Tk::QuickForm - Quickly set up a form.
require Tk::QuickForm;
my $form= $window->QuickForm(@options,
-structure => [
'*page' => 'Page name', #Adds a new page to the notebook. Creates the notebook if needed.
'*section' => 'Section name', #Adds a new section.
some_list => ['radio', 'My values', -values => \@listvalues], #Adds an array of radio buttons.
'*end', #Ends a section or frame.
'*column', #Starts a new column of fields
'*expand', #Expand the next entry in height.
This widget allows you to quickly set up a form for the user to fill out or modify. Attempts are made to make it clear and elegant.
Inherits Tk::Frame. With the -structure option you can define fields the user can modify as well as its layout.
With the put and get methods you can set or retrieve values as a hash.
- Switch: -acceptempty
Default value 0. If set the validate method will not trigger on fields containing empty strings.
- Switch: -autovalidate
By default 1. Validate the form whenever an entry changes value.
- Switch: -fileimage
Set an image object for file items. By default it is the file icon from Tk.
- Switch: -folderimage
Set an image object for folder items. By default it is the folder icon from Tk.
- Switch: -fontimage
Set an image object for folder items. By default it is the font_icon.png in this package.
- Switch: -postvalidatecall
Set this callback if you want to take action on the validation result.
- Switch: -structure
You have to set this option. This is the example we use in our testfile:
[ *page' => 'Arrays', '*section' => 'List', -set_list_command => ['list', 'List command test', -values => sub { return @listvalues } ], -set_list_values => ['list', 'List values test', -values => \@listvalues], '*end', '*section' => 'Radio', -set_radio_command => ['radio', 'Radio Command test', -values => sub { return @radiovalues }], -set_radio_values => ['radio', 'Radio values test', -values => \@radiovalues], '*end', '*page' => 'Scalars', '*section' => 'Numbers', -set_boolean => ['boolean', 'Boolean test'], -set_float => ['float', 'Float test'], -set_integer => ['integer', 'Integer test'], '*end', '*section' => 'Scale and Spin', -set_scale => ['scale', 'Scale test'], -set_spin => ['spin', 'Spinbox test'], '*end', '*section' => 'Files', -set_file => ['file', 'File test'], -set_folder => ['folder', 'Folder test'], '*end', '*column', '*section' => 'Colors and fonts', -set_color => ['color', 'Color test'], -set_font => ['font', 'Font test'], '*end', '*section' => 'Free text', -set_text => ['text', 'Text test'], '*end', '*page' => 'User defined', '*section' => 'Scale', -set_scale10 => ['scale10', 'Scale 10 test'], '*end', '*section' => 'Boolean', -set_onoff => ['onoff', 'On/Off 10 test', -offvalue => 'Uit', -onvalue => 'Aan'], '*end', '*section' => 'Text', -set_https => ['https', 'Web link'], '*end', '*page' => 'External', '*section' => 'Single column', -set_ext1 => ['ext1', 'External color test', 'Tk::QuickForm::CColorItem'], '*end', '*expand', '*section' => 'Double column', '*expand', -set_ext2 => ['ext2', 'MyExternal', -height => 8, -width => 40], '*end', ],
Only available at create time. See below.
- Switch: -types
Add a list of user defined types.
Only available at create time. See below.
A number of config variables are forwarded to the file dialog widget used in this module. Look in Tk::FilePicker and Tk::FileBrowser for their meaning. They are:
The -structure option is a list that basically looks like:
$switch => $option,
$key => [$type, $label, @options],
$switch can have the following values:
- *page
Creates a NoteBook widget if needed and adds a page with the name in $option.
- *section
Creates a new section with the name in $option as label on a Tk::LabFrame. You can create nested sections.
- *frame
Similar to *section just does not take a name parameter. Useful for dividing the space.
- *column
Starts a new set of colums at row 0; Does not take a parameter.
- *end
Ends current section. Does not take a parameter.
- *expand
Verically expands the next item in the list. Does not take a parameter.
By default the following types are defined:
- boolean
mycheck => ['boolean', 'My check', @options],
Creates a Checkbutton item.
- color
mycolor => ['color', 'My color', @options],
Creates an ColorEntry item. See Tk::ColorEntry.
- ext1
myexternal => ['ext1', 'My external', 'Full::Class::Name', @options],
Adds an external class. See below at USER DEFINED TYPES.
- ext2
myexternal => ['ext2', 'Full::Class::Name', @options],
Same as ext1 except it occupies all columns. See below at USER DEFINED TYPES.
- file
myfile => ['file', 'My file', @options],
Creates an Entry item with a button initiating a file dialog.
- float
myfloat => ['float', 'My float', @options],
Creates an Entry item that validates a floating value.
- folder
mydir => ['folder', 'My folder', @options],
Creates an Entry item with a button initiating a folder dialog.
- font
myfont => ['font', 'My font', @options],
Creates an Entry item with a button initiating a font dialog.
- integer
myinteger => ['integer', 'My integer', @options],
Creates an Entry item that validates an integer value.
- list
mylist => ['list', 'My list', -values => \@values], mylist => ['list', 'My list', -values => sub { return @values }],
Creates a ListEntry item. See Tk::ListEntry.
- radio
myradio => ['radio', 'My radio', -values => \@values], myradio => ['radio', 'My radio', -values => sub { return @values }],
Creates a row of radiobuttons.
- scale
myscale => ['scale', 'My scale', @options],
Creates a Scale item.
- spin
myspin => ['spin', 'My spin', @options],
Creates a Spinbutton item.
- text
mytext => ['text', 'My text', @options],
Creates an Entry item.
The -types option lets you add your own item types. Specify as follows:
-structure => [..],
-types => [
type1 => ['ClassName1', @options1]
type2 => ['ClassName2', @options2]
This may or make not make life easier.
You may prefer to use a class derived from Tk::QuickForm::CBaseClass. However, any class will do as long as:
- It is a valid Tk megawidget
- It accepts a callback option -validatecall,
- It has a put, get, and a validate method.
This also applies to external classes in the ext1 and ext2 types.
- createForm
Call this method after you created the Tk::QuickForm widget. It will create all the pages, sections and entries.
- get(?$key?)
Returns the value of $key. $key is the name of the item in the form. Returns a hash with all values if $key is not specified.
- put(%values)
Sets the values in the tabbed form
- validate
validates all entries in the form and returns true if all successfull.
Same as Perl.
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author.
- Tk::QuickForm::CBaseClass
- Tk::QuickForm::CBooleanItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CColorItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CFileItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CFloatItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CFolderItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CFontItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CListItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CRadioItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CScaleItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CSpinItem
- Tk::QuickForm::CTextItem