Tk::AppWindow::Commands - Overview of available commands


This is a list of available commands for Tk::AppWindow. You will find a link to the related module after the name the command. Please note that if the command is held by an extension or plugin that extension or plugin must be loaded for it to work.

A command can be executed as follows:

my $result = $app->cmdExecute('command_name', @options)
my @result = $app->cmdExecute('command_name', @options)

Generated: Tue Jan 14 10:16:22 2025


about in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Help

Pops the about box.

available_icon_sizes in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art

Returns a list of available icon sizes.

available_icon_themes in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art

Returns a list of available icon themes.

deferred_open in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name that is in deferred state as parameter and creates a new content handler for it. Returns a boolean indicating the succesfull load of its content.

doc_close in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name as parameter and closes it. If no parameter is specified closes the current selected document. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_new in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name as parameter and creates a new document. If no parameter is specified an Untitled document is created. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_open in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a filename as parameter and opens it in deferred state. If no parameter is specified a file dialog is issued. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_rename in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes two document names as parameters and renames the first one to the second one in the interface.

doc_save in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name as parameter and saves it if it is modified. If no parameter is specified the current selected document is saved. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_save_all in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Saves all open and modified documents. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_save_as in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name as parameter and issues a file dialog to rename it. If no parameter is specified the current selected document is initiated in the dialog. Returns a boolean for succes or failure.

doc_select in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Select an opened document.

help in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Help

Loads the helpfile in your system's default application or browser.

plugsdialog in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Plugins

Creates a dialog window in which the user can select and unselect plugins

pop_hist_menu in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Is called when the file menu is opened in the menubar. It populates the 'Open recent' menu with the current history.

quit in Tk::AppWindow

Calls the CmdQuit method. See there.

set_title in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI

Takes a document name as parameter and sets the main window title accordingly.

settings in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Settings

Launches the settings dialog.

updates in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Help

Pops the updates box and starts checking for updates.


Same as Perl.


Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)