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Raylib::FFI - Perl FFI bindings for raylib


use 5.38.2;
use lib qw(lib);
use Raylib::FFI; # defaults to exporting all the functions
use constant Color => 'Raylib::FFI::Color';
InitWindow( 800, 600, "Testing!" );
while ( !WindowShouldClose() ) {
my $x = GetScreenWidth() / 2;
my $y = GetScreenHeight() / 2;
ClearBackground( Color->new( r => 0, g => 0, b => 0, a => 0 ) );
DrawFPS( 0, 0 );
DrawText( "Hello, world!",
$x, $y, 20, Color->new( r => 255, g => 255, b => 255, a => 255 ) );


This module provides Perl bindings for the raylib library using FFI::Platyus. This is functional but very low level. You probably want to use Raylib::App instead.

This module was based on the Raylib 5.0.0 API. See http://www.raylib.com.



X and Y coordinates


X, Y and Z coordinates


X, Y, Z and W coordinates


Matrix, 4x4 components, column major, OpenGL style, right-handed


Color, 4 components, R8G8B8A8 (32bit)


Rectangle, 4 components


Image, pixel data stored in CPU memory (RAM)


Texture, tex data stored in GPU memory (VRAM)


RenderTexture, fbo for texture rendering


NPatchInfo, n-patch layout info


GlyphInfo, font characters glyphs info


Font, font texture and characters glyphs info


Camera3D, defines a camera position/orientation in 3D space


Camera2D, defines a camera position and rotation in 2D space


Mesh, vertext data and vao/vbo






Material, includes shader and maps


Transform, vertex transformation data


Bone, skeletal animation bone


Model, meshes, materials and animation data


ModelAnimation, animation data


Ray, ray for raycasting


RayCollision, ray hit information


Bounding Box


Wave, audio wave data


AudioStream, custom audio stream




Music, audio stream, anything longer than ~10 seconds should be streamed


VrDeviceInfo, Head-Mounted-Display device parameters


VrStereoConfig, VR stereo rendering configuration for simulator


All functions are exported lexically by default. To export only specific functions simply liste them in the use statement.

InitWindow( $width, $height, $title )

Initialize window and OpenGL context.


Close window and unload OpenGL context.

WindowShouldClose() : bool

Check if application should close (KEY_ESCAPE pressed or windows close icon clicked).

IsWindowValid() : bool

Check if window has been initialized successfully.

IsWindowFullscreen() : bool

Check if window is currently fullscreen.

IsWindowHidden() : bool

Check if window is currently hidden.

IsWindowMinimized() : bool

Check if window is currently minimized.

IsWindowMaximized() : bool

Check if window is currently maximized.

IsWindowFocused() : bool

Check if window is currently focused.

IsWindowResized() : bool

Check if window has been resized last frame.

IsWindowState( $flag ) : bool

Check if one specific window flag is enabled.

SetWindowState( $flags )

Set window configuration state using flags.

ClearWindowState( $flags )

Clear window configuration state flags.


Toggle window state: fullscreen/windowed (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).


Toggle window state: borderless/fullscreen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).


Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).


Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).


Restore window state: if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).

SetWindowIcon( $image )

Set icon for window (single image, RBGA 32bit, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).

SetWindowIcons( $images )

Set icons for window (multiple images, RGBA 32bit, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).

SetWindowTitle( $title )

Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).

SetWindowPosition( $x, $y )

Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP).

SetWindowMonitor( $monitor )

Set monitor for the current window.

SetWindowMinSize( $width, $height )

Set window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE).

SetWindowMaxSize( $width, $height )

Set window maximum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE).

SetWindowSize( $width, $height )

Set window dimensions.

SetWindowOpacity( $opacity )

Set window opacity [0.0f..1.0f]


Set window focused

GetScreenWidth() : int

Get current screen width.

GetScreenHeight() : int

Get current screen height.

GetRenderWidth() : int

Get current render width (it considers HiDPI).

GetRenderHeight() : int

Get current render height (it considers HiDPI).

GetMonitorCount() : int

Get number of connected monitors.

GetCurrentMonitor() : int

Get current connected monitor.

GetMonitorPosition( $monitor ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get specified monitor position in screen space.

GetMonitorWidth( $monitor ) : int

Get specified monitor width (current video mode used by monitor).

GetMonitorHeight( $monitor ) : int

Get specified monitor height (current video mode used by monitor).

GetMonitorPhysicalWidth( $monitor ) : int

Get specified monitor physical width in millimetres.

GetMonitorPhysicalHeight( $monitor ) : int

Get specified monitor physical height in millimetres.

GetMonitorRefreshRate( $monitor ) : int

Get specified monitor refresh rate.

GetWindowPosition() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get window position XY on monitor.

GetWindowScaleDPI() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get window scale factor on HiDPI monitors.

GetMonitorName( $monitor ) : string

Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the monitor.

SetClipboardText( $text )

Set clipboard text content.

GetClipboardText() : string

Get clipboard text content.

GetClipboardImage() : Raylib::FFI::Image

Get clipboard image content.


Enable waiting for events on EndDrawing, automatic event polling.


Disable waiting for events on EndDrawing, manual event polling.


Show cursor.


Hide cursor.

IsCursorHidden() : bool

Check if cursor is not visible.


Enable cursor (unlock cursor).


Disable cursor (lock cursor).

IsCursorOnScreen() : bool

Check if cursor is on the screen.

ClearBackground( $color )

Set background color (framebuffer clear color).


Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing


End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering).

BeginMode2D( $camera )

Begin 2D mode with custom camera (2D).


Ends 2D mode with custom camera.

BeginMode3D( $camera )

Begin 3D mode with custom camera (3D).


Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode.

BeginTextureMode( $renderTexture )

Begin drawing to render texture.


Ends drawing to render texture.

BeginShaderMode( $shader )

Begin custom shader drawing.


End custom shader drawing (use default shader).

BeginBlendMode( $mode )

Begin blending mode (alpha, additive, multiplied, subtract, custom)


End blending mode (reset to default: alpha blending)

BeginScissorMode( $x, $y, $width, $height )

Begin scissor mode (define screen area for following drawing operations)


End scissor mode.

BeginVrStereoMode( $config )

Begin stereo rendering (requires VR simulator)


End stereo rendering.

LoadVrStereoConfig( $config )

Load VR stereo config for VR simulator.

UnloadVrStereoConfig( $config )

Unload VR stereo config for VR simulator.

LoadShader( $vsFileName, $fsFileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Shader

Load shader from files and bind default locations.

LoadShaderFromMemory( $vsCode, $fsCode ) : Raylib::FFI::Shader

Load shader from code strings and bind default locations.

IsShaderValid( $shader ) : bool

Check if a shader is valid.

GetShaderLocation( $shader, $uniformName ) : int

Get shader uniform location.

GetShaderLocationAttrib( $shader, $attribName ) : int

Get shader attribute location.

SetShaderValue( $shader, $locIndex, $value, $uniformType )

Set shader uniform value

SetShaderValueV( $shader, $locIndex, $value, $uniformType )

Set shader uniform value vector

SetShaderValueMatrix( $shader, $locIndex, $matrix )

Set shader uniform value matrix (matrix 4x4)

SetShaderValueTexture( $shader, $locIndex, $texture )

Set shader uniform value for texture (sampler2d)

UnloadShader( $shader )

Unload shader from GPU memory (VRAM).

GetMouseRay( $position, $camera ) : Raylib::FFI::Ray # DEPRECATED

Get a ray trace from screen space (i.e. mouse position)

GetWorldToScreenEx( $position, $camera, $width, $height ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get size position for a 3d world space position

GetWorldToScreen2D( $position, $camera) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get the screen space position for a 2d camera world space position

GetScreenToWorld2D( $position, $camera) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D;

Get the world space position for a 2d camera screen space position

GetCameraMatrix( $camera ) : Raylib::FFI::Matrix;

Get camera transform matrix (view matrix)

GetCameraMatrix2D( $camera ) : Raylib::FFI::Matrix;

Get camera 2d transform matrix

SetTargetFPS( $fps )

Set target FPS (maximum)

GetFrameTime() : float

Get time in seconds for last frame drawn (delta time)

GetTime() : double

Get elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()

GetFPS() : int

Get current FPS


NOTE: This function is intended for advanced users that want full control over the frame processing. default EndDrawing() does this job: draws everything + SwapScreenBuffer() + manage frame timing + PollInputEvents(). To avoid that behaviour and control frame processes manually, enable in config.h: SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL

Swap backbuffer with frontbuffer (screen drawing)


NOTE: This function is intended for advanced users that want full control over the frame processing. default EndDrawing() does this job: draws everything + SwapScreenBuffer() + manage frame timing + PollInputEvents(). To avoid that behaviour and control frame processes manually, enable in config.h: SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL

Register all input events

WaitTime( $seconds )

NOTE: This function is intended for advanced users that want full control over the frame processing. default EndDrawing() does this job: draws everything + SwapScreenBuffer() + manage frame timing + PollInputEvents(). To avoid that behaviour and control frame processes manually, enable in config.h: SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL

Wait for some time (halt program execution)

TakeScreenshot( $fileName )

Takes a screenshot of current screen (filename extension defines format)

SetConfigFlags( $flags )

Setup init configuration flags (view FLAGS)

OpenURL( $url )

Open URL with default system browser (if available)

TraceLog( $logLevel, $text )

Show trace log messages (LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR...)

SetTraceLogLevel( $logLevel )

Set the current threshold (minimum) log level

IsKeyPressed( $key ) : bool

Check if a key has been pressed once

IsKeyPressedRepeat( $key ) : bool

Check if a key has been pressed again (Only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

IsKeyDown( $key ) : bool

Check if a key is being pressed

IsKeyReleased( $key ) : bool

Check if a key has been released once

IsKeyUp( $key ) : bool

Check if a key is NOT being pressed

GetKeyPressed() : int

Get latest key pressed. Returns 0 if no key was pressed during the last frame

GetCharPressed() : int

Get char pressed (unicode), call it multiple times for chars queued, returns 0 when the queue is empty

SetExitKey( $key )

Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)

IsGamepadAvailable( $gamepad ) : bool

Check if a gamepad is available

GetGamepadName( $gamepad ) : string

Get gamepad internal name id

IsGamepadButtonPressed( $gamepad, $button ) : bool

Check if a gamepad button has been pressed once

IsGamepadButtonDown( $gamepad, $button ) : bool

Check if a gamepad button is being pressed

IsGamepadButtonReleased( $gamepad, $button ) : bool

Check if a gamepad button has been released once

IsGamepadButtonUp( $gamepad, $button ) : bool

Check if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed

GetGamepadButtonPressed() : int

Get the last gamepad button pressed

GetGamepadAxisCount( $gamepad ) : int

Get gamepad axis count for a gamepad

GetGamepadAxisMovement( $gamepad, $axis ) : float

Get axis movement value for a gamepad axis

SetGamepadMappings( $mappings )

Set internal gamepad mappings

IsMouseButtonPressed( $button ) : bool

Check if a mouse button has been pressed once

IsMouseButtonDown( $button ) : bool

Check if a mouse button is being pressed

IsMouseButtonReleased( $button ) : bool

Check if a mouse button has been released once

IsMouseButtonUp( $button ) : bool

Check if a mouse button is NOT being pressed

GetMouseX() : int

Get mouse position X

GetMouseY() : int

Get mouse position Y

GetMousePosition() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get mouse position XY

GetMouseDelta() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get mouse delta between frames

SetMousePosition( $x, $y )

Set mouse position XY

SetMouseOffset( $offsetX, $offsetY )

Set mouse offset

SetMouseScale( $scaleX, $scaleY )

Set mouse scaling

GetMouseWheelMove() : int

Get mouse wheel movement for X or Y, whichever is larger

GetMouseWheelMoveV() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get mouse wheel movement for both X and Y

SetMouseCursor( $cursor )

Set mouse cursor

GetTouchX() : int

Get touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size).

GetTouchY() : int

Get touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size).

GetTouchPosition( $index ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size).

GetTouchPointId( $index ) : int

Get touch point identifier for given index.

GetTouchPointCount() : int

Get number of touch points

SetGesturesEnabled( $flags )

Enable a set of gestures using flags

IsGestureDetected( $gesture ) : bool

Check if a gesture have been detected

GetGestureDetected() : int

Get latest detected gesture

GetGestureHoldDuration() : float

Get gesture hold time in milliseconds

GetGestureDragVector() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get gesture drag vector

GetGestureDragAngle() : float

Get gesture drag angle

GetGesturePinchVector() : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get gesture pinch delta

GetGesturePinchAngle() : float

Get gesture pinch angle

UpdateCamera( $camera )

Update camera position for selected mode

UpdateCameraPro( $camera, $dest, $rotation, $zoom )

Uppdate camera movement/rotation

SetShapesTexture( $texture, $rec )

Set texture and rectangle to be used on shapes drawing

GetShapesTextureRec() : Raylib::FF::Rectangle

Get texture rectangle to be used on shapes drawing

DrawPixel( $posX, $posY, $color )

Draw a pixel

DrawPixelV( $position, $color )

Draw a pixel (Vector version)

DrawLine( $startPosX, $startPosY, $endPosX, $endPosY, $color )

Draw a line

DrawLineV( $startPos, $endPos, $color )

Draw a line (using gl lines)

DrawLineEx( $startPos, $endPos, $thick, $color )

Draw a line (using triangles/quads)

DrawLineStrip( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw lines sequence (using gl lines)

DrawLineBezier( $startPos, $endPos, $thick, $color )

Draw line segment cubic-bezier in-out interpolation

DrawCircle( $centerX, $centerY, $radius, $color )

Draw a color-filled circle

DrawCircleSector( $center, $radius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $segments, $color )

Draw a piece of a circle

DrawCircleSectorLines( $center, $radius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $segments, $color )

Draw circle sector outline

DrawCircleGradient( $centerX, $centerY, $radius, $color1, $color2 )

Draw a gradient-filled circle

DrawCircleV( $center, $radius, $color )

Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)

DrawCircleLines( $centerX, $centerY, $radius, $color )

Draw circle outline

DrawCircleLinesV( $center, $radius, $color )

Draw circle outline (Vector version)

DrawEllipse( $centerX, $centerY, $radiusH, $radiusV, $color )

Draw ellipse

DrawEllipseLines( $centerX, $centerY, $radiusH, $radiusV, $color )

Draw ellipse outline

DrawRing( $center, $innerRadius, $outerRadius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $segments, $color )

Draw ring

DrawRingLines( $center, $innerRadius, $outerRadius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $segments, $color )

Draw ring outline

DrawRectangle( $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $color )

Draw a color-filled rectangle

DrawRectangleV( $position, $size, $color )

Draw a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)

DrawRectangleRec( $rec, $color )

Draw a color-filled rectangle

DrawRectanglePro( $rec, $origin, $rotation, $color )

Draw a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters

DrawRectangleGradientV( $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $color1, $color2 )

Draw a vertical-gradient-filled rectangle

DrawRectangleGradientH( $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $color1, $color2 )

Draw a horizontal-gradient-filled rectangle

DrawRectangleGradientEx( $rec, $col1, $col2, $col3, $col4 )

Draw a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors

DrawRectangleLines( $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $color )

Draw rectangle outline

DrawRectangleLinesEx( $rec, $lineThick, $color )

Draw rectangle outline with extended parameters

DrawRectangleRounded( $rec, $roundness, $segments, $color )

Draw rectangle with rounded edges

DrawRectangleRoundedLines( $rec, $roundness, $segments, $lineThick, $color )

Draw rectangle lines with rounded edges

DrawTriangle( $v1, $v2, $v3 )

Draw a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

DrawTriangleLines( $v1, $v2, $v3 )

Draw triangle outline (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

DrawTriangleFan( $points, $pointCount )

Draw a triangle fan defined by points (first vertex is the center)

DrawTriangleStrip( $points, $pointCount )

Draw a triangle strip defined by points

DrawPoly( $center, $sides, $radius, $rotation, $color )

Draw a regular polygon (Vector version)

DrawPolyLines( $center, $sides, $radius, $rotation, $color )

Draw a polygon outline of n sides

DrawPolyLinesEx( $center, $sides, $radius, $rotation, $lineThick, $color )

Draw a polygon outline of n sides with extended parameters

DrawSplineLinear( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw spline: Linear, minimum 2 points

DrawSplineBasis( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw spline: B-Spline, minimum 4 points

DrawSplineCatmullRom( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw spline: Catmull-Rom, minimum 4 points

DrawSplineBezierQuadratic( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw spline: Quadratic Bezier, minimum 3 points (1 control point): [p1, c2, p3, c4...]

DrawSplineBezierCubic( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw spline: Cubic Bezier, minimum 4 points (2 control points): [p1, c2, c3, p4, c5, c6...]

DrawSplineSegmentLinear( $p1, $p2, $color )

Draw spline segment: Linear, 2 points

DrawSplineSegmentBasis( $p1, $p2, $color )

Draw spline segment: B-Spline, 4 points

DrawSplineSegmentCatmullRom( $p1, $p2, $color )

Draw spline segment: Catmull-Rom, 4 points

DrawSplineSegmentBezierQuadratic( $p1, $p2, $p3, $color )

Draw spline segment: Quadratic Bezier, 2 points, 1 control point

DrawSplineSegmentBezierCubic( $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $color )

Draw spline segment: Cubic Bezier, 2 points, 2 control points

GetSplinePointLinear( $points, $pointCount, $t ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get (evaluate) spline point: Linear Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]

GetSplinePointBasis( $points, $pointCount, $t ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get (evaluate) spline point: B-Spline Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]

GetSplinePointCatmullRom( $points, $pointCount, $t ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get (evaluate) spline point: Catmull-Rom Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]

GetSplinePointBezierQuad( $points, $pointCount, $t ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get (evaluate) spline point: Quadratic Bezier Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]

GetSplinePointBezierCubic( $points, $pointCount, $t ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Get (evaluate) spline point: Cubic Bezier Spline segment point evaluation functions, for a given t [0.0f .. 1.0f]

CheckCollisionRecs( $rec1, $rec2 ) : bool

Check collision between two rectangles

CheckCollisionCircles( $center1, $radius1, $center2, $radius2 ) : bool

Check collision between two circles

CheckCollisionCircleRec( $center, $radius, $rec ) : bool

Check collision between circle and rectangle

CheckCollisionPointRec( $point, $rec ) : bool

Check if point is inside rectangle

CheckCollisionPointCircle( $point, $center, $radius ) : bool

Check if point is inside circle

CheckCollisionPointTriangle( $point, $p1, $p2, $p3 ) : bool

Check if point is inside a triangle

CheckCollisionPointPoly( $point, $poly, $polyCount ) : bool

Check if point is within a polygon described by array of vertices

CheckCollisionLines( $startPos1, $endPos1, $startPos2, $endPos2, $collisionPoint ) : bool

Check the collision between two lines defined by two points each, returns collision point by reference

CheckCollisionPointLine( $point, $p1, $p2, $threshold ) : bool

Check if point belongs to line created between two points [p1] and [p2] with defined margin in pixels [threshold]

GetCollisionRec( $rec1, $rec2 ) : Raylib::FFI::Rectangle

Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision

LoadImage( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM) NOTE: This function does not require GPU access

LoadImageRaw( $fileName, $width, $height, $format, $headerSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from RAW file data NOTE: This function does not require GPU access

LoadImageSvg( $string, $width, $height ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from SVG file data or string with specified size NOTE: This function does not require GPU access

LoadImageAnim( $fileName, $frames ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image sequence from file (frames appended to image.data) NOTE: This function does not require GPU access

LoadImageFromMemory( $fileType, $fileData, $dataSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.png' NOTE: This function does not require GPU access

LoadImageFromTexture( $texture ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from GPU texture data NOTE: This function requires GPU access

LoadImageFromScreen() : Raylib::FFI::Image

Load image from screen buffer and (screenshot) NOTE: This function requires GPU access

IsImageValid( $image ) : bool

Check if an image is ready

UnloadImage( $image )

Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)

ExportImage( $image, $fileName ) : bool

Export image data to file, returns true on success

GenImageColor( $width, $height, $color ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: plain color

GenImageGradientLinear( $width, $height, $top, $bottom ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: linear gradient, direction in degrees [0..360], 0=Vertical gradient

GenImageGradientRadial( $width, $height, $density, $inner, $outer ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: radial gradient

GenImageGradientSquare( $width, $height, $left, $right, $top, $bottom ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: square gradient

GenImageChecked( $width, $height, $checksX, $checksY, $col1, $col2 ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: checked

GenImageWhiteNoise( $width, $height, $factor ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: white noise

GenImagePerlinNoise( $width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY, $scale ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: perlin noise

GenImageCellular( $width, $height, $tileSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: cellular algorithm, bigger tileSize means bigger cells

GenImageText( $width, $height, $text ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image: grayscale image from text

ImageCopy( $image ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)

ImageFromImage( $image, $rec, $rec2 ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Create an image from another image region

ImageText( $text, $fontSize, $color ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Create an image from text (default font)

ImageTextEx($font, $text, $fontSize, $spacing, $tint) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Create an image from text (custom sprite font)

ImageFormat( $image, $format )

Convert image data to desired format

ImageToPOT( $image )

Convert image to POT (power-of-two)

ImageCrop( $image, $crop )

Crop an image to a defined rectangle

ImageAlphaCrop( $image, $threshold )

Crop image depending on alpha value

ImageAlphaClear( $image, $color, $threshold )

Clear alpha channel to desired color

ImageAlphaMask( $image, $mask )

Apply alpha mask to image

ImageAlphaPremultiply( $image )

Premultiply alpha channel

ImageBlurGaussian( $image, $blurSize, $threshold )

Apply Gaussian blur using a box blur approximation

ImageResize( $image, $newWidth, $newHeight )

Resize image (Bicubic scaling algorithm)

ImageResizeNN( $image, $newWidth, $newHeight )

Resize image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm)

ImageResizeCanvas( $image, $newWidth, $newHeight, $offsetX, $offsetY, $fill )

Resize canvas and fill with color

ImageMipmaps( $image )

Compute all mipmap levels for a provided image

ImageDither( $image, $rBpp, $gBpp, $bBpp, $aBpp )

Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)

ImageFlipVertical( $image )

Flip image vertically

ImageFlipHorizontal( $image )

Flip image horizontally

ImageRotate( $image, $rotation )

Rotate image

ImageRotateCW( $image )

Rotate image clockwise 90deg

ImageRotateCCW( $image )

Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg

ImageColorTint( $image, $color )

Modify image color: tint

ImageColorInvert( $image )

Modify image color: invert

ImageColorGrayscale( $image )

Modify image color: grayscale

ImageColorContrast( $image, $contrast )

Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100)

ImageColorBrightness( $image, $brightness )

Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255)

ImageColorReplace( $image, $color, $replace )

Modify image color: replace color

LoadImageColors( $image ) : Raylib::FFI::Color*

Load color data from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)

LoadImagePalette( $image, $maxPaletteSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Color*

Load colors palette from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)

UnloadImageColors( $colors )

Unload color data loaded with LoadImageColors()

UnloadImagePalette( $colors )

Unload colors palette loaded with LoadImagePalette()

GetImageAlphaBorder( $image, $threshold ) : Raylib::FFI::Rectangle

Get image alpha border rectangle

GetImageColor( $image, $x, $y ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get image pixel color at (x, y) position

ImageClearBackground( $image, $color )

Clear image background with given color

ImageDrawPixel( $image, $posX, $posY, $color )

Draw pixel within an image

ImageDrawPixelV( $image, $position, $color )

Draw pixel within an image (Vector version)

ImageDrawLine( $image, $startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $color )

Draw line within an image

ImageDrawLineV( $image, $start, $end, $color )

aw line within an image (Vector version)

ImageDrawCircle( $image, $centerX, $centerY, $radius, $color )

Draw a filled circle within an image

ImageDrawCircleV( $image, $center, $radius, $color )

Draw a filled circle within an image (Vector version)

ImageDrawCircleLines( $image, $centerX, $centerY, $radius, $color )

Draw circle outline within an image

ImageDrawRectangle( $image, $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $color )

Draw circle outline within an image (Vector version)

ImageDrawRectangleV( $image, $position, $size, $color )

Draw rectangle within an image

ImageDrawRectangleV($image, $position, $size, $color)

Draw rectangle within an image (Vector version)

ImageDrawRectangleRec( $image, $rec, $color )

Draw rectangle within an image

ImageDrawRectangleLines( $image, $rec, $thick, $color )

Draw rectangle lines within an image

ImageDraw( $dst, $src, $srcRec, $dstRec, $tint )

Draw a source image within a destination image (tint applied to source)

ImageDrawText( $dst, $text, $posX, $posY, $fontSize, $color )

Draw text (using default font) within an image (destination)

ImageDrawTextEx( $dst, $text, $position, $fontSize, $spacing, $tint )

Draw text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination)

LoadTexture( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Texture2D

Load texture from file into GPU memory (VRAM) NOTE: This function requires GPU access

LoadTextureFromImage( $image ) : Raylib::FFI::Texture2D

Load texture from image data NOTE: This function requires GPU access

LoadTextureCubemap( $image, $layout ) : Raylib::FFI::TextureCubemap

Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported NOTE: This function requires GPU access

LoadRenderTexture( $width, $height ) : Raylib::FFI::RenderTexture2D

Load texture for rendering (framebuffer) NOTE: This function requires GPU access

IsTextureValid( $texture ) : bool

Check if a texture is valid

UnloadTexture( $texture )

Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM)

IsReanderTextureValid( $renderTexture ) : bool

Check if a render texture is ready

UnloadRenderTexture( $renderTexture )

Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM)

UpdateTexture( $texture, $pixels )

Update GPU texture with new data

UpdateTextureRec( $texture, $rec, $pixels )

Update GPU texture rectangle with new data

GenTextureMipmaps( $texture )

Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture

SetTextureFilter( $texture, $filter )

Set texture scaling filter mode

SetTextureWrap( $texture, $wrap )

Set texture wrapping mode

DrawTexture( $texture, $posX, $posY, $tint )

Draw a Texture2D

DrawTextureV( $texture, $position, $tint )

Draw a Texture2D with position defined as Vector2

DrawTextureEx( $texture, $position, $rotation, $tint )

Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters

DrawTextureRec( $texture, $source, $position, $tint )

Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle

DrawTexturePro( $texture, $source, $dest, $origin, $rotation, $tint )

Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters

DrawTextureNPatch( $texture, $nPatchInfo, $dest, $origin, $rotation, $tint )

Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely

Fade( $color, $alpha ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get color with alpha applied

ColorToInt( $color ) : int

Get hexadecimal value for a Color

ColorNormalize( $color ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector4

Get Color normalized as float [0..1]

ColorToHSV( $color ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector3

Get HSV values for a Color

ColorFromHSV( $hsv ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color from HSV values. Hue [0..360], Saturation [0..1], Value [0..1]

ColorTint( $color ) : int

Get Color multiplied with another color

ColorBrightness( $color, $factor ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color with brightness correction, brightness factor [0..1]

ColorContrast( $color, $contrast ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color with contrast correction, contrast factor [0..1]

ColorAlpha( $color, $alpha ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get src alpha-blended into dst color with tint

ColorAlphaBlend( $dst, $src, $tint ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color structure from hexadecimal value

GetColor( $hexValue ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color structure from hexadecimal value

GetPixelColor( $srcPtr, $format ) : Raylib::FFI::Color

Get Color from a source pixel pointer of certain format

SetPixelColor( $dstPtr, $color, $format )

Set color formatted into destination pixel pointer

GetPixelDataSize( $width, $height, $format ) : int

Get pixel data size in bytes for certain format

GetFontDefault() : Raylib::FFI::Font

Get the default Font

LoadFont( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Font

Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)

LoadFontEx( $fileName, $fontSize, $fontChars, $glyphCount ) : Raylib::FFI::Font

Load font from file with extended parameters, use undef for codepoints and 0 for codepointCount to load the default character set

LoadFontFromImage( $image, $fontSize, $fontChars, $glyphCount ) : Raylib::FFI::Font

Load font from Image (XNA style)

LoadFontFromMemory( $fileType, $fileData, $dataSize, $fontSize, $fontChars, $glyphCount ) : Raylib::FFI::Font

Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf'

IsFontValid( $font ) : bool

Check if a font is valid.

LoadFontData( $fileData, $dataSize, $fontSize, $fontChars, $glyphCount, $type ) : Raylib::FFI::GlyphInfo

Load font data for further use

GenImageFontAtlas( $glyphs, $glyphCount, $fontSize, $padding, $packMethod ) : Raylib::FFI::Image

Generate image font atlas using chars info

UnloadFontData( $glyphs, $glyphCount )

Unload font chars info data (RAM)

UnloadFont( $font )

Unload font from GPU memory (VRAM)

DrawFPS( $posX, $posY )

Draw current FPS

DrawText( $text, $posX, $posY, $fontSize, $color )

Draw text (using default font)

DrawTextEx( $font, $text, $position, $fontSize, $spacing, $tint )

Draw text using font and additional parameters

DrawTextPro( $font, $text, $position, $origin, $rotation, $fontSize, $spacing, $tint )

Draw text using Font and pro parameters (rotation)

DrawTextCodepoint( $font, $codepoint, $position, $fontSize, $tint )

Draw one character (codepoint)

DrawTextCodepoints( $font, $codepoints, $count, $position, $fontSize, $spacing, $tint )

Draw multiple character (codepoint)

SetTextLineSpacing( $spacing )

Set vertical line spacing when drawing with line-breaks

MeasureText( $text, $fontSize ) : int

Measure string width for default font

MeasureTextEx( $font, $text, $fontSize, $spacing ) : Raylib::FFI::Vector2D

Measure string size for Font

GetGlyphIndex( $font, $codepoint ) : int

Get glyph index position in font for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found

GetGlyphInfo( $font, $codepoint ) : Raylib::FFI::GlyphInfo

Get glyph font info data for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found

GetGlyphAtlasRec( $font, $codepoint ) : Raylib::FFI::Rectangle

Get glyph rectangle in font atlas for a codepoint (unicode character), fallback to '?' if not found

LoadCodepoints( $text, $count ) : int

Load all codepoints from a UTF-8 text string, codepoints count returned by parameter

UnloadCodepoints( $codepoints, $count )

Unload codepoints data from memory

GetCodepointCount( $text ) : int

Get total number of codepoints in a UTF-8 encoded string

GetCodepoint( $text, $index ) : int

Get next codepoint in a UTF-8 encoded string, 0x3f('?') is returned on failure

GetCodepointNext( $text, $index ) : int

Get next codepoint in a UTF-8 encoded string, 0x3f('?') is returned on failure

GetCodepointPrevious( $text, $index ) : int

Get previous codepoint in a UTF-8 encoded string, 0x3f('?') is returned on failure

CodepointToUtf8( $codepoint, $byteSize ) : string

Encode one codepoint into UTF-8 byte array (array length returned as parameter)

TextToInteger( $text ) : int

Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)

DrawLine3D( $startPos, $endPos, $color )

Draw a line in 3D world space

DrawPoint3D( $position, $color )

Draw a point in 3D space, actually a small line

DrawCircle3D( $center, $radius, $rotationAxis, $rotationAngle, $color )

Draw a circle in 3D world space

DrawTriangle3D( $v1, $v2, $v3, $color )

Draw a triangle in 3D space

DrawTriangleStrip3D( $points, $pointCount, $color )

Draw a triangle strip defined by points

DrawCube( $position, $width, $height, $length, $color )

Draw cube

DrawCubeV( $position, $size, $color )

Draw cube (Vector version)

DrawCubeWires( $position, $width, $height, $length, $color )

Draw cube wires

Draw sphere

Draw sphere with extended parameters

Draw sphere wires

DrawCylinder( $position, $radiusTop, $radiusBottom, $height, $slices, $color )

Draw a cylinder/cone

DrawCylinderEx( $position, $radiusTop, $radiusBottom, $height, $slices, $color )

Draw cylinder with base at startPos and top at endPos

DrawCylinderWires( $position, $radiusTop, $radiusBottom, $height, $slices, $color )

Draw cylinder/cone wires

DrawCylinderWiresEx($startPos, $endPos, $startRadius, $endRadius, $sides, $color)

Draw a cylinder with base at startPos and top at endPos

DrawCapsule( $startPos, $endPos, $radius, $slices, $segments, $color )

Draw a capsule with the center of its sphere caps at startPos and endPos

DrawCapsuleWires($startPos, $endPos, $radius, $slices, $rings, $color)

Draw capsule wireframe with the center of its sphere caps at startPos and endPos

DrawPlane($centerPos, $size, $color)

Draw a plane XZ

DrawRay( $ray, $color )

Draw a ray line

DrawGrid( $slices, $color )

Draw a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))

LoadModel( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Model

Load model from files (meshes and materials)

LoadModelFromMesh( $mesh ) : Raylib::FFI::Model

Load model from generated mesh (default material)

IsModelValid( $model ) : bool

Check if an model is ready

UnloadModel( $model )

Unload model (including meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

GetModelBoundingBox( $model ) : Raylib::FFI::BoundingBox

Compute model bounding box limits (considering all meshes)

DrawModel( $model, $position, $scale, $tint )

Draw a model (with texture if set)

DrawModelEx( $model, $position, $rotationAxis, $rotationAngle, $scale, $tint )

Draw a model with extended parameters

DrawModelWires( $model, $position, $scale, $tint )

Draw model wires (with texture if set)

DrawModelWiresEx( $model, $position, $rotationAxis, $rotationAngle, $scale, $tint )

Draw model wires (with texture if set) with extended parameters

DrawBoundingBox( $box, $color )

Draw bounding box (wires)

DrawBillboard( $camera, $texture, $position, $size, $tint )

Draw a billboard texture

DrawBillboardRec( $camera, $texture, $source, $position, $size, $tint )

Draw a billboard texture defined by source

DrawBillboardPro( $camera, $texture, $source, $position, $up, $size, $origin, $rotation, $tint )

Draw a billboard texture defined by source and rotation

UploadMesh( $mesh, $dynamic )

Upload mesh vertex data in GPU and provide VAO/VBO ids

UnloadMesh( $mesh )

Unload mesh from CPU and GPU

DrawMesh( $mesh, $material, $transform )

Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform

GetMeshBoundingBox( $mesh ) : Raylib::FFI::BoundingBox

Compute mesh bounding box limits

GenMeshTangents( $mesh )

Compute mesh tangents

ExportMesh( $mesh, $fileName ) : bool

Export mesh data to file, returns true on success

GenMeshPoly( $sides, $radius ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate polygonal mesh

GenMeshPlane( $width, $length, $resX, $resZ ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions)

GenMeshCube( $width, $height, $length ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate cuboid mesh

GenMeshSphere( $radius, $rings, $slices ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate sphere mesh

GenMeshHemiSphere( $radius, $rings, $segments ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap)

GenMeshCylinder( $radius, $height, $slices ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate cylinder mesh

GenMeshCone( $radius, $height, $slices ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate cone/pyramid mesh

GenMeshTorus( $radius, $size, $radSeg, $sides ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate torus mesh

GenMeshKnot( $radius, $size, $radSeg, $sides ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate trefoil knot mesh

GenMeshHeightmap( $heightmap, $size ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate heightmap mesh from image data ($heightmap)

GenMeshCubicmap( $cubicmap, $cubeSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Mesh

Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data

LoadMaterials( $fileName, $materialCount ) : Raylib::FFI::Material

Load materials from model file

LoadMaterialDefault() : Raylib::FFI::Material

Load default material (Supports: Diffuse Maps, Specular Maps, Normal Maps)

IsMaterialValid( $material ) : bool

Check if a material is ready

UnloadMaterial( $material )

Unload material from GPU memory (VRAM)

SetMaterialTexture( $material, $mapType, $texture )

Set texture for a material map type (MAT_MAP_DIFFUSE, MAT_MAP_SPECULAR...)

SetModelMeshMaterial( $model, $meshId, $materialId )

Set material for a mesh

LoadModelAnimations( $fileName, $animCount ) : Raylib::FFI::ModelAnimation

Load model animations from file

UpdateModelAnimation( $model, $anim, $frame )

Update model animation pose

UnloadModelAnimation( $anim )

Unload animation data

UnloadModelAnimations( $model, $animCount )

Unload animation array data

IsModelAnimationValid( $model, $anim ) : bool

Check model animation skeleton match

CheckCollisionSpheres( $centerA, $radiusA, $centerB, $radiusB ) : bool

Check collision between two spheres

CheckCollisionBoxes( $box1, $box2 ) : bool

Check collision between two bounding boxes

CheckCollisionBoxSphere( $box, $center, $radius ) : bool

Check collision between box and sphere

GetRayCollisionSphere( $ray, $center, $radius ) : Raylib::FFI::RayCollision

Get collision info between ray and sphere

GetRayCollisionBox( $ray, $box ) : Raylib::FFI::RayCollision

Get collision info between ray and box

GetRayCollisionMesh( $ray, $mesh, $transform ) : Raylib::FFI::RayCollision

Get collision info between ray and mesh

GetRayCollisionTriangle( $ray, $p1, $p2, $p3 ) : Raylib::FFI::RayCollision

Get collision info between ray and triangle

GetRayCollisionQuad( $ray, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4 ) : Raylib::FFI::RayCollision

Get collision info between ray and quad


Initialize audio device and context


Close the audio device and context

IsAudioDeviceValid() : bool

Check if audio device has been initialized successfully

SetMasterVolume( $volume )

Set master volume (listener)

GetMasterVolume() : float

Get master volume (listener)

LoadWave( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Wave

Load wave data from file

LoadWaveFromMemory( $fileType, $fileData, $dataSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Wave

Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. ".wav"

LoadSound( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Sound

Load sound from file

LoadSoundFromWave( $wave ) : Raylib::FFI::Sound

Load sound from wave data

LoadSoundAlias( $sound, $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Sound

Create a new sound that shares the same sound data as another existing sound

IsSoundValid( $sound ) : bool

Check if a sound is ready

UpdateSound( $sound, $data )

Update sound buffer with new data

UnloadWave( $wave )

Unload wave data

UnloadSound( $sound )

Unload sound

ExportWave( $wave, $fileName ) : bool

Export wave data to file, return true on success

PlaySound( $sound )

Play a sound

StopSound( $sound )

Stop playing a sound

PauseSound( $sound )

Pause a sound

ResumeSound( $sound )

Resume a paused sound

IsSoundPlaying( $sound ) : bool

Check if a sound is currently playing

SetSoundVolume( $sound, $volume )

Set volume for a sound (1.0 is max level)

SetSoundPitch( $sound, $pitch )

Set pitch for a sound (1.0 is base level)

SetSoundPan( $sound, $pan )

Set pan for a sound (0.5 is center)

WaveCopy( $wave ) : Raylib::FFI::Wave

Copy a wave to a new wave

WaveCrop( $wave, $initFrame, $finalFrame )

Crop a wave to defined samples range

WaveFormat( $wave, $sampleRate, $sampleSize, $channels )

Convert wave data to desired format

LoadWaveSamples( $wave ) : float*

Load samples data from wave as a 32bit float array

UnloadWaveSamples( $samples )

Unload samples data loaded with LoadWaveSamples()

LoadMusicStream( $fileName ) : Raylib::FFI::Music

Load music stream from file

LoadMusicStreamFromMemory( $fileType, $data, $dataSize ) : Raylib::FFI::Music

Load music stream from data

IsMusicValid( $music ) : bool

Check if music stream is ready

UnloadMusicStream( $music )

Unload music stream

PlayMusicStream( $music )

Start music playing

IsMusicStreamPlaying( $music ) : bool

Check if music is playing

UpdateMusicStream( $music )

Update buffers for music streaming

StopMusicStream( $music )

Stop music playing

PauseMusicStream( $music )

Pause music playing

ResumeMusicStream( $music )

Resume music playing

SeekMusicStream( $music, $position )

Seek music to a position (in seconds)

SetMusicVolume( $music, $volume )

Set volume for music (1.0 is max level)

SetMusicPitch( $music, $pitch )

Set pitch for a music (1.0 is base level)

SetMusicPan( $music, $pan )

Set pan for a music (0.5 is center)

GetMusicTimeLength( $music ) : float

Get music time length (in seconds)

GetMusicTimePlayed( $music ) : float

Get current music time played (in seconds)

LoadAudioStream( $sampleRate, $sampleSize, $channels ) : Raylib::FFI::AudioStream

Load audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data)

IsAudioStreamValid( $audioStream ) : bool

Check if an audio stream is valid

UnloadAudioStream( $audioStream )

Unload audio stream

UpdateAudioStream( $audioStream, $data, $frameCount )

Update audio stream buffers with data

IsAudioStreamProcessed( $audioStream ) : bool

Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill

PlayAudioStream( $audioStream )

Play audio stream

PauseAudioStream( $audioStream )

Pause audio stream

ResumeAudioStream( $audioStream )

Resume audio stream

IsAudioStreamPlaying( $audioStream ) : bool

Check if audio stream is playing

StopAudioStream( $audioStream )

Stop audio stream

SetAudioStreamVolume( $audioStream, $volume )

Set volume for audio stream (1.0 is max level)

SetAudioStreamPitch( $audioStream, $pitch )

Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)

SetAudioStreamPan( $audioStream, $pan )

Set pan for audio stream (0.5 is center)

SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault( $size )

Default size for new audio streams


Also, this module was put together very quickly, and it's not very well tested. There may be differences between the documentation and the underlying library. The library is correct, please let me know if you find any issues.






Chris Prather <chris@prather.org>

Based on the work of:

Ahmad Fatoum <athreef@cpan.org>, http://a3f.at


This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Chris Prather.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


This is an unofficial wrapper of http://www.raylib.com.

raylib is Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Ramon Santamaria and available under the terms of the zlib/libpng license. Refer to LICENSE for full terms.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 2732:

Unknown directive: =head

Around line 2736:

Unknown directive: =head

Around line 2740:

Unknown directive: =head