Tk::Treeplus - A Tree (and/or HList) replacement that supports Sorting, Filtering and Resizing of columns
use Tk;
use Tk::Treeplus;
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $hlist = $mw->Scrolled('Treeplus',
-columns => 5,
-width => 70, height => 30,
#-browsecmd => sub { print "DBG: browsecmd [".((caller(0))[3])."] with >@_<\n"; },
-browsecmd => sub { },
-wrapsearch => 1,
#-indicator => 0, # If this is a flat list, we may drop the empty indicator space
)->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'both');
-itemtype => 'advancedheader',
-text => 'ColorName',
-activeforeground => 'white',
-is_primary_column => 1,
-itemtype => 'advancedheader',
-text => 'Red Value',
-activebackground => 'orange',
-resize_column => 1,
# -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
-text => 'Green Value',
-background => 'khaki',
-foreground => 'red',
-command => sub { print("Hello World >@_<, pressed Header #2\n"); },
-resize_column => 1,
# -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
-text => 'Blue Value',
-activebackground => 'skyblue',
# NOTE: The prototyping ($$) is MANDATORY for this search-func to work !!!
-sort_func_cb => sub ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_;
print "EXT: a=>$a<>" . join(',',@$a) . "<\n";
$a->[1] <=> $b->[1] },
# -itemtype => 'advancedheader',
-text => 'ColorID',
-sort_numeric => 1,
-resize_column => 1,
my $image = $hlist->Pixmap(-data => <<'img_demo_EOP'
/* XPM */
static char *Up[] = {
"8 5 3 1",
". c none",
"X c black",
"Y c red",
my $style = $hlist->ItemStyle(qw(imagetext -padx 0 -pady 5 -anchor nw -background forestgreen));
my $child;
foreach (qw( orange red green blue purple wheat)) {
my ($r, $g, $b) = $mw->rgb($_);
$hlist->add($_, -data => 'data+' . $_, (/blue/ ? (-itemtype => 'imagetext') : ()) );
$hlist->itemCreate($_, 0, -text => $_, (/blue/ ? (-itemtype => 'imagetext', -image => $image) : ()));
$hlist->itemCreate($_, 1, -text => sprintf("%#x", $r), style => $style);
$hlist->itemCreate($_, 2, -text => sprintf("%#x", $g));
$hlist->itemCreate($_, 3, -text => sprintf("%#x", $b));
$hlist->itemCreate($_, 4, -text => sprintf("%d", (($r<<16) | ($b<<8) | ($g)) ));
# Create smoe more dummy entries
foreach (qw(red green blue)) {
$child = $hlist->addchild('purple', -data => 'data+purple+' . $_);
create_columns($child, $_);
foreach (qw(cyan magenta yellow)) {
my $gchild = $hlist->addchild($child, -data => 'data+'.$child.'+' . $_);
create_columns($gchild, $_);
### Uncomment either none, #1 or #2 for different scenarios
# #1 Test for single closed branch
#$hlist->setmode($child, 'close');
# #2 Test for 'full tree mode'
# Refresh the content - sort according primary sort columns
-text => 'Exit',
-command => sub { exit(0) },
)->pack(qw(-side bottom -pady 10));
sub create_columns
my ($path, $value) = @_;
my ($r, $g, $b) = $mw->rgb($_);
$hlist->itemCreate($path, 0, -text => $value);
$hlist->itemCreate($path, 1, -text => sprintf("%#x", $r));
$hlist->itemCreate($path, 2, -text => sprintf("%#x", $g));
$hlist->itemCreate($path, 3, -text => sprintf("%#x", $b));
$hlist->itemCreate($path, 4, -text => sprintf("%d", (($r<<16) | ($b<<8) | ($g)) ));
A Tk::Tree (Tk::HList) derived widget that has Sortable, Filterable & Resizable columns.
- headerCreate()
The create command accepts a new, virtual itemtype 'advancedheader', which will create a header-element with image-based markers for sortorder and current filtering status. Additionally it has a right-side located optional sensor area for column resizing operations. Although all options suitable for Tk::Buttons apply, only those related to coloring are recommended, especially the borderwidth and relief defaults should be UNCHANGED.
In addition, the following options may be specified:
- -is_primary_column 0/1
Mark this column to be the primary one (PRIMARYCOLUMN, s.b.) for any subsequent sort- or filter operation. This can be changed during runtime by clicking on different columns or via program by invoking the headerConfigure function (headerConfigure($column, -is_primary_column => 0/1). Note that NO subsequent call to initSort() is needed to (re)sort the list/tree accordingly, this is done implicitely.
- -foreground COLOR
The foreground color used for the column Header in normal state.
- -background COLOR
The background color used for the column Header in normal state.
- -activeforeground COLOR
The foreground color used for the column Header during active state (Mouse over Header).
- -activebackground COLOR
The background color used for the column Header during active state (Mouse over Header).
- -headerminwidth nnn
Specifies the minimum size of the current column during custom column resizing operation (default: see OPTIONS below)
- -headerclosedwidth nnn
Specifies the size of the current column in case it is rendered closed (default: see OPTIONS below)
- -sort_numeric 0/1
Specifies that this column will be sorted NUMERIC (in opposite to the default that is ALPHANUMERIC sorting)
- -sort_func_cb CB
Specifies that this column will use a custom function specified via -sort_func_cb. This function gets references for $a and $b. First element is the path-id, second is the text of the currently selected PRIMARYCOLUMN, and third element is the content of the '-data' element of the current entry. Note: Due to internal behavior of perl, it is necessary to define the prototype ($$) for this user search function. Additionally the $a & $b must be pulled of the stack function internally.
sub sortfunc ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; print "EXT: a=>$a<>" . join(',',@$a) . "<\n"; $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] },
Most elegant way is to specify an anonymous sort function in the headerCreate code:
$hlist->headerCreate(3, -itemtype => 'advancedheader', -text => 'Blue Value', -activebackground => 'skyblue', # NOTE: The prototyping ($$) is # MANDATORY for this search-func to work !!! -sort_func_cb => sub ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; print "EXT: a=>$a<>" . join(',',@$a) . "<\n"; $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }, );
- -command CB
Specifies a command (function-callback) that becomes executed whenver the column header is pressed(+released), as for a standard 'ButtonRelease-1' event. See headerConfigure() (below) about how to change this callback at runtime.
- -resize_column 0/1
This booolean flag decides whether this column is resizable, when the column created. This can be changed later via headerConfigure($column, -resize_column => 0/1) and probed via headerCget()
- -filter_column 0/1
Retrieve the current custom filter pattern (perl regex style!) of the given column
- headerConfigure()
- -command CB
Assign a new custom command to the given column header
- -resize_column 0/1
Assign a new resize status (0/1) to the given column (header)
- -sort_numeric 0/1
Change the given sortmode to NUMERIC for the given column Note: If the given value is 0 and there is no custom sorting the sortmode switches back to ALPHANUMERIC.
- -sort_func_cb CB
Assign a new custom sort_func to the given column
- -filter_column RE
Assign a new custom filter pattern (perl regex style!) to the given column
- headerCget()
- -command
Retrieve the current custom command assigned to the probed column header
- -resize_column
Retrieve the current resize status (0/1) of the probed column (header)
- -sort_numeric
Retrieve the current sort_numeric status (0/1) of the probed column (header)
- -widget (SPECIAL-purpose only)
This command allows with -widget to retrieve the Headerbutton-Widget Reference. NOTE: This is only useful for very experienced users!
- initSort()
'initSort( [new_primary_column] )' refreshes the list/tree content and sorts it according the current settings for the primary sort columns (PRIMARYCOLUMN). Additionally it takes current filter settings into consideration.
- activateEntry()
'activateEntry(path)' selects the given entry (if it is existing), opens it (and its parents) incase it is hidden and executes a potential browsecmd callback on it. (This is equivalent to clicking an entry in the GUI)
- advancedHeaderCreate()
This is an easy-to-use wrapper for 'headerCreate($col++, -itemtype => 'advancedheader', -<...> ... )', it avoids the app to trace the column numbers and the '-itemtype => 'advancedheader' during headercreate(). Every invocation creates another column header for the next unused column (0,1,...n) (NB> Max column number n must be set in advance during treeplus item-creation.
OPTIONS (CreateTime)
- -wrapsearch 0/1
Decides whether the Find search will restart from the begin of the list in case it reaches the end.
- -maxselhistory nnn
Specifies the maximum number of chached list-selection operations, which can be recalled via the pop-up-menu.
- -clipboardseparator CHAR
Specifies the colum separator character which is used if the the current selection is export to the X11 Clipboard. This operation can be done via CTRl-C or via the pop-up-menu. (default char: '|')
- -headerminwidth nnn
Specifies the minimum size of a column during custom column resizing operation (default: 20px)
- -headerclosedwidth nnn
Specifies the size of a closed column (default: 5px)
- -headerforeground COLOR
The foreground color used for the column Header in normal state.
- -headerbackground COLOR
The background color used for the column Header in normal state.
- -headeractiveforeground COLOR
The foreground color used for the column Header during active state (Mouse over Header).
- -headeractivebackground COLOR
The background color used for the column Header during active state (Mouse over Header).
Michael Krause, KrauseM_AT_gmx_DOT_net
This code may be distributed under the same conditions as Perl.
V0.4 (C) February 2013