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WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API - implementation of pastebin.com API


##### Simple paste with all optional args at default values
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
print $bin->paste('Stuff to paste') || die "$bin";
##### Private paste with all optional args set
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
'Stuff to paste',
title => 'Title for your paste',
private => 1, # set paste as a private paste
format => 'perl', # Perl syntax highlighting
expiry => 'awhile', # expire the paste after 1 week
) or die "$bin";
print "$bin\n";
##### Retrieve the content of an existing paste
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new;
print $bin->get_paste('http://pastebin.com/YpTmWJG6')
|| die "$bin";
##### Delete one of user's private pastes
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
or die "$bin";
##### List trending pastes
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
my $trends = $bin->list_trends
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $trends;
##### List user's private pastes
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
my $pastes = $bin->list_user_pastes
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $pastes;
##### List user's info
$bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
my $info = $bin->get_user_info
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $info;


This module is an implementation of the pastebin.com API (http://pastebin.com/api). The API allows creation of public, unlisted, and private pastes; deletion of private pastes; listing of trending pastes and private pastes; and retrieval of a paste's raw content (the last one is not part of the API, but is nevertheless implemented in this module).

NOTE ON GETTING PASTES: Despite tons of patently useless stuff the API provides, it doesn't offer anything but the raw contents of the paste (not even that, if we're to get technical). If your main aim is to retrieve pastes and/or retrieve info about pastes (e.g. expiry date, highlight, etc), then this module will not help you. See WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::Retrieve for that task.


The only method that doesn't require an API key is ->get_paste(). To use any other features of this module you will need to obtain an API key from pastebin.com. Simply create an account on pastebin.com, login, then visit (http://pastebin.com/api) and the key will be listed somewhere in the second section on the page. The key will look something like this: a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4.



# no API key
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new;
# API key and setting timeout
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
user_key => '4fd751dc94f0b62c489b2c7720e0d240',
timeout => 60,
# no API key and setting scustom UA
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
timeout => $args{timeout},
agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:21.0)'
. ' Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0',

Creates and returns a new WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API object. All arguments are optional and are described below.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',

Optional. Takes pastebin.com's API key as a string. By default is not specified.

You don't have to specify the key here and can use the ->api_key() accessor method instead, to set the key prior to calling module methods.

The only method that doesn't require an API key is ->get_paste(). To use any other features of this module you will need to obtain an API key from pastebin.com. Simply create an account on pastebin.com, login, then visit (http://pastebin.com/api) and the key will be listed somewhere in the second section on the page. The key will look something like this: a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
user_key => '4fd751dc94f0b62c489b2c7720e0d240',

Optional. Takes a user key string as a value. By default is not specified.

To create, delete, or list private pastes, you will need a user key. To obtain one, see ->get_user_key() method. Pastebin.com's API says these keys don't expire, so I would expect that you can print one user key from ->get_user_key(), then simply reuse the same user key for your WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API scripts, just as you do with api_key. This would save making a request to pastebin.com every time you need a user key.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
timeout => 60,

Optional. Takes a number that represents seconds. Default: 30.

Specifies the request timeout whenever making requests to pastebin.com.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
timeout => 30,
agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:21.0)'
. ' Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0',

Optional. Takes an LWP::UserAgent-compatible object. That object must implement ->post() and ->get() methods that return the same stuff LWP::UserAgent returns. By default uses LWP::UserAgent with timeout set by timeout constructor argument (see above) and agent set to Firefox on Linux.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new;
print $bin->get_paste('http://pastebin.com/YpTmWJG6')
|| die "$bin";
print $bin->get_paste('YpTmWJG6')
|| die "$bin";
#### Get a private paste:
print $bin->get_paste('YpTmWJG6', $USER, $PASS)
|| die "$bin";

Retrieves raw content of an existing paste. Takes one mandatory and two optional arguments.

The mandatory argument is a string that is either a URL to the paste you want to retrieve or just the paste ID (e.g. paste ID in "http://pastebin.com/YpTmWJG6" is "YpTmWJG6"). The two optional arguments must be provided together and they are the login and the password to the pastebin.com account. They must be provided when getting private pastes for that account.

On success returns the raw content of the paste. On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and ->error() method will contain human-readable description of the error.

The use of this method doesn't require you to have an API key with pastebin.com.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";

Obtains a user key from pastebin.com. This user key is required for creating, deleting, and listing private user pastes. The API spec says this key does not expire, so you should be able to reuse one key for all your needs (see user_key argument for the constructor). Takes two mandatory arguments as strings: first one is your pastebin.com login, second one is your pastebin.com password. On success sets ->user_key() accessor and returns a user key (e.g. 4fd751dc94f0b62c489b2c7720e0d240). On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and ->error() method will contain human-readable description of the error. Note that if ->get_user_key() fails, then ->user_key() will be undefined, even if it was set to something prior to the call of ->get_user_key()


##### Simple paste with all optional args at default values
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
print $bin->paste('Stuff to paste') || die "$bin";
##### Make an unlisted paste
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
print $bin->paste( 'Stuff to paste', unlisted => 1, )
|| die "$bin";
##### Private paste with all optional args set
my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
'Stuff to paste',
title => 'Title for your paste',
private => 1, # set paste as a private paste
format => 'perl', # Perl syntax highlighting
expiry => 'awhile', # expire the paste after 1 week
) or die "$bin";
print "$bin\n";

Creates a new paste on pastebin.com. On success sets ->paste_url() accessor method and returns a URL pointing to the newly-created paste. On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and ->error() method will contain human-readable description of the error. Note that on failure, ->paste_url() will be undefined, even if it was set prior to executing ->paste(). Takes one mandatory argument as a string (paste content) and several optional arguments as key/value pairs. Possible arguments are as follows:

First argument

print $bin->paste('Stuff to paste') || die "$bin";

Mandatory. Specifies the content of the paste.


'Stuff to paste',
title => 'Title for your paste',
) or die "$bin";

Optional. Specifies the title of the paste. By default is not specified and the paste will end up being called "Untitled."


'Stuff to paste',
expiry => 'asap',
) or die "$bin";

Optional. Specifies when the paste should expire. By default is not specified, so the paste will never expire. Takes a string as an argument. Case-insensitive. Along with values specified by the API, several other aliases exist. Possible values are as follows:

Expire in 10 Minutes


Expire in 1 Hour


Expire in 1 Day


Expire in 1 Week


Expire in 2 Weeks


Expire in 1 Month


Never expire



'Stuff to paste',
format => 'perl',
) or die "$bin";

Optional. Specifies syntax highlighting language. Takes a string as a value, which specifies the language to use. Possible values are (on the left is the value you'd use for format and on the right is the explanation of what language it is):

4cs # 4CS
6502acme # 6502 ACME Cross Assembler
6502kickass # 6502 Kick Assembler
6502tasm # 6502 TASM/64TASS
68000devpac # Motorola 68000 HiSoft Dev
abap # ABAP
actionscript # ActionScript
actionscript3 # ActionScript 3
ada # Ada
algol68 # ALGOL 68
apache # Apache Log
applescript # AppleScript
apt_sources # APT Sources
arm # ARM
asm # ASM (NASM)
asp # ASP
asymptote # Asymptote
autoconf # autoconf
autohotkey # Autohotkey
autoit # AutoIt
avisynth # Avisynth
awk # Awk
bascomavr # BASCOM AVR
bash # Bash
basic4gl # Basic4GL
bf # BrainFuck
bibtex # BibTeX
blitzbasic # Blitz Basic
bnf # BNF
boo # BOO
c # C
c_loadrunner # C: Loadrunner
c_mac # C for Macs
caddcl # CAD DCL
cadlisp # CAD Lisp
cfdg # CFDG
cfm # ColdFusion
chaiscript # ChaiScript
cil # C Intermediate Language
clojure # Clojure
cmake # CMake
cobol # COBOL
coffeescript # CoffeeScript
cpp # C++
cpp-qt # C++ (with QT extensions)
csharp # C#
css # CSS
cuesheet # Cuesheet
d # D
dcl # DCL
dcpu16 # DCPU-16
dcs # DCS
delphi # Delphi
diff # Diff
div # DIV
dos # DOS
dot # DOT
e # E
ecmascript # ECMAScript
eiffel # Eiffel
email # Email
epc # EPC
erlang # Erlang
f1 # Formula One
falcon # Falcon
fo # FO Language
fortran # Fortran
freebasic # FreeBasic
freeswitch # FreeSWITCH
fsharp # F#
gambas # GAMBAS
gdb # GDB
genero # Genero
genie # Genie
gettext # GetText
glsl # OpenGL Shading
gml # Game Maker
gnuplot # Ruby Gnuplot
go # Go
groovy # Groovy
gwbasic # GwBasic
haskell # Haskell
haxe # Haxe
hicest # HicEst
hq9plus # HQ9 Plus
html4strict # HTML
html5 # HTML 5
icon # Icon
idl # IDL
ini # INI file
inno # Inno Script
intercal # INTERCAL
io # IO
j # J
java # Java
java5 # Java 5
javascript # JavaScript
jquery # jQuery
kixtart # KiXtart
klonec # Clone C
klonecpp # Clone C++
latex # Latex
lb # Liberty BASIC
ldif # LDIF
lisp # Lisp
llvm # LLVM
locobasic # Loco Basic
logtalk # Logtalk
lolcode # LOL Code
lotusformulas # Lotus Formulas
lotusscript # Lotus Script
lscript # LScript
lsl2 # Linden Scripting
lua # Lua
m68k # M68000 Assembler
magiksf # MagikSF
make # Make
mapbasic # MapBasic
matlab # MatLab
mirc # mIRC
mmix # MIX Assembler
modula2 # Modula 2
modula3 # Modula 3
mpasm # MPASM
mxml # MXML
mysql # MySQL
nagios # Nagios
newlisp # newLISP
nsis # NullSoft Installer
oberon2 # Oberon 2
objc # Objective C
objeck # Objeck Programming Langua
ocaml # OCaml
ocaml-brief # OCalm Brief
octave # Octave
oobas # Openoffice BASIC
oracle11 # Oracle 11
oracle8 # Oracle 8
oxygene # Delphi Prism (Oxygene)
oz # Oz
parasail # ParaSail
parigp # PARI/GP
pascal # Pascal
pawn # PAWN
pcre # PCRE
per # Per
perl # Perl
perl6 # Perl 6
php # PHP
php-brief # PHP Brief
pic16 # Pic 16
pike # Pike
pixelbender # Pixel Bender
plsql # PL/SQL
postgresql # PostgreSQL
povray # POV-Ray
powerbuilder # PowerBuilder
powershell # Power Shell
proftpd # ProFTPd
progress # Progress
prolog # Prolog
properties # Properties
providex # ProvideX
purebasic # PureBasic
pycon # PyCon
pys60 # Python for S60
python # Python
q # q/kdb+
qbasic # QBasic
rails # Rails
rebol # REBOL
reg # REG
rexx # Rexx
robots # Robots
rpmspec # RPM Spec
rsplus # R
ruby # Ruby
sas # SAS
scala # Scala
scheme # Scheme
scilab # Scilab
sdlbasic # SdlBasic
smalltalk # Smalltalk
smarty # Smarty
spark # SPARK
sparql # SPARQL
sql # SQL
stonescript # StoneScript
systemverilog # SystemVerilog
tcl # TCL
teraterm # Tera Term
text # None
thinbasic # thinBasic
tsql # T-SQL
typoscript # TypoScript
unicon # Unicon
ups # UPC
urbi # Urbi
uscript # UnrealScript
vala # Vala
vb # VisualBasic
vbnet # VB.NET
vedit # Vedit
verilog # VeriLog
vhdl # VHDL
vim # VIM
visualfoxpro # VisualFoxPro
visualprolog # Visual Pro Log
whitespace # WhiteSpace
whois # WHOIS
winbatch # Winbatch
xbasic # XBasic
xml # XML
xorg_conf # Xorg Config
xpp # XPP
yaml # YAML
z80 # Z80 Assembler
zxbasic # ZXBasic


print $bin->paste( 'Stuff to paste', unlisted => 1, )
|| die "$bin";

Optional. Takes a true or false value. When set to a true value, will cause the paste to be unlisted. When used in conjunction with private option (see below) the behaviour is undefined. By default neither unlisted nor private are specified and the created paste is public and listed.

Note: Pastebin will automatically list duplicate content or content with some keywords as unlisted, even if we tell it to go public. It's not a bug in the module.


/) or die "$bin";
print $bin->paste( 'Stuff to paste', owned => 1, )
|| die "$bin";

Optional. Takes a true or false value. When set to a true value, will cause the paste you create to be labeled as pasted by you instead of Guest. By default is set to false and pastes will be labeled as created by Guest.

When creating an "owned" paste, ->user_key() accessor method must contain a user key for the user who will own this paste. You can either set it directly using ->user_key(), set it in the constructor using user_key argument, or set it indirectly by calling ->get_user_key() method.


/) or die "$bin";
print $bin->paste( 'Stuff to paste', private => 1, )
|| die "$bin";

Optional. Takes a true or false value. When set to a true value, will cause the paste to be private (viewable only when the user is logged in). When used in conjunction with unlisted option (see above) the behaviour is undefined. By default neither unlisted nor private are specified and the created paste is public and listed.

When creating a private or "owned" paste, ->user_key() accessor method must contain a user key for the user who will own this paste. You can either set it directly using ->user_key(), set it in the constructor using user_key argument, or set it indirectly by calling ->get_user_key() method.


/) or die "$bin";
or die "$bin";
#### or
or die "$bin";

Deletes user's private paste (see private argument to ->paste()). Takes one mandatory argument as a string containing either the full URL to the paste to be deleted or just the paste ID (e.g. YpTmWJG6 is paste ID for http://pastebin.com/YpTmWJG6).

The ->user_key() accessor method must contain a user key for the user who owns this paste. You can either set it directly using ->user_key(), set it in the constructor using user_key argument, or set it indirectly by calling ->get_user_key() method.


/) or die "$bin";
my $pastes = $bin->list_user_pastes(10) # get at most 10 pastes
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $pastes;

Lists user's private pastes. Prior to calling ->list_user_pastes() ->user_key() must be set, either by calling ->get_user_key(), using ->user_key() accessor method, or user_key constructor argument. Takes one optional argument as a positive integer between 1 and 1000, which specifies the maximum number of pastes to retrieve. By default will get at most 50 pastes. On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and the ->error() accessor method will contain human-readable error message. On success returns a — possibly empty — arrayref or a list (depending on context) of hashrefs, where each hashref represents information about a single paste. The format of the hashref is this:

'key' => 'zrke2Q9R',
'title' => 'Title for your paste'
'date' => '1382901396',
'expire_date' => '1383506196',
'format_short' => 'perl',
'format_long' => 'Perl',
'private' => 1,
'size' => '14',
'hits' => '0',

The API is not descriptive on what values these keys might have, so what you have below is only my interpretation:


'key' => 'zrke2Q9R',

String of text. The paste ID of the paste. You can pass it to ->delete_paste() method to delete the paste.


String of text. The URL of the paste.


'title' => 'Title for your paste'

String of text. The title of the paste.


'date' => '1382901396',

Unix time format. The date when the paste was created.


'expire_date' => '1383506196',

Unix time format. The date when the paste will expire.


'format_short' => 'perl',

Syntax highlighting for the paste. See the left column in the format argument for the ->paste() method.


'format_long' => 'Perl',

Explanation of the code for the syntax highlighting for the paste. See the right column in the format argument for the ->paste() method.


'private' => 1,

True value, if exists. An indication that it's a private paste.


'unlisted' => 1,

True value, if exists. An indication that it's an unlisted paste.


'size' => '14',

Positive integer. The size of the paste, presumably the number of characters.


'hits' => '0',

Positive integer or zero. The number of times the paste was viewed.

my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
my $trends = $bin->list_trends
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $trends;

Lists 18 trending pastes. Takes no arguments. On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and the ->error() accessor method will contain human-readable error message. On success returns an arrayref or a list (depending on context) of hashrefs, where each hashref represents information about a single paste. The format of the hashref is the same as for hashrefs returned by the ->list_user_pastes() method (see above), except that that private, format_short, and format_long keys will not be there.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
my $info = $bin->get_user_info
or die "$bin";
print Dumper $info;

List user's account info. Prior to calling ->get_user_info() ->user_key() must be set, either by calling ->get_user_key(), using ->user_key() accessor method, or user_key constructor argument. Takes no arguments. On failure returns either undef or an empty list, depending on the context, and the ->error() accessor method will contain human-readable error message. On success either a hashref or a key/value list, depending on the context. The format of the hashref is this:

'name' => 'zoffixisawesome',
'website' => 'http://zoffix.com',
'location' => 'Toronto',
'format_short' => 'perl',
'private' => '1', # also possible for this to be unlisted => 1 instead
'email' => 'cpan@zoffix.com',
'expiration' => 'N',
'account_type' => '0'

The API is not too descriptive about the values of the user info, so what follows is my interpretation:


'name' => 'zoffixisawesome',

A string of text. User's login.


'email' => 'cpan@zoffix.com',

A string of text. User's email address.


'website' => 'http://zoffix.com',

A string of text. The website the user specified in their profile.


'location' => 'Toronto',

A string of text. User's location (specified by the user manually by them in their profile).


'format_short' => 'perl',

This is the code for user's default syntax highlighting. See the left column in the format argument to ->paste() method.


A string of text. The URL to the user's avatar picture.

private or unlisted

'private' => '1',
'unlisted' => '1',

True value, if exist. If private key is present, user's default paste setting is to make the paste private. If unlisted key is present, user's default paste setting is to make the paste unlisted.


'expiration' => 'N',

User's default expiry setting for their pastes. The values you can possibly get here are these:

N = Never
10M = 10 Minutes
1H = 1 Hour
1D = 1 Day
1W = 1 Week
2W = 2 Weeks
1M = 1 Month


'account_type' => '0',

0 or 1 as a value. Indicates user's account type. 0 means it's a normal; 1 means PRO.



$bin->paste('Stuff') or die $bin->error;
### or
$bin->paste('Stuff') or die "$bin";

Takes no arguments. Returns the human-readable error message if the last method failed. This method is overloaded so you can call it by interpolating the object in a string. The only difference is when interpolating, the error message will be preceded with the word Error:. Note that ->paste_url() is also overloaded and the module will interpolate the value of instead ->paste_url() if no error is set.


$bin->paste('Stuff') or die "$bin";
print $bin->paste_url;
### or
$bin->paste('Stuff') or die "$bin";
print "$bin"

Takes no arguments. Returns the URL of the newly-created paste after a successful call to ->paste() method. This method is overloaded so you can call it by interpolating the object in a string. Note that ->error() is also overloaded and the module will interpolate the value of ->error() instead, if an error is set.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new;
printf "Current API key is %s\n", $bin->api_key;

Takes one optional argument as a string, which is a pastebin.com's API key to be used by the module. Returns the currently used API key, as a string.


my $bin = WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::API->new(
api_key => 'a3767061e0e64fef6c266126f7e588f4',
/) or die "$bin";
printf "Current user key is %s\n", $bin->user_key;

Takes one optional argument as a string, which is a user key to be used by the module. Returns the currently used user key, as a string. See ->get_user_key() for details on what a user key is.


$bin->paste('Stuff') or die "$bin";
print "$bin";

The ->error() and ->paste_url() methods are overloaded so you can call them by interpolating the object in a string. If ->error() contains an error message it will be called when the object is interpolated, otherwise ->paste_url() will be called. There's a slight difference between calling ->error() directly or through interpolation: when interpolated, word Error: is added to the error message.


The examples/ directory of this distribution contains two example scripts: one for pasting a file and another for retrieving a paste.


Fork this module on GitHub: https://github.com/zoffixznet/WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-API


To report bugs or request features, please use https://github.com/zoffixznet/WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-API/issues

If you can't access GitHub, you can email your request to bug-www-pastebin-pastebincom-api at rt.cpan.org


Zoffix Znet zoffix at cpan.org, (http://zoffix.com/)


Philipp Hamer, https://github.com/ponzellus


You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.