Tk::ColorPicker - Frame based megawidget for selecting a color.


use Tk::ColorPicker;
my $pick = $widow->ColorPicker->pack;


Tk::ColorPicker lets you edit a color in RGB, CMY and HSV space. It has a facility to pick a screen color with your mouse. It offers a history of previous selected colors. It can work in color depths of 4, 8, 12 or 16 bits per channel. You can switch color depth on the fly.


Switch: -colordepth

Default value 8 bits per color channel. Can be 4, 8, 12 or 16;

Switch: -depthselect

Default value 0. If set a row of radiobuttons is diplayed allowing you to switch color depth.

Switch: -historycolumns

Default value 6. Number of columns in the history tab.

Switch: -historyfile

Undefined by default. Here you set the filename from where the history is saved and loaded.

Switch: -indborderwidth

Default value 2. Borderwidth of indicator labels in the recent tab.

Switch: -indicatorwidth

Default value 4. Width of the indicator labels in the recent tab.

Switch: -indrelief

Default value 'sunken'. Relief of the indicator labels in the recent tab.

Switch: -maxhistory

Default value 32.Specifies the maximum number of entries in the history list.

Switch: -notation

Selects in which notation the color should be represented. Default value hex. Possible values are:

cmy cmy(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

The channel values can be between 0 and 1. It works with 3 decimals precision. For maximum accuracy set your dolor depth to 12 bits per color.

cmyX cmy8(127, 127, 127)

The X stands for the color depth. The channel values are integers ranging from 0 to the max channel value for the current selected color depth.

hex #7F7F7F

The hexadecimal notation of a color.

hsv hsv(360, 0, 0.5)

Hue value can be between 0 and 360 degrees with 1 decimal precision. Saturation and value range from 0 to 1 with 3 decimals precision.

rgb rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

The channel values can be between 0 and 1. It works with 3 decimals precision. For maximum accuracy set your dolor depth to 12 bits per color.

rgbX rgb8(127, 127, 127)

The X stands for the color depth. The channel values are integers ranging from 0 to the max channel value for the current selected color depth.

Switch: -notationselect

Default value 0. If set a menubutton is diplayed allowing you to select a notation.

Switch: -sliderheight

Default value 200. Sets the length of all channel sliders.

Switch: -updatecall

Set this callback to reflect changes to the outside. Gets the current color as parameter.



Returns the color depth of $hexcolor.


Returns a hex color string based on the Red, Green and Blue channels.


Returns the hex formatted representation of a cmy formatted string.


Returns the hex formatted representation of a cmyX formatted string.

convertDepth($string, ?<I$depth>?)

Converts the depth of $string to $depth. If $depth is not specified, -colordepth is used


Returns the hex formatted representation of a hex formatted string. So basically it does nothing but return it's input.


Returns the hex formatted representation of a hsv formatted string.


Returns the hex formatted representation of a rgb formatted string.


Returns the hex formatted representation of a rgbX formatted string.


Returns a cmy formatted representation of the current color.


Returns a cmyX formatted representation of the current color.


Returns a hex formatted representation of the current color.


Returns a hsv formatted representation of the current color.


Returns a rgb formatted representation of the current color.


Returns a rgbX formatted representation of the current color.


Converts $hex to Red, Green Blue values.

hexString($num, ?$depth?>)

Returns the hexadecimal notation of $num. If $depth is not specified, -colordepth is used


Adds color to the History list. Saves the list and updates the history tab.


Clears the history list.


Loads the history file if it is specified.


Adds $color to the history list


Clears the history list. Then saves and updates.


Saves the history list.


Updates the history tab.


Returns the maximum values for the Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels, based on -colordepth.


Returns a cmy formatted string of a hex color.


Returns a cmyX formatted string of a hex color.


Tries to detect the notation of I>$color> and returns what it finds. Returns undef if it does not detect a valid notation.


Returns a hex formatted string of a hex color. So basically it just returns it's input.


Returns a hsc formatted string of a hex color.


Returns a rgb formatted string of a hex color.


Returns a rgbX formatted string of a hex color.


Changes all sliders to match $color

rgb2hex($red, $green, $blue, ?$depth?)

Converts the red, green and blue values to a hexstring. If depth is not specified, -colordepth is used.


Returns true if $color is a valid color.


Same as Perl.


Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)


Switching color depth straight after initialization gives unwanted results.

Cancelling a pick operation only works in the context of Tk::ColorEntry.