

version 0.004002


This minimal example creates routes for all data sources in the schema:

$app = WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp->new({
    routes => [ map( $schema->source($_), $schema->sources) ]

is the same as:

$app = WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp->new({
    routes => [
        { set => $schema->source('Artist') },
        { set => $schema->source('CD') },
        { set => $schema->source('Genre') },
        { set => $schema->source('Track') },

which is the same as:

$app = WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp->new({
    routes => [
        ... # as above
    route_maker => WebAPI::DBIC::RouteMaker->new(
        resource_class_for_item        => 'WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericItem',
        resource_class_for_item_invoke => 'WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericItemInvoke',
        resource_class_for_set         => 'WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericSet',
        resource_class_for_set_invoke  => 'WebAPI::DBIC::Resource::GenericSetInvoke',
        resource_default_args          => { },
        type_namer => WebAPI::DBIC::TypeNamer->new( # EXPERIMENTAL
            type_name_inflect => 'singular',    # XXX will change to plural soon
            type_name_style   => 'under_score', # or 'camelCase' etc

The elements in routes are passed to the specified route_maker. The elements can include any mix of result source objects, as in the example above, resultset objects, and WebAPI::DBIC::Route objects.

WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp uses the WebAPI::DBIC::RouteMaker object to convert and expands the given routes into a corresponding set of WebAPI::DBIC::Routes. For example, if we gloss over some details along the way, a routes specification like this:

routes => [

is a short-hand way of writing this:

routes => [
    { set => $schema->source('CD'), path => undef, ... }

is a short-hand way of writing this:

routes => [
    $route_maker->make_routes_for( { set => $schema->source('CD'), ... } )

which is a short-hand way of writing this:

$cd_resultset = $schema->source('CD')->resultset;
$cd_path = $type_namer->type_name_for_resultset($cd_resultset);
routes => [
    $route_maker->make_routes_for_resultset($cd_path, $cd_resultset, ...)

which is a short-hand way of writing this:

$cd_resultset = $schema->source('CD')->resultset;
$cd_path = $type_namer->type_name_for_resultset($cd_resultset);
routes => [
    $route_maker->make_routes_for_set($cd_path, $cd_resultset),  # /cd
    $route_maker->make_routes_for_item($cd_path, $cd_resultset), # /cd/:id

which is a short-hand way of writing something much longer with explict calls to create the fully specified WebAPI::DBIC::Route objects.

The default URL path prefix is determined by the type_namer from the resultset source name using the type_name_inflect and type_name_style settings. For example, a result source name of ClassicAlbum would have a URL path prefix of /classic_albums by default, i.e. plural, and lowercased with underscores between words.


WebAPI::DBIC::WebApp - Build a Plack app using WebAPI::DBIC


Tim Bunce <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Tim Bunce.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.