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zonemaster-cli - run Zonemaster tests from the command line


    zonemaster-cli --test=delegation --level=info --no-time
    zonemaster-cli --test=delegation/delegation01 --level=debug
    zonemaster-cli --list_tests


zonemaster-cli is a command-line interface to the Zonemaster test engine. It takes instructions the user provides as command line arguments, transforms them into suitable API calls to the engine, runs the test suite and prints the resulting messages. By default, the messages will be translated by the engine's translation module, with the corresponding timestamp and logging level when printed. See the available options below.


-h -? --usage --help

Print the available command line switches, then exit.


Print the versions of this program as well as the ones from the underlying Zonemaster test engine, then exit.


Specify the minimum level of a message to be printed. Messages with this level (or higher) will be printed. The levels are, from highest to lowest: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2 and DEBUG3. The lowest three levels (DEBUG) add a significant amount of messages to be shown. They reveal some of the internal workings of the test engine, and are probably not useful for most users.

Default: NOTICE


Specify which locale to be used by the translation system. If not given, the translation system itself will look at environment variables to try and guess. If the requested translation does not exist, it will fallback to the local locale, and if that doesn't exist either, to English.


Print results as JSON instead of human language.

Default: off

--[no-]json_stream, --[no-]json-stream

Stream the results as JSON. Useful to follow the progress in a machine-readable way.

Default: off

--[no-]json_translate, --[no-]json-translate

Deprecated since v2023.1, use --no-raw instead.

For streaming JSON output, include the translated message of the tag.


Print messages as raw dumps (message identifiers) instead of translating them to human language.


Print the timestamp for each message.

Default: on

--[no-]show_level, --[no-]show-level

Print the severity level for each message.

Default: on

--[no-]show_module, --[no-]show-module

Print the name of the module which produced the message.

Default: off

--[no-]show_testcase, --[no-]show-testcase

Print the name of the test case (test case identifier) which produced the message.

Default: off


Provide information about a nameserver, for undelegated tests. The argument must be either: (i) a domain name and an IP address, separated by a single slash character (/), or (ii) only a domain name, in which case a A and AAAA records lookup for that name is done in the live global DNS tree (unless overridden by --hints) and from which the results of that lookup will be used.

This switch can be given multiple times. As long as any of these switches are present, their aggregated content will be used as the entirety of the parent-side delegation information.


Name of a root hints file to override the defaults.


Write the contents of the accumulated DNS packet cache to a file with the given name after the testing suite has finished running.


Prime the DNS packet cache with the contents from the file with the given name before starting the testing suite. The format of the file should be from one produced by the --save switch.


Allow the sending of IPv4 packets.

Default: on


Allow the sending of IPv6 packets.

Default: on

--list_tests, --list-tests

Print all test cases listed in the test modules, then exit.


Limit the testing suite to run only the specified tests. This can be the name of a testing module, in which case all test cases from that module will be run, or the name of a module followed by a slash and the name of a test case (test case identifier) in that module, or the name of the test case. Can be specified multiple times. This option is case-insensitive.

--stop_level=LEVEL, --stop-level=LEVEL

Specify the minimum severity level after which the testing suite is terminated. The levels are, from highest to lowest: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2 and DEBUG3.


Override the Zonemaster Engine default profile data with values from the given profile JSON file.


Provide a DS record for undelegated testing (that is, a test where the delegating nameserver information is given via --ns switches). The four pieces of data (keytag, algorithm, type, digest) should be in the same format they would have in a zone file.


Print a summary, at the end of a run, of the numbers of messages for each severity level that were logged during the run.

Default: off


Print an activity indicator ("spinner"). Useful to know that something is happening during a run.

Default: on (if the process' standard output is a TTY)


Specify the character encoding that is used for command line arguments. This will be used to convert non-ASCII names to IDNA format, on which the testing suite will then be run.

The default value will be taken from the LC_CTYPE environment variable if possible, and set to UTF-8 if not.


Print a summary, at the end of a run, of the times (in milliseconds) the zone's name servers took to answer.

--dump_profile, --dump-profile

Print the effective profile used in JSON format, then exit.


Specify the source IPv4 address used to send queries. Setting an IPv4 address not correctly configured on a local network interface fails silently.


Specify the source IPv6 address used to send queries. Setting an IPv6 address not correctly configured on a local network interface fails silently.


Print elapsed time (in seconds) at end of a run.

Default: off


The testing and result analysis performed by Zonemaster Engine is always guided by a profile. Zonemaster Engine has a default profile with sensible defaults. Zonemaster CLI allows users to override the default profile data with values from a profile JSON file with the --profile option. For details on profiles and how they're respresented in files, see Zonemaster::Engine::Profile.


If there is a readable file /etc/zonemaster/cli.args (Linux style), each line in that file will be prepended as an argument on the command line. If no /etc/zonemaster/cli.args is found (or is not readable) but /usr/local/etc/zonemaster/cli.args (FreeBSD style) is found and readable then that file will be used instead. Only one global file is loaded.

If there is a readable file .zonemaster/cli.args in the user's home directory, it will be used in the same way even when a global file has been loaded. Any argument in user's cli.args will override the same argument in the global config file.

For example, if one would like to by default run with the log level set to DEBUG and with translation to human-readable messages turned off, one could put this in the config file:


Only one argument per line. If the argument has a value there must be a "=" between argument and value. A line starting with "#" is a comment. Comments cannot be added on lines with arguments.

Any arguments actually given on the command line will override what is in any of the loaded config files.




Calle Dybedahl <> and others from the Zonemaster project