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Test::Valgrind::Command - Base class for Test::Valgrind commands.


Version 1.19


This class is the base for Test::Valgrind commands.

Commands gather information about the target of the analysis. They should also provide a default setup for generating suppressions.



my $tvc = Test::Valgrind::Command->new(
command => $command,
args => \@args,

Creates a new command object of type $command by requiring and redispatching the method call to the module named $command if it contains '::' or to Test::Valgrind::Command::$command otherwise. The class represented by $command must inherit this class.

The args key is used to initialize the "args" accessor.


Creates a new command object suitable for generating suppressions.

Defaults to return undef, which skips suppression generation.


my @args = $tvc->args($session);

Returns the list of command-specific arguments that are to be passed to valgrind.

Defaults to return the contents of the args option.


my $env = $tvc->env($session);

This event is called in scalar context before the command is ran, and the returned value goes out of scope when the analysis ends. It's useful for e.g. setting up %ENV for the child process by returning an Env::Sanctify object, hence the name.

Defaults to void.


my $tag = $tvc->suppressions_tag($session);

Returns a identifier that will be used to pick up the right suppressions for running the command, or undef to indicate that no special suppressions are needed.

This method must be implemented when subclassing.


my $supp_ok = $tvc->check_suppressions_file($file);

Returns a boolean indicating whether the suppressions contained in $file are compatible with the command.

Defaults to true.


my $filtered_report = $tvc->filter($session, $report);

The $session calls this method after receiving a report from the tool and before forwarding it to the action. You can either return a mangled $report (which does not need to be a clone of the original) or undef if you want the action to ignore it completely.

Defaults to the identity function.


Test::Valgrind, Test::Valgrind::Session.


Vincent Pit, <perl at profvince.com>, http://www.profvince.com.

You can contact me by mail or on irc.perl.org (vincent).


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-valgrind at rt.cpan.org, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Test-Valgrind. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Test::Valgrind::Command


Copyright 2009,2010,2011,2013,2015,2016 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.