Slash::Gallery - Picture gallery plugin for Slash
# see README and
see README and
* security v+ view anything in your group v+ do nothing else unless seclev >= 10000 v+ dynamically create paths to images v+ don't let people hog bandwidth (formkeys) [ VARS ] -+ don't let them perform unsafe operations via GET; use formkeys? [ VARS ]
* files v+ picture directory v+ all pictures in one directory? y
* add pictures v+ automatically from directory? y -+ add via HTTP upload (set date?)? * list pictures -+ by what? # date? name? group? # date, list name/group(s)? # group->date, list name? # list groups (including "uncategorized")? -+ how continue? set num of images per page [ VAR ] v+ for now, list by id, with no contiune, and show name and groups * edit pictures -+ delete pictures # delete from filesystem? v+ edit name v+ edit uid v+ edit description v+ edit date v+ edit groups v# list all groups? v# multiple pickbox? v+ save and edit next?
* add groups v+ simple add by name * list groups v+ simple list by name? * edit groups -+ delete v+ edit name v+ edit description v+ edit users in groups v# add by nickname/uid? v# delete
* search pictures + come later? + search by name, date, group?
* view pictures v+ use list? v+ use thumbnails? v+ rotate, scale? v# on-disk cache checks date of original before doing conversion v# scale by hand
$Id:,v 1.6 2002/01/23 04:52:18 pudge Exp $