Text::JSON::Nibble - Nibble complete JSON objects from buffers
Version 1.01
This module should be used with caution, it will not handle 'badly formed' json well, its entire purpose was because I was experiencing segfaults with Cpanel::XS's decode_prefix when dealing with a streaming socket buffer.
This module is a 'character' crawling JSON extractor for plain TEXT, usable in both a 'streaming' or 'block' method, for when you need something that is not XS.
It is particularly handy for when you want to deal with JSON without decoding it.
use Text::JSON::Nibble;
my $json = '{"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}';
my $item = Text::JSON::Nibble->new();
my @results = @{ $item->digest($json) };
Example1 (Basic usage)
use Text::JSON::Nibble;
my $json = '{"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}{"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}';
my $item = Text::JSON::Nibble->new();
foreach my $jsonBlock ( @{ $item->digest($json) } ) {
print "Found: $jsonBlock\n";
# Will display the following:
# Found: {"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}
# Found: {"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}
Example2 (Basic usage - mangled JSON)
use Text::JSON::Nibble;
my $json = '\cxa4GL<A{"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}He Random Stuf${"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}\cxa4GL<A';
my $item = Text::JSON::Nibble->new();
foreach my $jsonBlock ( @{ $item->digest($json) } ) {
print "Found: $jsonBlock\n";
# Will display the following:
# Found: {"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}
# Found: {"lol":{"a":[1,2,3],"b":"lol"}}
Example3 (Streaming usage for POE and others)
use Text::JSON::Nibble;
my @jsonStream = qw( {"test":1} {"moreTest":2} {"part ial":3} );
my $item = Text::JSON::Nibble->new();
$item->process( shift @jsonStream );
while( $item->stack ) {
my $jsonBlock = $item->pull;
print "Found $jsonBlock\n";
while ( my $newJSON = shift @jsonStream ) {
Generic callers
Generate a new JSON Nibble object
Block functions
Digest the text that is fed in and attempt to return a complete an array of JSON object from it, returns either a blank array or an array of text-encoded-json.
Note you can call and use this at any time, even if you are using streaming functionality.
Streaming functions
Load data into the buffer for json extraction, can be called at any point.
This function will return the buffer length remaining after extraction has been attempted.
This function takes 1 optional argument, text to be added to the buffer.
Return the amount of succesfully extracted JSON blocks ready to be pulled.
If no JSON blocks are ready, returns 0.
This function takes no arguments.
Pull an item from the stack, shortening the stack by 1.
This function will return "" if the stack is empty.
This function takes no arguments.
Effectively flushs the objects buffers, giving you a clean object, this can be handy when you want to start processing from another stream.
This function returns nothing.
This function takes no arguments.
Paul G Webster, <daemon at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-text-json-nibble at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Text::JSON::Nibble
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Copyright 2017 Paul G Webster.
This program is released under the following license: BSD