ZMQ::LibZMQ3::LibZMQ2 - Seamlessly Run LibZMQ Progs against LibZMQ3
This provides an interface compatible with ZMQ::LibZMQ2, but runs against ZMQ::LibZMQ3. For more information and documentation, see ZMQ::LibZMQ2
To port, assuming no fully qualified namespace calls, change
#use ZMQ::LibZMQ2;
use ZMQ::LibZMQ3::LibZMQ2;
Porting Implementation and Caveats
There are a few specific issues that come up when porting LibZMQ2 applications to LibZMQ3. This module attempts to provide a basic wrapper, preventing those most common issues from surfacing. This is not intended for new development, but for cases where existing code uses ZMQ::LibZMQ2 and you need to deploy against LibZMQ3.
The primary cases covered are:
- renamed methods
For example, zmq_recv becomes zmq_recvmsg.
- different return value semantics
For example, zmq_sendmsg returning positive ints on success on 3.x while zmq_send returns 0 on success in libzmq2
- poll argument semantics
The argument is now in miliseconds rather than microseconds, so without wrapping this, applications poll for 1000 times as long.
There are, however, a very few specific cases not covered by the porting layer. For the most part these are internal details that programs hopefully avoid caring about but they were found during the test cases copied from ZMQ::LibZMQ2.
These include:
- object class names
Objects are blessed in the LibZMQ3 namespace instead of the LibZMQ2 namespace. For example, a socket is blessed as ZMQ::LibZMQ3::Socket rather than ZMQ::LibZMQ2::Socket.
- object internals
Object reference semantics are not guaranteed to be useful across implementations. For example, sockets were blessed scalar references in LibZMQ2, but they are not in LibZMQ3.
The above caveats are fairly minor, and are expected not to affect most applications.
- zmq_errno
- zmq_strerror
- zmq_init
- zmq_socket
- zmq_bind
- zmq_connect
- zmq_close
- zmq_getsockopt
- zmq_setsockopt
- zmq_send
- zmq_recv
- zmq_msg_init
- zmq_msg_init_data
- zmq_msg_init_size
- zmq_msg_copy
- zmq_msg_move
- zmq_msg_close
- zmq_msg_poll
- zmq_version
- zmq_device
- zmq_getsockopt_int
- zmq_getsockopt_int64
- zmq_getsockopt_string
- zmq_getsockopt_uint64
- zmq_setsockopt_int
- zmq_setsockopt_int64
- zmq_setsockopt_string
- zmq_setsockopt_uint64
AUTHOR, <perl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-zmq-libzmq2-libzmq3 at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc ZMQ::LibZMQ2::LibZMQ3
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Copyright 2014
This code is released under the Apache License version 2. Please see the included LICENSE file.
The Test Suite is copied from ZMQ::LibZMQ, is copyright Daisuke Maki <> and Steffen Mueller, <>.
It is released uner the same terms as Perl itself.