Tk::TOTD - Tip Of The Day dialog for Perl/Tk.


use Tk::TOTD;

my $top = MainWindow->new();

my $totd = $top->TOTD (
  -title    => 'Tip Of The Day -- MyPerlApp',
  -messages => \@messages,



Tk::TOTD provides a simple Tip of the Day dialog for Perl/Tk programs.


The options recognized by Show are as follows:


Specify the title of the Tip Of The Day dialog. Defaults to "Tip Of The Day"


The array of tip messages. If omitted, a default 10 tips about this module will be used instead.


Set the slogan at the top of the dialog. Default is "Did you know that..."


A Tk::Photo object. If omitted, the default totd image is used. This default image is appropriate for most TOTD usages, but if you use this as something other than a Tip Of The Day you may want to use your own image. The default image's dimensions are 23x31.


The main window's background color. Defaults to #BFBFBF


Background color for the left panel (where the image and slide number is). Defaults to #808080


The background color of the main content area. Defaults to #FFFFFF (white).


The text color of the slide number (as on the left panel). Defaults to #FFFF99.


Main foreground color of text. Defaults to #000000 (black).


The main font family used on most of the labels. Defaults to Arial.


Font size of the main font. Defaults to 10.


The font family used on the slogan text. Defaults to Times New Roman.


Font size on the slogan text. Defaults to 14.


The label on the checkbutton. Defaults to "Show tips at startup"


The variable to store the state of the checkbutton. 1 for checked, 0 for not.


The text of the close button. Defaults to "Close"


The text of the next button. Defaults to "Next Tip"


Show (? options ?)

Displays the Tip Of The Day dialog. The TOTD dialog is based from Tk::DialogBox and therefore will pause your main window.

configure (? options ?)

Reconfigure previously set options.

destroy ()

Completely clean up the TOTD DialogBox. This method is a workaround for an underlying bug in Tk::DialogBox wherein if a DialogBox is open, and you close the MainWindow by clicking on the "X" button from the window manager, your program doesn't exit completely because the DialogBox is waiting on a variable that's only set when a button has been clicked.

You can work around this bug by calling destroy() on your Tk::TOTD object when your MainWindow is exited.

$mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub {


Version 0.5 - Sep 18 2015
- Add dependency on Tk modules.

Version 0.4 - Nov 11 2013
- Add the destroy() method to allow for a workaround to a bug in

Version 0.3 - Nov  1 2013
- Fix a bug where using the "Close" button on the dialog wouldn't dismiss the
  dialog properly, and the program would never exit gracefully again.

Version 0.2 - Jan 16 2005
- The widget now behaves as a DialogBox as it should, blocking the main window
  until closed.


None known yet.


Noah Petherbridge,

This code is distributed under the same terms as Perl.