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WebService::Strava - Access Strava via version 3 of the API


version 0.06


    use WebService::Strava;

    my $strava = WebService::Strava->new();


Provides an abstraction layer to version 3 of the Strava API.

Attempts to provide a few logical shortcut methods and provide simple OAuth2 abstraction to take the hassle out of accessing it in a scripted manner.

You can use the cli client to provide an easy setup after configuring api access in you strava profile

  strava --setup

Which can also be called within your script via





Takes an optional id and will retrieve a WebService::Strava::Athlete with details Athlete retrieved. Currently authenticated user will be returned unless an ID is provided.



Returns an arrayRef of WebService::Strava::Club for the currently authenticated user. Takes an optional 1 or 0 (default 0) that will retrieve all club details.

After instantiation it is possible to retrieve members associated with the club.

  my $club = @{$strava->clubs()}[0];
  $club->list_members([page => 2], [activities => 100]);

Returns an arrayRef athletes for the Club. Takes 2 optional parameters of 'page' and 'members' (per page).

The results are paginated and a maximum of 200 results can be returned per page.



Takes an mandatory id and will retrieve a WebService::Strava::Segment with details about the Segment ID retrieved.

After instantiation it is possible to retrieve efforts listed for that segment. It takes 3 optional named parameters of 'athlete_id', 'page' and 'efforts'.

  $segment->list_efforts([athlete_id => 123456], [page => 2], [efforts => 100], [raw => 1])'

Returns the Segment efforts for a particular segment. Takes 4 optional parameters of 'athlete_id', 'page', 'efforts' and 'raw'. Raw will return the an array segment_effort data instead of WebService::Strava::Athlete::Segment_Effort objects.

  * 'athelete_id' will return the segment efforts (if any) for the athelete
    in question.

The results are paginated and a maximum of 200 results can be returned per page.


  $segment->list_starred_segments([page => 2], [activities => 100])

Returns an arrayRef of starred WebService::Strava::Segment objects for the current authenticated user. Takes 2 optional parameters of 'page' and 'activities' (per page).

The results are paginated and a maximum of 200 results can be returned per page.



Takes an mandatory id and will retrieve a WebService::Strava::Athlete::Segment_Effort with details about the Segment Effort ID retrieved.



Takes an mandatory id and will retrieve a WebService::Strava::Athlete::Activity with details about the Activity ID retrieved.


  $athlete->list_activities([page => 2], [activities => 100], [before => 1407665853], [after => 1407665853]);

Returns an arrayRef of WebService::Strava::Athlete::Activity objects for the current authenticated user. Takes 4 optional parameters of 'page', 'activities' (per page), 'before' (activities before unix epoch), and 'after' (activities after unix epoch).

The results are paginated and a maximum of 200 results can be returned per page.


  $athlete->list_activities([page => 2], [activities => 100])

Returns an arrayRef activities for friends of the current authenticated user. Takes 2 optional parameters of 'page' and 'activities' (per page).

The results are paginated and a maximum of 200 results can be returned per page.


    file => '/path/to/sample.gpx', 
    type => 'gpx'

Uploads an activity to Strava. Returns an upload status hash. Takes the following named arguments:


Expected to be a path to the file being uploaded.


The Strava api accepts following file types: fit, fit.gz, tcx, tcx.gz, gpx and gpx.gz. There is no current logic to detect what sort is being uploaded (patches welcome), so you will need to set it which ever file your uploading. ie 'gpx' for a GPX file.


Optional, case insensitive string of following types (list may be out of date check for up to date info): ride, run, swim, workout, hike, walk, nordicski, alpineski, backcountryski, iceskate, inlineskate, kitesurf, rollerski, windsurf, workout, snowboard, snowshoe. Type detected from file overrides, uses athlete’s default type if not specified.


Optional string, if not provided, will be populated using start date and location, if available.


Optional. Left blank if not provided.


Sets the Activity to Private.


Optional integer, activities without lat/lng info in the file are auto marked as stationary, set to 1 to force.


Optional string, data filename will be used by default but should be a unique identifier.


  $strava->upload_status(id => '12345678');

Given an upload id (returned by uploading an activity) you can check the status of the request. Takes between 5 and 10 seconds for an to be processed so keep in mind there isn't any point in checking more than once per second.


  $strava->delete_activity(id => '12345678');

Will delete a given activity. Returns true on success and false upon failure


Fred Moyer <> - Giving me Co-Maint on WebService::Strava

Paul Fenwick <> - For being generally awesome, providing inspiration, assistance and a lot of boiler plate for this library.

BUGS/Feature Requests

Please submit any bugs, feature requests to .

Contributions are more than welcome! I am aware that Dist::Zilla comes with quite a dependency chain, so feel free to submit pull request with code + explanation of what you are trying to achieve and I will test and likely implement them.


Leon Wright < >


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Leon Wright.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.