WebService::BR::Vindi - Perl low level implementation of the brazilian payment gateway.
use WebService::BR::Vindi;
# Contruct the object
my $vindi = WebService::BR::Vindi->new(
api_key => "You API key",
timeout => 120, # HTTP timeout
debug => 1 );
# Conect to vindi REST API and get the result
# post/get/put/delete methods always returns a perl HASHREF with the resulting data
my $subscription = $vindi->get( 'subscriptions/1234' );
if ( $subscription->{subscription}->{status} eq 'active' ) {
# Do whatever you need
# A post method example with error handling
# First parameter is the URL endpoint name - /customer
# Second parameter is the POST DATA - which will be automatically JSON encoded and sent to the gateway
my $customer = $vindi->post(
"name" => 'Customer's name',
"email" => '',
"registry_code" => '',
"code" => 'XYZ',
# Wops! Something went wrong!
if ( $payment_profile->{ErrorStatus} ) {
# "ErrorStatus" key try to translate the error to an human readable format whenever possible, or send whatever si possible back.
warn "Something went terribly wrong while creating the customer: ".$customer->{ErrorStatus};
# "error" if the vindi's plain error recieved
warn Data::Dumper::Dumper( $customer->{error} );
# You will probably want to keep this and INSERT in your database
} else {
# A little more elaborated example - create a new payment_profile object
my $payment_profile = $vindi->post(
{ "holder_name" => 'Holder Name',
"card_expiration" => '12/2012',
"card_number" => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
"card_cvv" => 'XXX',
"payment_method_code" => "credit_card",
"customer_id" => $customer->{customer}->{id} # This is the vindi's customer ID we just created before
# Wops! Something went wrong!
if ( $payment_profile->{ErrorStatus} ) {
warn "Something went terribly wrong while creating your payment profile: ".$payment_profile->{ErrorStatus};
# All fine!
} else {
# Do whatever you need
This is a straight brindge to the payment gateway API.
Note that Vindi has no sandbox/test URL - instead, it uses a separate API KEY for testing. So, it's up to you to specify the right API KEY when you call the methods (test or production).
Creates the client object.
- api_key
You secret Vindi API key. Required.
- debug
Boolean, optional. If true, prints HTTPS request/response information to STDERR.
- timeout
Integer, optional, defaults to 120s
Make a GET request to Vindi API.
my $customer = $vindi->get( '/customer/123' )
- endpoint
URI PATH. Required.
*** You don't need the "/v1" prefix.
Make a DELETE request to Vindi API.
my $customer = $vindi->delete( '/customer/123' )
- endpoint
URI PATH. Required. Example: /customer/123
Make a PUT request to Vindi API.
- endpoint
URI PATH. Required. No /vi prefix required.
Make a POST request to Vindi API. You must specify endpoint as first parameter, and a hashref as the second.
my $customer = $vindi->post( 'customer', { name => '...', ... } )
- endpoint
URL endpoint. Required. No /v1 required.
- data
A hash to be sent with the data. Plese check the examples above or the Vindi API docs.
Error handling
Every request, no mather of what type, return a hashref. If this hashref has a key called ErrorStatus with ant true value in it, an error happened. You can print the ErrorStatus value to the user (this library is able to translate some errors to a reasonable human/end user readable text). Or you can check the Vindi's own error object, which will be available on the "error" key.
my $customer = $vindi->post( 'customer', { name => '...', ... } )
if ( $customer->{ErrorStatus} ) {
print $customer->{ErrorStatus};
print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $customer->{error} );
- ErrorStatus
Human friendly error message (whenever possible).
- error
The error hashref as sent by the Vindi API.
Please check Vindi's full v1 API docs at (you will need an API key to access this page).
Diego de Lima, <>
This module was kindly made available by the team.
Copyright (C) 2017 by Diego de Lima
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.