Search::MultiMatch - An efficient, tree-based, 2D multimatcher.


Version 0.03


Search::MultiMatch works by creating a multidimensional hash-table with keys as 2D-arrays, which are stored as nodes.

It accepts matching the stored entries with a pattern, that is also a 2D-array, identifying matches by walking the table from node to node.

use Search::MultiMatch;

# Create a SMM object
my $smm = Search::MultiMatch->new();

# Add an entry
$smm->add($key, $value);                # key is a 2D-array

# Search with a pattern
my @matches = $smm->search($pattern);   # pattern is a 2D-array



Creates and returns a new object.

my $smm = Search::MultiMatch->new(%opt);

Where %opt understands the following options:

  • table => {}

    The value of the table must be a multidimensional hash-like data structure.

    Starting with version 0.03, using a DBM::Deep database is also supported.

  • special_key => "\0\0\1\0\0"

    Special unique key, used internally to store the original values.



$smm->add($key, $value);

The $key must be a 2D-array, with groups in the first dimension, and items in the second. The granularity of the items controls the matching.


my $key   = [['f','o','o'],['b','a','r']];
my $value = 'Foo Bar';
$smm->add($key, $value);


my @matches = $smm->search($pattern, %opt)

Searches and returns a list of matches, each match having a score greater or equal to 1, which is the number of times it matched the pattern.

Each returned match has the following structure:

    match => $value,
    score => $integer,

Where $value is the original value associated with the matched key.

The $pattern must be a 2D-array, with groups in the first dimension and items in the second dimension. The granularity of the items controls the matching.


my $pattern = [['f','o'], ['b', 'a']];
my @default = $smm->search($pattern);
my @best    = $smm->search($pattern, keep => 'best');
my @any     = $smm->search($pattern, keep => 'any');

The keep option controls which matches to be returned.

  • keep => 'best'

    Will filter the results to include only the matches with the highest score.

  • keep => 'any'

    Will keep any partial match, even when a certain group from the $pattern do not match any of the returned matches.

  • keep => 'default'

    This is the default setting and it returns all the values that partially match, at least, one group in the $pattern.

In all cases, a given match is saved even when not all the pattern-items from a certain group match all the key-items of the match.

For example, let's consider:

my $pattern = [['f', 'o']];
my $key     = [['f', 'o', 'o']];

In the above scenario, the pattern will match the key, because 'f' and 'o' from the pattern will follow the path of the key.

However, in the following case:

my $pattern = [['f', 'o']];
my $key     = [['foo']];

the pattern will not match the key, because 'foo' is not stored on the 'f' node.


This example illustrates how to add some key/value pairs to the table and how to search the table with a given pattern at a later time:

use Search::MultiMatch;
use Data::Dump qw(pp);

# Creates a SMM object
my $smm = Search::MultiMatch->new();

# Create a 2D-array key, by splitting the string
# into words, then each word into characters.
sub make_key {
    [map { [split //] } split(' ', lc($_[0]))];

my @movies = (
              'My First Lover',
              'A Lot Like Love',
              'Funny Games (2007)',
              'Cinderella Man (2005)',
              'Pulp Fiction (1994)',
              'Don\'t Say a Word (2001)',
              'Secret Window (2004)',
              'The Lookout (2007)',
              '88 Minutes (2007)',
              'The Mothman Prophecies',
              'Love Actually (2003)',
              'From Paris with Love (2010)',
              'P.S. I Love You (2007)',

# Add the entries
foreach my $movie (@movies) {
    $smm->add(make_key($movie), $movie);

my $pattern = make_key('i love');        # make the search-pattern
my @matches = $smm->search($pattern);    # search by the pattern

pp \@matches;                            # dump the results

The results are:

 {match => "P.S. I Love You (2007)",      score => 2},
 {match => "My First Lover",              score => 1},
 {match => "A Lot Like Love",             score => 1},
 {match => "Love Actually (2003)",        score => 1},
 {match => "From Paris with Love (2010)", score => 1},



Daniel Șuteu, <trizen at>


Copyright 2016-2022 Daniel Șuteu.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: