Tk::Poplevel - Popping a toplevel without decoration relative to a widget
require Tk::Poplevel;
my $pop = $window->Poplevel(@options,
-widget => $somewidget,
This widget pops a toplevel without ornaments relative to the widget specified in the -widget option. It aligns its size and position to the widget.
Clicking outside the toplevel will pop it down.
Accepts all the options of a Toplevel widget;
- -confine
Default value is 0. If set the popup will have the equal with of the widget.
- -popalign
Default value 'left'. Can be 'left' or 'right'. This is the preferred horizontal alignment. Does nothing when -confine is set.
- -popdirection
Default value 'down'. Can be 'up' or 'down'. Specifies if the popup should be preferrably above or below the widget. Does nothing when -confine is set.
- -widget
Set and return a reference to the widget the Poplevel should pop relative to.
- calculateHeight
For you to overwrite. Returns the requested height of the Polevel.
- calculateWidth
For you to overwrite. Returns the requested width of the Polevel.
- popDirection
Returns the direction of the popup. It is '' when not yet calculated. Can be 'up' or 'down'.
- popDown
Hides the PopList.
- popFlip
Hides the PopList if it shown. Shows the PopList if it is hidden.
- popUp
Shows the PopList.
Same as Perl.
Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author.