VJF::MITDT - Multiple Imputation for Transmission Disequilibrium Test.
use VJF::MITDT qw(:all);
This module intended to be used by the MI-TDT script. Install it to get the script.
To install this module, the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) needs to be installed.
If you are familiar with Perl modules installation, just install the VJF::MITDT module by your favorite method. If you are a profane to Perl modules, here are some short instructions.
Global install
If you are root or a sudoer, just use the following command (assuming Perl is installed on your system):
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install VJF::MITDT'
And that's all!
Local install
If you wan to perform a local installation, for example in a directory named ~/myperl/.
The three following commands will initialize the CPAN module, and and modify its default configuration. You just have to run these lines one time, the CPAN module won't forget the configuration. Just copy-paste the following lines in a terminal:
echo "o conf init" | perl -MCPAN -e shell
echo -e "o conf prerequisites_policy yes\n o conf commit"\
| perl -MCPAN -e shell
echo -e "o conf makepl_arg 'PREFIX=~/myperl\
LIB=~/myperl/lib INSTALLSCRIPT=~/myperl/bin\
INSTALLBIN=~/myperl/bin INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/myperl/man/man1\
INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/myperl/man/man3'\no conf commit"\
| perl -MCPAN -e shell
Then, your CPAN module is ready for use. You just have to type:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install VJF::MITDT'
Before using MI-TDT, you must tell Perl and the system about the ~/myperl/ directory.
If you are a bash user, you should add in ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:~/myperl/bin
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:~/myperl/lib
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:~/myperl/man
If you are a bash user, you should add in ~/.tcshrc
setenv PATH $PATH:~/myperl/bin
setenv PERL5LIB $PERL5LIB:~/myperl/lib
setenv MANPATH $MANPATH:~/myperl/man
If you use MI-TDT for a publication, thank you to refer the original paper where this method is described.
Croiseau P, Génin E, Cordell HJ. Dealing with missing data in family-based association studies: A multiple imputation approach. Human Heredity 2007; 63:229-238
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 84:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Génin'. Assuming CP1252