version 3.10
Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined complexType CustomsClearanceDetail from the namespace
The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:
Broker (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
ClearanceBrokerage (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
ImporterOfRecord (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
RecipientCustomsId (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
DutiesPayment (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
DocumentContent (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
CustomsValue (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
FreightOnValue (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
InsuranceCharges (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
PartiesToTransactionAreRelated (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
CommercialInvoice (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
Commodities (min/maxOccurs: 0/99)
ExportDetail (min/maxOccurs: 0/1)
RegulatoryControls (min/maxOccurs: 0/unbounded)
Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
{ # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CustomsClearanceDetail
Broker => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Party
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
Tins => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::TaxpayerIdentification
TinType => $some_value, # TinType
Number => $some_value, # string
Usage => $some_value, # string
Contact => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Contact
ContactId => $some_value, # string
PersonName => $some_value, # string
Title => $some_value, # string
CompanyName => $some_value, # string
PhoneNumber => $some_value, # string
PhoneExtension => $some_value, # string
PagerNumber => $some_value, # string
FaxNumber => $some_value, # string
EMailAddress => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Address
StreetLines => $some_value, # string
City => $some_value, # string
StateOrProvinceCode => $some_value, # string
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
UrbanizationCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
Residential => $some_value, # boolean
ClearanceBrokerage => $some_value, # ClearanceBrokerageType
ImporterOfRecord => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Party
RecipientCustomsId => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RecipientCustomsId
Type => $some_value, # RecipientCustomsIdType
Value => $some_value, # string
DutiesPayment => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Payment
PaymentType => $some_value, # PaymentType
Payor => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Payor
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
DocumentContent => $some_value, # InternationalDocumentContentType
CustomsValue => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
Currency => $some_value, # string
Amount => $some_value, # decimal
FreightOnValue => $some_value, # FreightOnValueType
InsuranceCharges => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
PartiesToTransactionAreRelated => $some_value, # boolean
CommercialInvoice => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::CommercialInvoice
Comments => $some_value, # string
FreightCharge => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
TaxesOrMiscellaneousCharge => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
PackingCosts => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
HandlingCosts => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
SpecialInstructions => $some_value, # string
DeclarationStatment => $some_value, # string
PaymentTerms => $some_value, # string
Purpose => $some_value, # PurposeOfShipmentType
PurposeOfShipmentDescription => $some_value, # string
CustomerInvoiceNumber => $some_value, # string
OriginatorName => $some_value, # string
TermsOfSale => $some_value, # TermsOfSaleType
Commodities => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Commodity
Name => $some_value, # string
NumberOfPieces => $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
Description => $some_value, # string
CountryOfManufacture => $some_value, # string
HarmonizedCode => $some_value, # string
Weight => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Weight
Units => $some_value, # WeightUnits
Value => $some_value, # decimal
Quantity => $some_value, # nonNegativeInteger
QuantityUnits => $some_value, # string
AdditionalMeasures => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Measure
Quantity => $some_value, # decimal
Units => $some_value, # string
UnitPrice => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
CustomsValue => {}, # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::Money
ExciseConditions => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::EdtExciseCondition
Category => $some_value, # string
Value => $some_value, # string
ExportLicenseNumber => $some_value, # string
ExportLicenseExpirationDate => $some_value, # date
CIMarksAndNumbers => $some_value, # string
NaftaDetail => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::NaftaCommodityDetail
PreferenceCriterion => $some_value, # NaftaPreferenceCriterionCode
ProducerDetermination => $some_value, # NaftaProducerDeterminationCode
ProducerId => $some_value, # string
NetCostMethod => $some_value, # NaftaNetCostMethodCode
NetCostDateRange => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DateRange
Begins => $some_value, # date
Ends => $some_value, # date
ExportDetail => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::ExportDetail
B13AFilingOption => $some_value, # B13AFilingOptionType
ExportComplianceStatement => $some_value, # string
PermitNumber => $some_value, # string
DestinationControlDetail => { # Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::DestinationControlDetail
StatementTypes => $some_value, # DestinationControlStatementType
DestinationCountries => $some_value, # string
EndUser => $some_value, # string
RegulatoryControls => $some_value, # RegulatoryControlType
Generated by SOAP::WSDL
Andrew Baerg <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Andrew Baerg.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.