Test::Tdd::Generator - Generate tests for existing code
Add those lines inside the function you want to generate a test for:
use Test::Tdd::Generator;
Test::Tdd::Generator::create_test('<test description>');
If you also need some globals you can include them like this:
use Test::Tdd::Generator;
Test::Tdd::Generator::create_test('<test description>', { globals => ['Example::'] });
This will generate a test like this
it '<test description>' => sub {
my $input = Test::Tdd::Generator::load_input(dirname(__FILE__) . "/input/MyModule_does_something.dump");
my $result = MyModule::untested_subroutine(@{$input->{args}});
is($result, "fixme");
- PACKAGE::create_test($test_description [, $opts])
Creates a test on the closest t/ folder, saving the original inputs that the function received as well. You can also save globals you might need passing them on $opts, check the example above
- PACKAGE::load_input($dump_file)
Evaluates a dump file to load the inputs on the test to be able to call the function
- PACKAGE::expand_globals($globals)
Expand globals that were exported to run the tests