

Returns a summary and details of items a user is selling from the user's My eBay account. <br /> If you do not specify a detail level or a specific container, the response contains just the SellingSummary container. <br /> If you specify a container but not a detail level, the response contains SellingSummary and any container you specified in the request. <br /> If you specify a DetailLevel of ReturnAll, the response contains the SellingSummary and all other containers. Any containers that were not specified in the request are returned with default settings. <br /> While specifying pagination can help manage the amount of data that is returned (especially at ReturnAll), high-volume sellers may receive a warning message that the amount of data returned is over the system limit and therefore truncated.



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetMyeBaySelling::GetMyeBaySellingRequestType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::RequestDataType class



Contains the list of items the user is actively selling whose listings are active. Valid subelements are Sort, IncludeNotes, Pagination, and ListingType (with valid values Auction, FixedPriceItem, StoresFixedPrice, or AdType). Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Specifies how to return the list of items bid on in the seller's My eBay Active Selling/Items I'm Selling list. Allowed values are Sort and IncludeNotes.Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Specifies how to return the list of items the seller has sold and then deleted from My eBay. Allowed values are DurationInDays (0-90), Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination. Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Specifies how to return the list of items the seller has either ended or not sold which have been deleted from My eBay. Allowed values are DurationInDays (0-90), Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination. Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Contains the list of items the user has scheduled to sell but whose listings have not yet opened. Valid subelements are Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Contains the list of items the user has sold. Valid subelements are DurationInDays (with valid values 0-60), IncludeNotes, and Pagination. Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


Contains the list of items the user has listed but whose listings have ended without being sold. Valid subelements are DurationInDays (with valid values 0-60), Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination. Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemListCustomizationType'