app->model->get({id => 1}, fields => [qw(id caption)]);


Returns primary keys.

No arguments.

Return value: fields (type: ref of a array)


  my $pk = $app->model->get_pk_fields(); # ['id']


used for dictionaries.

No arguments.

Return value: undef


  # see method: model_fields