RDF::Trine - An RDF Framework for Perl
This document describes RDF::Trine version 1.019
use RDF::Trine;
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store::Memory->new();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new($store);
# parse some web data into the model, and print the count of resulting RDF statements
RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model( '', $model );
print $model->size . " RDF statements parsed\n";
# Create a namespace object for the foaf vocabulary
my $foaf = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new( '' );
# Create a node object for the FOAF name property
my $pred = $foaf->name;
# alternatively:
# my $pred = RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new('');
# Create an iterator for all the statements in the model with foaf:name as the predicate
my $iter = $model->get_statements(undef, $pred, undef);
# Now print the results
print "Names of things:\n";
while (my $st = $iter->next) {
my $s = $st->subject;
my $name = $st->object;
# $s and $name have string overloading, so will print correctly
print "The name of $s is $name\n";
RDF::Trine provides an Resource Descriptive Framework (RDF) with an emphasis on extensibility, API stability, and the presence of a test suite. The package consists of several components:
RDF::Trine::Model - RDF model providing access to a triple store. This module would typically be used to access an existing store by a developer looking to "Just get stuff done."
RDF::Trine::Parser - RDF parsers for various serialization formats including RDF/XML, Turtle, RDFa, and RDF/JSON.
RDF::Trine::Store::Memory - An in-memory, non-persistant triple store. Typically used for temporary data.
RDF::Trine::Store::DBI - A triple store for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, based on the relational schema used by Redland. Typically used to for large, persistent data.
RDF::Trine::Iterator - Iterator classes for variable bindings and RDF statements, used by RDF::Trine::Store, RDF::Trine::Model, and RDF::Query.
RDF::Trine::Namespace - A convenience class for easily constructing RDF::Trine::Node::Resource objects from URI namespaces.
iri ( $iri )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Node::Resource object with the given IRI value.
blank ( $id )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Node::Blank object with the given identifier.
literal ( $value, $lang, $dt )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Node::Literal object with the given value and optional language/datatype.
variable ( $name )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Node::Variable object with the given variable name.
statement ( @nodes )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Statement object with the supplied node objects.
store ( $config )
Returns a RDF::Trine::Store object based on the supplied configuration string.
default_useragent ( [ $ua ] )
Returns the LWP::UserAgent object used by default for any operation requiring network requests. Ordinarily, the calling code will obtain the default user agent, and clone it before further configuring it for a specific request, thus leaving the default object untouched.
is passed as an argument, sets the global default user agent to this object.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at
Gregory Todd Williams <>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.