



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetCategoryListings inherits from the eBay::API::XML::BaseCall class



Restricts listings to return only items that have the Ad Format feature. If true, the values of ItemTypeFilter and StoreSearchFilter are ignored (if they are specified). That is, "AND" logic is not applied.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Specifies the category for which to retrieve item listings.

SeeLink: URL: Title: Searching by Category ID MaxLength: 10

RequiredInput: Yes
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


A currency value. Limits the result set to just those items listed using a specified currency. Not applicable to US eBay Motors searches.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:CurrencyCodeType'


If true, only items with free shipping for the user's location are returned. The user's location is determined from the site ID specified in the request. If false, no filtering is done via this attribute. A listing is not considered a free shipping listing if it requires insurance or requires pick up or requires a shipping surcharge.

Default: false

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


You can group Best Match search results by category. To group by category, put the BestMatchCategoryGroup value in the OrderBy field. When you use the BestMatchCategoryGroup value, you can include group parameters in your call. Note that there will be significanty fewer results returned with a BestMatchCategoryGroup sort because the results account for Best Matches in lower-level (leaf) as well as higher-level categories. There is not a direct correlation between the number of results returned in a regular sort or the number of results returned with a BestMatch sort, and the results that are returned by the BestMatchCategoryGroup sort. You should not receive more than 2 pages of results with this type of sort. See also the new GroupCategoryID element in ItemType.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:GroupType'


If true, each item in the result set can also include the item condition (whether the item is new or used). The item's condition is returned in Item.AttributeSetArray. An item only includes condition attribute if the item's seller filled in the Item Condition in the Item Specifics section of the listing. (That is, the condition is not returned if the seller only put the word "New" in the listing's title.)

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


If true, each item in the result set also includes information about the seller's feedback.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


When passed with a value of true, limits the results to Get It Fast listings.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Filters items based on the ListingType set for the items. If ItemTypeFilter is not specified (or if the AllItemTypes value of ItemTypeFilter is specified), all listing types can be returned unless another relevant filter is specified.

SeeLink: URL: Title: Searching By Listing Type

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemTypeFilterCodeType'


Include local items in returning results near this postal code. This postal code is the basis for local search.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


The maximum number of related keywords to be retrieved. Use this field if you want the results to include recommended keywords (that is, keywords matching the category ID) in a RelatedSearchKeywordArray container. A value of 0 (the default) means no related search information is processed.

Max: 100 Min: 0

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:int'


Filters the response based on each item's eligibility to appear on the site. If false, excludes eligible items from search results. If true, queries for eligible items only. If not specified, the search results are not affected. Only applicable for items listed on the eBay Germany site (site ID 77) in subcategories of search-enabled categories.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Specifies the order in which the item listings returned will be sorted. Store Inventory listings are usually returned after other listing types, regardless of the sort order.

Default: BestMatchSort

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:CategoryListingsOrderCodeType'


Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the maximum number of item listings to return per call and which page of data to return.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:PaginationType'


Specifies items that accept a specific payment method or methods.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType'


Limits the result set to just those items that meet proximity search criteria: postal code and max distance.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ProximitySearchType'


Limits the result set to just those items that meet location criteria: listed in a specified eBay site, location where the seller has the item, location from which the user is searching, and/or items listed with a specified currency.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:SearchLocationType'


Specifies whether to limit the item listings to just those that are category featured or super featured or all items.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:CategoryListingsSearchCodeType'


Contains information about relevant buying guides (if any) and the site's buying guide hub. Buying guides are useful to buyers who do not have a specific product in mind. For example, a digital camera buying guide could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera is right for them.

Returned: Conditionally
#    Returns: 'ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType'


Indicates the category from which the listings were drawn.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'ns:CategoryType'


Indicates whether there are more item listings that can be returned (items listed in the specified category and that meet any input filtering criteria).

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Contains the item listings for the specified category and which meet the input filtering criteria (if any is specified). Consists of one ItemType object for each returned item listing.

Returned: Conditionally
#    Returns: 'ns:ItemArrayType'


Indicates the maximum number of item listings that will be returned per call.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:int'


Indicates the page of data returned in the current call.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:int'


Indicates the results of the pagination, including the total number of pages of data there are to be returned and the total number of items there are to be returned.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'ns:PaginationResultType'


Container for keywords related to the category ID in the request. Can be returned if the request specified more than zero in the MaxRelatedSearchKeywords field.

Returned: Conditionally
#    Returns: 'ns:RelatedSearchKeywordArrayType'


Collection of the sub-categories that are child to the category indicated in Category. Data for each sub-category is conveyed in a CategoryType object.

Returned: Conditionally
#    Returns: 'ns:CategoryArrayType'