use SVN::TeamTools::Store::Repo; my $repo = SVN::TeamTools::Store::Repo-> new(); my $rev = $repo->getSvnRev(); # Get latest revision number my $svnlook = $repo->getLook (rev=>1234); # Get a SVN::Look objects my $svnlook = $repo->getLook (txn=>1234); # Get a SVN::Look objects my $text = $repo->svnCat(rev=>1234, path=>'trunk/file.txt'); # Get a file from the SVN repository
Common methods for accessing a SubVersion Respository.
The location of the SVN repository must be specified in the config.xml file. An example: <svn> <authz>conf/authz</authz> <passwd>conf/passwd</passwd> <regex_branch>branches/</regex_branch> <regex_tags>tags/</regex_tags> <regex_trunk>trunk/</regex_trunk> <repo>/u02/svn/repo01</repo> <url>http://localhost/svn/repo01</url> <wc>/tmp/svn</wc> </svn>
- repo
The absolute path to the SubVersion repository
- authz
The path, absolute or relative to the repo path, to the authorization file
- passwd
The path, absolute or relative to the repo path, to the password file
- wc
The absolute base path of the local working copy location. Branche and Merge operation will create subdirectories under this path (only used by the webinterface)
- url
The url to the web access as in mod_dav_svn (only used by the webinterface)
- regex_trunk
A regular expression identifying the 'trunk' or 'trunks' in the repository (only used by the webinterface)
A regular expression identifying the 'tags' in the repository (only used by the webinterface)
- regex_branch
A regular expression identifying the 'branches' in the repository (only used by the webinterface)
- new
Creates a new repository object. No parameters needed.
- getSvnRev
Gets latest revision number.
- getLook
Takes one parameter; rev (the revision number) or txn (a transaction number, if used by a hook).
Returns a SVN::Look object.
- svnCat
Takes two parameters: rev - a revision number, this has to be a real number, e.g. HEAD can not be used. path - a string representing a path in the repository.
returns a string containing the content of the file.
- mergeFiles
Merges new files into the repository or deletes existing files. Only used by the webinterface (in combination with the database modules).
- mergeBranches
Automatically merges branches (with the trunk) to produce new branches or tags. Only used by the webinterface and the scheduler.
- hasAction
Only for internal use by the web interface
- getTemplate
Only for internal use by the web interface
- getData
Only for internal use by the web interface
Mark Leeuw (
This software is copyrighted by Mark Leeuw
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the restrictions of GPL v2